Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long while. But I will try. The thing is right now is that I'm on writer's block. Yeah it sucks so bad. But please don't hate me! Or throw pitch forks and tomatoes at me! I feel that to put the story on hiatus (even though I only wrote one chapter) so I don't change x-Leila-x's plot. That way when she gets to the meeting of Iris I can I actually get back to typing Fierce and Cold and hopefully be done with Strange Love.
I might actually wait of few chapters after it gets to the meeting of Iris that way I'm staying on her plot and use her story as a guide to make Fierce and Cold.
Anywho the second chapter is somewhat crappy but it's the best I can do for right now.
So please put down those pitchforks and tomatoes! Please!