So this the first chapter of my Harry Potter/X-men crossover story. Also there will be some "Heroes" characters in it but they will not have a big role.

DIsclaimer: I dont own any HP characters, or X-men characters

Harry Potter and The X-Gene: The Awakening

Chapter 1: Manifestation

The following italicized paragraphs are from J.K Rowling's "Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix".

A fist made contact with the side of Harry's head, lifting Harry off his feet. Small white lights popped in front of Harry's eyes; for the second time in an hour he felt as though his head had been cleaved in two; next moment he had landed hard on the ground, and his wand had flown out of his hand.

"You moron, Dudley!" Harry yelled, his eyes watering with pain, as he scrambled to his hands and knees, now feeling around frantically in the blackness. He heard Dudley blundering away, hitting the alley fence, stumbling.


There was a horrible squealing yell, and Dudley's footsteps stopped. At the same moment, Harry felt a creeping chill behind him that could mean only one thing. There was more than one.

"DUDLEY, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! WHATEVER YOU DO, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! Wand!" Harry mutter franticly, his hands flying over the ground like spiders. "Where's-wand-come on-"

Suddenly Harry whirled as a black cloaked dementor flew in front of him, the cold freezing him where he lay. As the dementor bent over him to take away his happy memories, Harry raised his hand as if the sweep away the dementor. Images of his friends and family whirled through his head: Ron Hermione, Ron's younger sister Ginny...

Suddenly the dementor screeched loud enough to shatter glass. Harry watched with wide eyes as the dementor's black cloak suddenly burst into yellow and red flame. His own hands were wreathed in flame. Strangely, the fire did not burn his skin but felt warm like a campfire. The dementor flew off into the night, its cloak still ablaze.

Harry got to his feet, shaking slightly, and turned. A second dementor was bending over the fallen form of his cousin Dudley. Dudley shivered as his eyes were wide with horror at what ever the dementor was making him see. Again, Harry felt on the ground for his wand. His mind filled with thoughts of what Hermione would say once he told her about this mess. Suddenly he heard wood scrapping against the ground as his wand rolled into his hand.

He turned, wand raised, mind filled with thoughts of seeing Ron and Hermione again.

"Expecto Patronum!" A white stag burst from the end of Harry's wand and ran at the dementor. The stag-Patronus stabbed it's antlers at the dementor. It flew into the air and vanished into the darkness.

Harry lowered his wand. He felt drained, like he'd been running for a long time. Harry fell to the ground, looking up to the night sky.

Suddenly, he heard a sound, like a muffled engine whining above him. Then it stopped but Harry heard wheels scrapping against the ground as well as footsteps. A man's voice whispered above him.

"Hurry, Scott. We need to get him out of here before the Ministry gets here responding to the Patronus Charm Harry cast." A gruff voice spoke as Harry felt his body lifted from the cold ground.

"I don't get why you're so worried, Chuck. We can take 'em."

"No Logan. We are here to pick up Harry and leave. We come in and no one is any the wiser. Now lets move. They'll be here soon." Harry felt his body move, strong arms holding him up. Then he saw solid black and heard no more.

I know. Short chapter. Next will be longer. Read And Review!