Thornclaw couldn't sleep.
For a long time he stayed awake. Thoughts ran through his head like bees. None of it were very perspective. Just small zips of an image, disappearing just as quickly into the abyss he called a memory. Most of it was heartache. A lot of heartache.
None of them noticed. They were all too distracted until it was to late. Pricklekit had passed away while Thornclaw was on the hunting patrol. That was why Hazeltal had been absent in the medicine cats den, when every other cat from Daisy's liter had been there. The white and gray she-cat was with kit the entire time, never leaving the lifeless kit's side even when her own mother appeared in ThunderClan with Cinderheart.
And it was in the nursery Thornclaw found Hazeltail after the golden tom had shook the shock out of himself upon Daisy's arrival.
Ferncloud was with Smokekit and Icekit in her own nest. Hazeltail was in Daisy's nest, wrapped around Pricklekit's still body, silently mourning him. It didn't take long for Thornclaw to understand the meaning behind this. When his son's small chest refused to rise.
He only remembered wordlessly laying next to Hazeltail and placing his nose on Priclkekit's already cold body, his mind still numb about the unfortunate turn of events. Barely listening to the clans outside as they continued to gossip.
From what Jayfeather had explained, the kit was too sick to have lasted any longer. Thornclaw didn't know whether he beleived the tom or not. He did remember that he almost attacked the medicine cat if Hazeltail had not held him down. He probably would have made a mistake he'd have deeply regretted if the she-cat had not been there.
And now here he lay, out in the clearing under a full moon next to Hazeltail and Berrynose. Poppyfrost couldn't come because of her kits; Ferncloud was busy keeping Icekit and Smokekit comfortable after they lost their sibling to join in Sharing tongues with Pricklekit. The other siblings of Daisy's didn't really have much of a connection with Pricklekit, and Thornclaw couldn't blame them. They had all worked hard today, too tired to stay up all night.
All three cats touched pelts to keep themselves warm under the bitter cold wind, struggling to keep their eyes awake. But it was too much. One by one, they all fell asleep until thornlclaw was the only one to remain awake.
And still he lay thinking.
With a furtive look at the other cats, Thornclaw stood. He knew what he had to do now. He stared down Hazeltail for a moment, as the she-cat softly breathed in an out, one paw still on Pricklkeit's body. He trailed a tail over her face for a moment, breathing in her scent.
He left her side and marched through the cold and quiet clearing to the medicine cats den. He poked his head inside and paused. Soft snoring met his ears. He hesitated for a moment. Mind made up he left the safety of the outside and padded in the den.
It was quite full inside. Thornclaw had to be careful as he squeezed past Sandstorm and Firestar until he reached further back. He could make out Daisy's figure in the dark. Beside her lay Mousewhisker and Rosepetal, still touching pelts with their mother to give her warmth.
Thornclaw stared at them for a moment before he turned his gaze to the back of the den. Jayfeather was fast asleep next to Briarlight. He would twitch his whiskers every now and hen, as if the medicine cat was having some bad dream.
Thornclaw waited. No one awoke. No one noticed the golden tom in the medicine cats den, or the unusual amount of fear scent that suddenly reeked here.
But he wondered if that was a good thing or not.
He furtively looked over the others again to make sure they were sound asleep before he padded quietly to the creamy she-cat's side
He stared with flat eyes at her figure. Even now, while he stared at the she-cat sleeping just a whisker before him, Thornclaw still found it hard to believe this she-cat could be a murderer. Or be the cause of so much stress in his life.
Just goes to show you can't judge a cat by its pelt, he thought dully.
He stared at the creamy she-cat for a few more seconds. Listened to her soft snoring as her belly rose and fell rhythmically. Then, very carefully, Thornclaw raised his paw off the ground. He shot a look at Rosepetal before, almost lovingly, he placed his pad close to the middle of Daisy's neck. She twitched her whiskers, but nothing more.
Just as slowly, Thornclaw unsheathed his claws carefully, until the points just touched her soft underside neck region. The area he knew that required just one quick swipe to end her life. Right where the artery lay. It was a technique the most senior warriors were taught not for killing in cold blood, but as a last minute defense against an unbeatable or stubborn foe that tried to kill them.
