Have We Been Here Before?

Chapter One - Off and Away


Early July 2268


When he looked up from reviewing the messages on the com link, she was already dressed in her uniform, all except the boots, which she carried in her hand. "I need help."

He rose from the chair and lowered her into it, taking care. He knelt before her and attempted to pull one of her boots on, but her foot would not fit in it. "Your feet are too swollen. They will not fit. I will find you some other shoes."

He went to the closet and brought out the short black boots that she had purchased in San Francisco. These did fit her feet. He brought them back to her and slid them onto her feet. She sighed. "How much longer?"

He quirked his lips at her. "You are aware that I cannot give you an exact time. However, it is approximately five weeks until our son's birth." He rose and lifted her from the chair, being sure she was steady on her feet before releasing her. "Are you ready for breakfast?"

"Yes, yes, I am." She headed for the door of their quarters and he followed along behind her. He had wanted her to begin her leave now, but she had insisted that she must get her department running first, and she was correct. But he worried, nevertheless. She had promised to spend no longer than two hours in her lab, and then return to their quarters for a nap before lunch, but he was still uneasy. He realized that his protectiveness had risen very high, but he felt entirely justified.


They found Kirk and Susan and Scotty already eating when they arrived with their trays. Susan jumped up immediately and hugged Nyota, taking her tray and setting it on the table. "You look just wonderful!"

Nyota laughed. "No, I look like a blimp! I can't even see my feet at all!"

Even the men laughed at that. Spock eased her down into her chair, being sure she was comfortable before seating himself. Before they had finished eating, Tamara and Bones had joined them, and Chekov was not far behind. Sulu and Jen did not enter the mess hall until they were leaving, looking sheepish. Apparently something had delayed them.


Spock escorted Nyota to her lab and saw her settled in her office before heading for the bridge. He would continue to monitor her, and if she did not leave after two hours as promised, he would go and remove her. He was very determined about that.

As it happened, he did not find it necessary to be forceful with her, for she was quite ready for that nap.


At precisely 1200, the senior staff met in the Captain's ready room, for the first staff meeting of this mission. The food carts were there, the kitchen staff swiftly setting out the food, down the center of the large table, stacking dishes and flatware at the end. When everyone had seated themselves, Kirk stood briefly, making a very short speech about being together again, ready for more adventures, and as soon as he had seated himself, the plates began to pass about the table, followed swiftly by the hot dishes. Once again, there was something for everyone, as many favorite foods as Kirk could recall, so that his officers were pleased, and stuffed, by the time the dishes were empty.

When the table had been cleared off, they went around the table, as customary. Kirk passed out the lists of promotions, to be announced tomorrow. There were many this time, every department had a list. Spock noticed with delight that Nyota was now a Lieutenant Commander. His pleasure flowed out and surrounded her and she could not help grinning. He would go this afternoon and pick up her new insignia.

Kirk looked around the table, stopping when he was looking at Spock and Nyota. "Lieutenant Commander Uhura" He said, seeing how delighted that made her. "You are limited to two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon this week, to get your department organized. And after that you are on leave. Strictly. By orders of Dc McCoy." She was not particularly pleased about that, he could tell. Bones was watching her, and she refused to meet his eyes. Spock had informed both of them, this morning on the bridge, of the amount of swelling in her feet and ankles, and Bones had immediately said that she must have bed rest, or at least keep her feet elevated, from now on. Kirk had an idea that Spock was going to find this very difficult to enforce.

"All senior staff will report for their begin-mission physicals this week, no exception. Check with Medical for a convenient time. Dr McCoy is authorized to request assistance from Security if you do not comply." He keep his face to the table's surface as he said this, knowing that he was one of the worse offenders.

They discussed the list of new officers and crew members that had been assigned to the Enterprise, replacing the ones who had died on duty, or been injured so badly that they could no longer hold active positions on a starship. There had been almost no transfers off the ship, which spoke very highly for the morale here.

Then they discussed the upgrades to the ship, the ones to officer's quarters being mentioned appreciatively. When they had covered all the usual topics, he rose and dismissed them, saying he still did not have their new orders, so just continue setting up their department rotations, and testing any new equipment or software upgrades. They filed out, talking among themselves, and he noticed with a grin that Spock and Bones were guiding Nyota gently between them, headed, over her protestations, directly to sick bay for her physical. He was glad he was not part of that, because she was beginning to be a bit upset, and he was sure some of those words must be very uncomplimentary, if he had had any idea whatsoever what language they were in.


"Dollface, you're goin' to have to stay off your feet as much as possible. I know that's hard, but you're going' to have to comply. Your blood pressure is up a bit, and I don't like that. So I'm goin' to give you a few injections, and you are to report here every mornin' after breakfast to get your vitals read. And absolutely no complaints or I'll have you confined to sick bay."

She glared at him. "I am not sick."

"No, you're not. And I want to keep it that way." His sober face convinced her, and her bravado dissipated.

"I don't want to be confined. Please, Len."

"Then listen to the doctor. Come here after breakfast. If your vitals are fine, you can spend two hours in your lab. Then go home and nap until lunch time. After lunch you can spend another two hours in your lab. Then go home and put your feet up. Nap if you're tired. Don't stay up late. Don't try to lift anythin' heavier than a PADD. Be good."

She nodded, dejected. It was only a few more weeks. She could manage. She felt Spock's concern and tried to be happier about it, but it was a losing proposition. She couldn't even get up out a chair any more without help, or put on her own shoes. She sighed. And then jumped, as her son kicked her hard in the bladder. "Spock, I need to get up right now!" But he was already there, lifting her up, and she hurried as fast as she could to the head, both men behind her amused as only men who have never experienced that sensation can be. If she could just make them experience this, just once!