A one-shot for the Quotes challenge on xoxLewrahxox's forum.
Special note for Hannah: I felt that the little swear word by the end was needed at that special moment... Sorry, love. Lols.
Write a 100 OR 500 word drabble inspired by one of the quotes. Be sure to include the quote when you post your fic.
"Would you ever say to me: 'stop, if you love me, stop'?", Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), Hannibal (2001 film)
Picked by the awesome Jacalyn Hyde.
"You think of nothing but Him, and yourself," Narcissa said shrilly.
"Cissy, dear," Bellatrix scoffed, "what do you want me to think of? I try to grab whatever I can gain."
Narcissa was briefly speechless. "Your gain, of course," she hissed, "You never, ever think of others, do you?"
"I need priorities, dear, and I don't need to dwell on those who are always scared of me."
"You are scary."
She laughed and laughed, throwing her head back; oh, how Narcissa loathed that sound.
"You are insane!" she screamed in frustration.
Bellatrix's laughter died in her throat, and she stared at her sister, her eyes glowing, weirdly shiny. "Yes, Cissy, darling. Yes, yes, don't fear to say it, don't look so defeated now! Yes, precious princess, your sister is mad..."
"Stop talking to me as if I were nine years old!" Narcissa snarled, "If you didn't grow up, I am a woman now."
Bellatrix started laughing again, shrilly. "I am a woman now," she mimicked, "Oh, you sound so cutely defensive. True, you got such a grown-up life! When one lives fighting and burning and screaming, life ends up pretty wild indeed," she whispered, "But am I mad, or did I never grow up? There's a nuance there, and it's up to you to choose, so where do I fit?"
"Bella, stop this."
Narcissa's voice was noticeably higher.
"Stop what, dearie? Am I scaring you now, baby?" Bella taunted.
"Yes, you are," Narcissa growled.
Bellatrix's smile had faded, turning into a shadow of a scowl.
"But you never did stop being scared of me, Cissy," she sneered. "Don't you see? Always wary, always keeping your distance."
"Stop your nonsense," Narcissa said, slightly uneasy now.
"My nonsense," she murmured, "my temper, my wildness, my lack of...restraint. It was always that, wasn't it? And then I went mad. Somehow, that made things easier, didn't it?"
"I don't even know what you are talking about," Narcissa shot back fiercely.
"No, you don't," Bellatrix laughed, "Oh no. You never know anything. My sweet, innocent, neatly deluded little lamb."
"You are making me uneasy..."
"Oh, poor darling, she is uneasy," Bellatrix started off again, ranting furiously; her eyes had a mad glint. "The thing is, Cissy, if you don't want to be uneasy, if you don't want to be scared, you'd better keep away from me. You'd better throw me out."
"You could try," Narcissa murmured.
"I could try?" Bellatrix screeched, "Try what? To become someone else?"
Her voice cracked.
"No, sorry, Cissy, I can't fucking try," she breathed, "I am too deep in."
"You let yourself be."
"Did anyone try and hold me back? Did I have, then, a reason to live?"
Narcissa kept silent.
"That's so easy," Bellatrix finally uttered, "Your world is so easy, Cissy, so pretty, so glowing. You shouldn't have to deal with fights.... But you never believed that I loved you enough. No one ever acknowledges my love."
Narcissa's silence spoke better than any words.
It was too late.