Just one swipe, and she would be gone in a few seconds. The temptation to do just that pulsed strongly in Thornclaw's claws that he could almost taste the blood.
He leaned forward and carefully dug his claws in her neck.
And paused.
Doubt swirled in the back of his mind. What this really the right thing to do? he wondered. After all, this wasn't truly the warrior way. And Thornclaw felt it was safe enough to admit that Daisy was probably under the effects of the scent when she killed Icecloud. Jayfeather had theorized if Thornclaw got himself a mate, it may stop.
Could Daisy be herself now? Immune to the scent?
But, she still killed Icecloud. That could not be ignored...
But she's a mother.
A murderous mother!
She felt bad about it afterwards and tried to make amends. She's even named one of her kits Icekit in honor of the she-cat she killed.
But Icekit would never even have had her name if Daisy didn't kill her in the first place! Thornclaw argued.
Maybe she couldn't control herself. After all, the scent can vary between cats. Maybe Daisy caught the full force.
Thornclaw froze. Just like the sun's rays shining on a sleeping finch, he felt his mind slowly awake. To see where he was and what he was actually going to do. He looked down at Daisy's sleeping form and retreated his paw.
What was he doing? He was a warrior, not a killer. This was not the right thing to do.
Thornclaw quickly sheathed his claws and backed away, almost bumping into Briarlight. He stared down the creamy she-cat for a few more moments, the realization of what he almost did sinking in. He turned and stumbled out of the den.
The gray she-cat paused from her path to the warriors den. She turned, surprised. Hazeltail, Berrynose and Toadstep were behind her, their eyes intent. They took a step forward and she stumbled back, her pelt fluffed dangerously. Thornclaw watched form the Game Circle, his eyes narrowed as the fluffy gray she-cat looked at them warily.
"Yes?" she asked.
Hazeltail stepped forward. "We wanted to thank you for finding Daisy." Her eyes held nothing but earnest happiness as she dipped her head. Her siblings followed suite. "We were so excited to see her that we didn't thank you properly yesturday."
Cinderheart's jaw fell. Thornclaw could guess this was not what she had been expecting. More of a fight, or possibly accusations for Pricklekit's death and Daisy's condition, he figured. Cinderheart quickly closed mouth and struggled to smile. She still looked a bit nervous. "It was nothing," she reassured. "I'm just glad I was able to find her." She hesitated. "I'm deeply sorry about Pricklekit. You have been reunited with one family member, but lost another." Her eyes held sadness.
The siblings cast their eyes down. Thornclaw felt his heart ache. This morning Purdy and Mousefur had buried the kit while ThunderClan stood by respectfully. It was not a pretty sight to see them carry the small body away. Or to hear Smokekit and Icekit question Ferncloud where the elders were taking their brother.
"How'd you find Daisy?" Berrynose asked loudly. Thornclaw could tell was trying to push the conversation away from the dead kit. "We've been searching days for her and found not a hair!"
"In all honesty it was an accident," Cinderheart explained, settling herself beside them. "I had only left camp yesturday because..." She shot Thornclaw a look. " go for a walk, taking a route not normally used by ThunderClan cats. And-"
Thornclaw blocked out the rest of the she-cat's words, his attention fixed elsewhere. Brambleclaw came out of the medicine cats den, shaking his pelt. Thornclaw narrowed his eyes and watched the dark-pelted tom make his way steadily to the warriors den, his paws creating small prints on the snow. Thornclaw quickly stood from his spot beside the game circle, currently played by Millie and Blossomfall, and went to confront the tom. He struggled not to run in his excitement. The deputy had been talking with Daisy. He wondered what the she-cat told him.
"How did it go?" he asked quietly without preamble. "Did Daisy say anything?"
Brambleclaw shook his head.
Thornclaw gaped. He felt his expectancy ebb away like honey from a bees hive. "You mean she lied?" He should have known the she-cat would do such a thing. This only made Thornclaw look worse off in front of the deputy
"I didn't say that." Brambleclaw replied. "She didn't tell me anything. She's been quiet ever since she got here. "
"What do you mean?"
