Title: Dog Days
By: KayCelestine
Word Count: 355
Summary: Everyone had their days when it seemed like nothing could be right, and everything was all wrong. And no matter who you are, it affected you. And yes, even a teen super spy as well. A drabble about how even Alex has them.
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own Alex Rider and am in no way profiting off of this. All credits are to the author and owner, Anthony Horowitz.

.x Dog Days x.

He wasn't invincible and he certainly wasn't emotionless.

What he was was tough. He was also collected and boy could he lie. So that's what he did whenever he came back to school; he would simply sit in his seat and try his best to be normal. He would try to forget how he had once more come close to death, he would try to forget how much his arm still pained him, and he would try to forget his other life.

He would sit there and try like hell to be normal.

And he was, in his own special way. Actually, he was normal in an everyday way, because no matter how much he hated to admit it, what his classmates said about him did hurt him. It didn't have the complete scarring that it did for most kids, but it still hurt.

It hurt to know that he was out risking his life, being blackmailed, so that they would live better or even be alive. It hurt that it wasn't even his fault that things had turned out the way they did. But they didn't know that.

And though he had an exterior made of steel, he could never deny that sometimes he felt his insides were nothing but glass. Sometime he felt like screaming, just letting them know what exactly was going on behind his tired eyes and battered being; sometimes he just felt like screaming the truth from the tops of his lungs. But he couldn't, and that always made it worse.

No matter what the MI6 thought of him, he was still a boy and he was still human. Even though what he'd accomplish would make any person swoon, or make any James Bond movie look like crap, he still had his days when that didn't matter and he felt like absolute shit.

As much as he hated them, he loved them, for they always reminded him that he was still there, and he was still human.

Because everyone had those days.

A Brief A/N: I hoped you liked this. This was inspired by a friend, unfortunately, so I decided to write this. I really hoped you liked it. Reviews are love, CC is appreciated, and flames are accepted.

Review s'il vous plaƮt :)