Zoro wasn't one for things like this but as the energetic ball on energy pulled on his arm for the fourth time in the past minute he relented and figured he had little choice. The outfit he had pulled from the closet was a little tighter than he last remembered...perhaps he was putting on weight, his thoughts were wiped away from that strain as the doors opened up and a red head bounced out to meet them, a large smile on her face.
"Zoro...Luffy actually managed to drag you along huh?"
Zoro didn't didn't give her the pleasure of a response but instead looked past her to the entrance to the hell hole he was sure it would end up being. The music that poured from it was loud and energetic...no wonder Luffy spoke so highly of this place. Luffy jumped up and down in place til his hands landed on Nami's shoulders.
"Who all came? Huh huh? Who made it?"
Nami's features softened as she looked at the young man and she ruffled his hair fondly.
"CP9's are here, everyone else isn't worth the time."
Zoro looked up intrigued.
"What this all about Nami, Luffy?"
They gave him wide grins and before he knew it each had one of his arms and were dragging him into the small club that to his surprise was huge on the inside. Lights flashed from the ceiling, strobes and a disco ball completed the effect of making him dizzy as he scanned the room. What caught his eye was the middle of the room the floor was clear and two groups of people were in the middle, some one from each group taking a turn dancing in the middle and than falling back and it was than that Zoro realized what he had been drug into.
"Oh hell no. I'm not taking part in a dance fight! No fucking way Luffy!"
Luffy smiled and pulled him down the stairs to the main part of the club where he caught sight of a few of his other friends sitting at a table. Franky was a given as much as he like to dance but when Zoro saw his wife Robin sitting next to him sipping on a martini his mind reeled and when Ussop patted him on the shoulder as he joined the table Zoro's mind nearly went blank.
"So wait, you mean to tell me this is where you all go every Saturday?"
Luffy smiled wide and giggled as a name was called over the PA.
"Strawhats, approach the middle. Your turn to strut your stuff."
Zoro knew how to dance, that wasn't the problem, his problem was doing it front of other people; but as Luffy gave the DJ a CD and stepped up first Zoro had to do a double take as a rap/techno song started. He could feel the beat down to his very core and as Luffy began to move his body, his arms and legs moving in ways Zoro didn't know Luffy knew how to do Zoro caught sight of someone standing next to Nami he never had the pleasure of meeting. He tapped her on the shoulder, the music being to loud for her to hear and pointed at the young blond, she held up a finger and as Luffy moon walked backwards the blond front flipped into the middle of the ring. Zoro blinked, how the man could move in a tight fitting suit baffled him but he used it well, pulled the jacket loose and twisting this way and that til finally he flung it off and caught as he came to stand next to Zoro. Nami gave the green haired man a shove and shrugging he figured why not? Doing a hand stand he used his upper body strength to push off and kicked out with his leg and let his body take over from there moving purely on instinct as the music filled his mind, it felt like seconds but as the crowd grew louder he realized Nami was moving out onto the floor. He slowly made his way back to his group of friends and watched as after Nami Robin went, her movement flawless and fluid. He blinked as Ussop jumped into the fray after the composed woman and was had to remember to breath as he clumsy friend moved with a grace and rhythm he never would have guess Ussop was capable of. Franky cheered with the crowd as the song ended and they all moved back to the table he was waiting at. Giving Robin a quick hug he punched Zoro on the shoulder and smiled lifting up his shades.
"Damn bro, I didn't know you could move like that!"
Luffy looked up from a plate of food he most likely swiped from some poor bastard that wasn't paying attention.
"I did! I caught doing it one day after his kendo training!"
Zoro was about to scold the young man when his senses were assualted with heavy smoke from a cigeratte.
"Luffy, thanks for the invite. Ace said I would have fun but you could have warned me we would be in a battle tonight."
Zoro looked up to the see the blonde man that had joined in out of no where.
"Who the hell is this anyway? Pretty boy here wasn't to bad Luffy."
Luffy looked up and smiled wide, crumbs dusting the table from his face.
"Oh yeah! Zoro I had to go and get you so didn't get a chance to meet him, this is Sanji, Sanji this is Zoro!"
Zoro looked the man over and met his eyes, feeling the electric spark that came from their eyes meeting he could tell there was more to this one than he let on. His posture was that of a gentleman but everytime he opened his mouth it was like someone was pouring profanity from it.
"So this green haired bastard is Zoro huh? Looks like nothing but a muscle bound ass kisser to me."
Zoro was on his feet before the other man had anything else to say.
"Wanna run that by me one more time curly brow?"
"You heard me. Or are you deaf? I always read that oafs like you had no brains."
Zoro could feel his hand twitch for one of his swords but as Nami spoke he found himself looking into an empty spot that the blonde had been occupieing. He looked over to see the man fawning over Nami and blinked.
"And you call me the idiot? Your really fawning over that bitch? The only person she doesn't use is Luffy and that's cause there's no point. He wouldn't be any good to her anyway."
Nami covered her mouth to keep from showing her smile. It was nice to see Zoro talking to someone again, bickering and spewing names that didn't make any sense. It had been years since he had bickered like this with anyone. Ever since his little sister had died; and Sanji had been so quiet and reserved since his father's death last year... and now as she looked up to see Zoro and Sanji nose to nose, both red in the face and holding each others collars she realized that bringing Zoro and inviteing Sanji had been the best thing for the both of them. They had found someone to fight with, and for the first time in years looked as if they were truly alive.