"I mean what I said," Bramblelcaw shrugged. He stopped by the warriors den, adding quietly as Dustpelt passed them, "Mousewhisker and Rosepetal tell me she hasn't said a word since she awoke, not even to them. And she refuses to eat anything." He hesitated. "If what you say is true, and I'm not going to say that it is, just hypothetically, then Daisy might be...wary, of us at the moment."
He pulled his head back with a shrug. "Just a guess, though."
Thornclaw felt stunned. What did this mean? "What are you going to do with her?"
"I think we've spoken enough," Brmableclaw answered. Before Thornclaw could ask any more questions the deputy ducked his head in the warriors den and disappeared. Thornclaw huffed as he made his way back to the game circle. Brambleclaw could have answered him instead of disappear like that. How would he like it if Thornclaw just up and walked off while he was talking to him?
He paused in his thoughts. Hazeltail was sitting near the game circle. It appeared Cinderheart had finished with her story and left to sleep; her tail just whisked out of sight within the warriors den. Berrynose could be seen just disappearing in the nursery. Toadstep followed Sorreltail outside camp with a hunting patrol. Hazeltail was watching the game without really looking. Even when Ferncloud meowed indignantly that Millie somehow cheated. She jumped a little when Thornclaw sat beside her.
"Are you okay?" he asked gently.
Hazeltail shook her head. "I'm worried about her," she replied, staring at the medicine cats den. "I thought having Daisy back would help. Make everything back to normal I guess. But she's just been playing the silent treartment with us all. And no matter what we do, she just refuses to eat. I'd hate to imagine how she'll react when she finds out Pricklekit's gone..." She lowered her head, a defeated look in her eyes.
"Maybe... maybe she's just sick." Thornclaw licked the top of her head.
"Maybe," Hazeltail muttered. She broke away from Thornclaw and left, head down, to the warriors den.
Thornclaw stared after her. He felt frustrated. Why did Daisy have to come back? She could have just died quietly by herself, but no! She had to come back and ruin everyones lives like-
An image of Daisy's pitiful frame flashed briefly before Thornclaw's mind.
He shut his eyes and flattened his ears.
He took a few deep breathes. Arguing wasn't going to help. Or complaining. Maybe there was something he could do to help.
On his third release, Thornclaw made his way steadily to the medicine cats den. He could see Briarlight doing her usual excercises with the mossball. Firestar was awake. He looked a bit ragged as he spoke quietly with Sandstorm by the entrance. Daisy was further back with Mousewhsker and Rosepetal. Thornclaw could see that they were trying to tempt the she-cat with a piece of small mouse.
She ignored their pleas, her eyes cloudy as she stared at nothing. She had to be starving, Thornclaw figured. He had a feeling that she didn't eat a thing since she ran away a few days ago. That wouldn't leave her with much time left in the living if she kept going down this road. Especially during a season as harsh as Leaf-bare.
Daisy's ears lifted. she looked around and cringed at the sight of Thornclaw. Rosepetal followed her mother's gaze. She furrowed her eyebrows as Thornclaw fully entered the den. He kept his eyes away from them. Jayfeather appeared from the darkness further back in the den.
"Jayfeather, can I talk to you for a sec?" Thornclaw muttered when he got to the back of the den, head down and voice low.
"It better be important," he answered, trotting out of the den. "I'm very busy."
Thornclaw followed him. He saw that the gray tabby was heading to the medicine cats den. "I need to speak with Daisy."
"Then go talk to her."
A tch! sound came out of the medicine cat's lips. It sounded empty in the air. "Why?"
"It's... complicated. But I think I know how to help her," Thornclaw added hurridly. "Yet her kits can't be there. It's something... private. And I don't think they'll leave if I ask them."
Jayfeather paused from the elders den. Thornclaw waited tensely. The activity around camp seemed muted, his attention solely on the medicine cat.
