Pitch Black: I Think I'm In Love
Summary: What if Riddick was not the only convict on Hunter Gratzner and she is just as deadly as he is. Now stuck on T2 how will two cons find a conmen ground before it's too late.
They say most of your brain shuts down in cyro-sleep, All but the primitive side...the animal side.
No wonder I'm still awake.
Transporting me with civilians, Sounded like 40, 40-plus, heard an Arab voice. Some hoodoo holy man, probably on his way to New Mecca.
But what rout… what rout.
Smelled a woman, Sweat, boots, tool belt, leather Prospector type. Free settlers and they only take the back roads.
There's another woman but she was something else about her she smelled wild, fresh, and dangers. Her smell was setting a fire in my body.
I could smell another merc he smelled all wrong.
But here was my real problem Mr. Johns, the Blue-eye devil.
Planning on taking me back to the slam… only this time he picked a ghost lane.
Long time in between stop, a long time for something to go wrong.