"... fine. But only because I don't know what's wrong with her...tell Mousewhisker and Rosepetal I need them to gather herbs with me after I'm done here." He gave him a warning look. "Well, what are you waiting for?"
Thornclaw turned and quickly left, entering the den. "Mousewhisker, Rosepetal! Jayfaether needs you two to go herb-hunting wih him!"
Mousewhisker didn't move. "But we have to stay here with Diays-"
"Jayfather said she's fine," Thornclaw interrupted. "But he needs you two now. The Clan needs herbs with Leaf-bare here now more than ever."
Mousewhisekr hesitated. He shared a look with his sister. They both stood and left the den. But not before they each shared the tom a threatning look as they passed. Wonderful.
Daisy never looked up as they left, or talked them into staying. She just kept her head low. Whether out of fear or lost in her thoughts, Thornclaw didn't know. But he did note that her head lowered further as he sat in front of her.
"Daisy, I just want to talk."
Daisy didn't answer.
Thornclaw didn't know if she even heard him. Still, he chose his words carefully. "I wanted to let you know that it's.. it's not completely your fault Icecloud's dead." He shifted uncomfortably. "I'm... kind of partly to blame too."
Daisy twitched her whiskers. "Don't," she meowed to the ground.
Thornclaw stared blankly. "Don't... what?"
Daisy didn't answer.
Thornclaw felt his mind blank. Why was he here? This type of talking was more of Ferncloud's specialty. He was doing a worse job of it.
Just say what you have to say. That's it, he told himself firmly.
The golden tom cast his eyes around them distractedly. Thornclaw leaned his head closer. "Daisy, it is true that you can't deny what you did. But it's not completely your fault. I'm serious. It was the... scent, that made you do it." After thinking hard about it, Thornclaw figured he should tell her about this. She was as much a victim for it as everyone else, seduced and driven by impulse.
Thornclaw went on to explain quietly about how he came across it and how the cats around him acted flirtatous and expressed themselves differently.
"Don't you see?" he concluded to the still silent she-cat. "This scent is not some sort of love herb. It's an obsession, a drug. It made cats do things they would never have done in their lives. All just to get a few extra minutes of a wiff of the stuff. Even I almost did things myself I wouldn't have been proud of.
"This guilt you're feeling only proves that you have not changed about your behavior in this," Thornclaw went on, "And for you to willingly lose your life starving yourself to death, alone-yes, I know," Thornclaw added when the she-cat looked up fearfully. "If you had truly ran away to hide out, you would have gone back to the barn instead of stay under a tree in ThunderClan, wouldn't you?"
Daisy stared blankly. Thornclaw could sense confusion spark from her pelt. He guessed that was his cue to leave. There wasn't more to be said.
He stood awkwardly, bones stiff from sitting. He waited for his words to sink in before he added, hesitantly, "The only good thing I can think of that came out of this is that, without the scent, our kits would not be here."
Daisy visibly flinched. Thornclaw furrowed his eyebrows, but said no more as he left.
It was a new day in ThunderClan. The cloudy sun cast grayish light on the dens surrounding the fallen tree that had long since been considered a sort of "renovation" for ThunderClan. It was too cold to play outside for most cats, who huddled under the thick tree branches to stay out of the cold. But that didn't stop Blossomfall and Bumblestripe from chasing one another around camp, flinging snow with their tails. It was a bad time for Mousefur to come out and yelp as one of the warriors accidentally flung snow in her face.
While she roared at the young warriors for their carelessness and disrespect of Elders, Thornclaw burst through the barrier with the rest of the hunting patrols, a tiny mouse in his jaws. It was all he could find for half the day.
He passed everyone as he made his way straight to the nursery, ducking his head. The usual smells of warm milk and queens greeted his nostrils. It was warm inside the den, dark from the little light that penetrated the den walls. He could make out Ferncloud and Poppyfrost, sleeping away with Molekit and Cherrykit. To the other side was Hazeltail. She was sitting next to Daisy and the kits. The queen had her body twined around them as they slept on her stomache while Hazeltail spoke quietly with her mother.
Thornclaw didn't know whether it had anything to do with his speech, or the instincts of a mother in need to be with her kits that gave Daisy the confidence to leave the medicine cast den and go back to the nursery. But at least the she-cat got out of her shell to care for her young ones. That had to count for something to Thornclaw. Ferncloud had reported a lack of activity within the she-cat that worried him though. And she would always nibble a piece of her meal and pass the rest to the othe queens.
Thornclaw dropped his mouse in front of the creamy she-cat. "Here. You'll need this to feed them." He nodded to Smokekit and Icekit, who were tossing a piece of moss back and forth. He sat back and rasped a tongue over his paw. Nothing but dirt and snow, he thought with distaste.
Daisy took the mouse and nibbled it before passing the rest over to Hazeltail. It barely looked as if it had even been touched.
Hazeltail nudged it back to the she-cat. "Come on, Daisy, you should eat. Food is scarce as it is. But the kits need to eat. And they can't do it if you're not eating enough."
"How did Daisy react to Pricklekit's death?" Thornclaw asked quietly in Hazeltail's ear.
She shook her head. Not now, she told him with her eyes.
Daisy pushed the mouse back to Hazeltail. "Ferncloud can feed them," she muttered. "I won't be needed."
"But is it right to make her?" Hazeltail questioned. "They're your responsibility."
Daisy hesitated.
"Just eat for the sake of your kits," Hazeltail urged. "You'll be helping out Ferncloud and Poppyfrost if you relieve them of this duty. Besides, they're your responsibility."
Thornclaw sat by. He watched Icekit wrestle Smokekit to the ground. The kit gave an indignant squeak and squirmed out from under her. A small purr rumbled in his throat. They were trying to use the fighting moves he had taught them. Horribly, he noticed. But for them he held his tongue. He was so distracted with them that he didn't realize someone was calling him from right outside the den until Hazeltail frowned at the entrance.
"Looks like someone's calling for you," she meowed, jerking her head outside. Thornclaw followed her gaze. It was Brambleclaw. Oh no, why him?
Thornclaw wordlessly left Hazeltail to deal with Daisy. He trudged across the clearing to meet the deputy. He was mentally prepared for whatever Brambleclaw had to tell him. At this point, whenever he spoke with him or Jayfeather, it normally meant something serious.
Brambleclaw's face was grim. "Firestar wants to see us. No, not there," he added when Thornclaw made his way to the medicine cats den. "Up here." He led the way to the High Ledge. Firestar must be feeling better now, Thornclaw figured. In truth, he had expected Firestar to have healed long ago. Old age must have been catching up with the tom. What then, if Firestar grew too old to heal from another sickness? How many lives did he have left? Thornclaw pushed these worries aside as he made his way to the top.
Inside the cool and dark hollow of the den sat Firestar. He looked a bit pale, his eyes a bit bright, but strong after his rest. Thornclaw saw movement at the corner of his eye and spotted Jayfeather. The shadows almost covered him from the warrior's sight. Only his blue eyes twinkled in the dark.
"Inside," Firestar commanded. Thornclaw sat with Brambleclaw just further within the rim of the entrance. "Thank you all for coming," he meowed to everyone in the vicinity.
Thornclaw nodded with Brambleclaw. Jayfeather didn't do a thing. Thornclaw didn't know what was going on. But it had to be serious if Firestar invited the medicine cat and deputy to be in this discussion too.
So why am I here?
"I've just been told the truth about what really happened to Icecloud," Firestar meowed. Thornclw felt his head slam back into the den with the force of a badger's paw. Firestar kept his gaze steady as he stared at each cat in turn. "Brambledclaw told me Daisy confessed to the crime to you before running away. Yes?" he asked Thornclaw."
Thornclaw hesitated. He looked over at Jayfeather. The medicine cat didn't look surprised. Most likely Firestar told him out of context for his help. "Yes, she did," Thornclaw answered and added, "But I don't think Daisy was right in the head when she did it. Because you see the sce-" he paused. Besides him and Jayfeather, and now Daisy, no one else knew of the scent. What would Firestar think if he told the ThunderClan leader that Daisy killed because she was drugged in the head? Think I've got bees in my head, for one thing.
Firestar seemed to know what he was thinking. "I know of Temptations Essence," he meowed. Under Thornclaw's confused expression he jerked his head to the medicine cat. "Jayfeather told me everything." Figured.
"Oh," was all Thornclaw could say. It looked like no one would be keeping secrets in this meeting. He didn't know whether to feel relieved or scared. Perhaps both.
"You were saying?" Firestar asked. "About the scent?"
Thornclaw looked around at everyone. None of them seemed to have guessed it. "I think Daisy was under the influence of the scent," Thornclaw explained. "It caused her to kill Icecloud."
Firestar'seyes looked troubled. "A scent, powerful enough to make a cat do something like this?" he murmured. Thornclaw didn't say anything. Brambleclaw shifted uncomfortably. The ginger tom looked to Jayfeather. "Could this be true?"
Jayfeather shrugged. "I'm not sure. But it would explain why she'd do it. I've never known Daisy to even try lifting a paw to fight before. Have you? Why now?"
Firestar sighed. He shook his head. "This is more complicated that I thought," he meowed. Everyone waited, watching as the ginger tom thought to himself. "Well, now that we know who killed Icecloud, it seems like there's the matter to discus of her punishment," he continued slowly, locking eyes with Brambleclaw.
"But Daisy was under the effects of-" Thornclaw went on. Firestar raised a tail for silence.
"I know, Thornclaw. But the fact of the matter is she still did it," he pointed out. "And even if Thornclaw does take in a mate-" Firestar continued, turning to Jayfeather. Thornclaw felt his pelt blush "-how can we be sure this will work?"
Firestar was looking hard at everyone now. "Because if what you say is true and the scent did act as a drug to Daisy's drive, I'm still worried."
"You probably won't have to worry much," Jayfeather explained. "I spoke with StarClan This happened before. They explained one of the few cures to the scent is deep, emotional grief so powerful that it makes them immune. The other is to take a mate so the scent's purged."
Thornclaw stared. He didn't know deep emotional grief was one of the cures. What else had the medicine cat been hiding from him? Did that make Hazeltail immune to the scent too, after Pricklekit's death? Did that mean Hazeltail would get over Thornclaw and leave him? Or did she love him for who he was? Thornclaw tried to assume it was the latter. He still didn't like the idea of the she-cat liking him over the scent. And now that he settled with her, he found that he didn't want to be away from her.
"Don't you see?" Jayfeather meowed, breaking the golden tom out of his thoughts. "Even if Thornclaw's scent resurfaces, Daisy will still become immune to it. She's undergone depression, suicide and anti-social for her actions. I think that might be more than enough to make her immune, even if the scent is reactive. "
"It's still there?" Firestar asked sharply. "So Thornclaw's not cured. The scent's just in a sort of hibernation." He shook his head. "It's hard enough believing such a thing exists, you know."
"That makes two of us," Brambleclaw muttered.
"As many things," Jayfeather simply answered. "But... yes, Thornclaw stll has it."
"I wasn't planning on that," Firestar meowed grimly "Daisy may be off the hook. But what of the others in camp? Jayfeather, did another cat have this scent before? Were they cured, if StarClan told you this?" Firestar coughed. "I've got a whole Clan of cats to worry about, and I'm not going to sacrifice them all if there's a chance you're wrong and Thornclaw makes other cats go astray, even if he has a mate."
He furrowed his eyes "You told me this could become more powerful. I can already imagine dark times ahead of us if this scent continues to grow."
Thornclaw felt something stir in his pelt. Firestar was right. For the first time in his life, as he listened to the cats converse, realization hit him. It was all him. Icecloud's death, suicide, cats acting out of character... all because of this scent, and him as the holder. He didn't know why he never pieced it together before. Was it because he wanted to pretend he was innocent the entire time? Act as if he was the victim, when really he was making those around him worse?
He lifted his left paw and stared at it. The claw beneath it was still missing. It held him back quite a few times. But with a bit of training and healing, he hardly noticed its absense. Thornclaw stared at it without really looking, thinking.
"Some therapy should help Daisy," he heard Jayfeather explain. "And if we're careful, and Thornclaw stays with Hazeltail, the scent should be as harmless as a leaf. I'm sure of it-"
"Firestar?"Thornclaw asked quietly. "I think I know what should be done."
Firestar didn't sound too hopeful as he meowed, "Share it with us, please."
Thornclaw explained. When he was done, Brambleclaw looked surprise. Jayfeather's face was expressionless. Thornclaw barely saw the medicine cat crack under anything before. He doubt he'd do it now. Firestar didn't look too surprised. Yet his eyes were serious. "Thornclaw, don't expect this right away-"
But Thornclaw shook his head defiantly. "No, I think it has to be done. You were probably thinking the same thing, were you?" He expected Firestar not to answer. He had never heard of the ginger tom single out another cat for something they never wanted to do before, unless they suggested it first.
Firestar simply sighed. "... when?" was all he asked.
Thornclaw answered. With that said and done, he asked himself to be excused, the meeting already over, and made his way back to the nursery.
"Hey there," Hazeltail greeted brightly when he entered. Daisy was asleep on her nest. Icekit and Smokekit slept close to her belly. Thornclaw felt disappointed. He wanted to spend some time with them before tomorrow. He didn't have the heart to wake them now though. They looked more happier than he ever saw them, glad to have their mother back. Even Daisy's bleak expression looked at peace as she huddled next them.
And to think I almost came this close to taking that away, he thought, shuddering from last night's memory.
Thornclaw noticed the mouse was gone. Hazeltail followed his gaze. "Oh, that was Daisy. She finally ate it! All it took was a bit more presuading and a little help from Icekit's part-" She paused. Her eyes narrowed as Thornclaw sat beside her. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Don't lie to me."
"You're worrying over nothing," Thornclaw insisted, an edge in his voice.
"Then why won't your tail stop twitching?"
"... " Thornclaw rested head on his paws, defeated. "No more questions, please?" he asked quietly.
Hazeltail's eyes were still suspicious. But her expression softened, and she closed her jaws. Thank StarClan for that. She rested her head over Thornclaw's neck. The golden tom closed his eyes, comforted by the she-cat and her pelt soothing his shaking body. It felt so warm and peaceful here. But inside, Thornclaw felt troubled and worried.
He cast his eyes over to the Hazeltail, then to Icekit and Smokekit in turn. He simply lay there staring at them, waiting.
Sunlight broke through the nursery entrance. Its beams of light woke Hazeltail almost immediately. The she-cat yawned, turning her head away. She reached out a paw blindly, searching for golden fur. But all she felt was moss. She opened her eyes. Had she moved elsewhere in her sleep?
Thornclaw was not beside her. The nest was empty. Hazeltail looked around. Everyone else were still sleeping and snoring. Perhaps the golden tom had left the nursery on a patrol? Or to stretch his legs? Maybe he went back to the warriors den, she figured with a yawn.
Bustling activity greeted the she-cat as she ducked out of the den. The sun just broke over the trees, casting a flaming redish glow over the Clan. The clouds above them swirled with colors of deep purple and pink.
Hazeltail stared up at the sky for a moment before she broke contact. Brambleclaw was below the High Ledge, gathering a group of cats to go on a patrol. Brightheart, Blossomfall, Birchfall and Mousewhisker were around the deputy, waiting. Grunts could be heard coming from the medicine cats den, as Briarlight worked her morning exercises. Firestar had his head out of the High Ledge, peering down ThunderClan with narrowed eyes.
But no Thornclaw.
Hazeltail shrugged. He probably left camp to go for a walk. He did seem troubled yesturday. The she-cat cast her eyes around camp one more time before she left the entrance. She peaked her head in the warriors den, devoid of the golden tom here as well, before making her way outside. A good walk ought to help wake her up more clearly.
Hazeltail paced through ThunderClan territory. Puffs of frigid air escaped her mouth with every breathe. The snow around her was covered in reddish hues from the sun's light. Save for her paws crunching on snow, it was very quiet.
Maybe he's at his favorite spot by the river, she thought hopefully. She picked up the tom's scent almost instantly.
It didn't take long for her to see that it was actually taking her away from the lake. That was strange. The she-cat followed it. Was he out hunting? She struggled through a pair of brambles and paused, surprised.
In front of her was a mess of shreded leaves and twigs strewn everywhere. Thick roots were tossed aside and, what looked like the base of a shredded bush had been unearthed and flung away. The place reeked of Thornclaw and something else, a faint sweeet scent coming off the bush. It smelled as if it was on its last dying days.
Hazeltail didn't bother with the bush, she just kept going, following the golden tom's scent. Now she began to worry. At one point it seemed Thornclaw double back, as if he had forgotten something. Her heart thumped as she realized it was leading her to the spot by the lake. Hazeltail didn't even know she was running, sending flurries of snow around her as she ran up the small slope, slipping and sliding.
She ran through the last of the trees and jumped out into the small clearing over-looking the lake. She looked around expectantly. Disappointment flared within her. No one was here. Just wind and cold greeted her.
Where are you? she wondered.
Hazeltail padded uncertaintly around the small clearing. It reeked of Thornclaw's scent here too. Did he stay here to look out the lake before leaving again? Her eyes wandered around, looking for pawprints or a different smell. Maybe pawprints. Something!
But she couldn't find anything. Either Thornclaw had followed back on his old trail, or he took a new route and covered it up along the way. Why though? So no one would follow him?
Something brown caught the she-cat's eye. She paused and came closer, curious. It was squeezed under a bramble bush that bordered the undergrowth of the small clearing of Thornclaw's spot. Hazeltail padded closer and moved a few brambles out of the way with a paw to get a closer look. Beneath it was a dead squirrel. She gasped.
It wasn't the prey that got her attention, even though it was rare to find one out here in ThunderClan randomly. It was what was beside the squirrel. Placed there, purposely it seemed, was a hazel plant. Almost shaped like a tail.
She blinked and sniffed the prey and plant in turn. It was definitely Thornclaw's scent. From the smell, it seemed like it was set here hours ago; and the squirrel felt cold to the touch. The she-cat looked around expectantly nonetheless. Hoping to find a familiar face. Maybe he went hunting and left it here, before coming back to pick it up? She wanted desperately to believe it.
But there was no one. Just her, the squirrel and hazel plant.
Wind blew through the she-cat. She shivered. There was no one waiting for her here. Hazeltail took the squirrel and hazel plant in her jaws. This was not what she wanted. Had Thornclaw expected her to come here? Was that why he left them next to his spot by the lake? As a gift? For what though? Hazeltail turned and trudged back to ThunderClan through the snow.
She never did see Thornclaw again.
The end.
Longest chapter! But for it to be the end, going all out was what I wanted.
I know I said I was going to use Brokentail. But it had occured to me that it would have taken the focus out of the story if I did. So I scraped the Dark Forest tom out in the end. The explanation I was going to add in the story that Brokenstar's pelt change results in the Clan. In ShadowClan, he'll appear as a black tom, while in ThunderClan, he'll appear as a brown tom in their dreams. I was going to include Brokenstar as a red tom in WindClan, but that idea was scraped.
The last part of the story was for us to see that Thornclaw ran away from ThunderClan, in case it wasn't a bit clear ^^". He was scared the scent would get out of control; he even began thinking psychotic thoughts of killing a cat and covering up his tracks befor anyone noticed. Not a good way to keep it under control. So banishment seemed like a good idea to him. Not a very happy ending, but he left a hazel plant for Hazeltail and a squirrel as a good-bye gift.
So, that's it. If you have any questions, let me know and I'll answer. But you're going to have to ask in an account. And if you have anything to say about the story, whether how much you liked it, or disliked it, ranting off about why you hated it, or because you just liked that it had Thornclaw in it(yay ^.^) it doesn't matter; just express yourself how you feel. Or the silent treatment if that works for you too.
Thank you all for reading and commenting, it's given me the will to finish this.