A/N: Hello all! I finally got this story up, and trust me, I'll be updating a LOT more now that school's out (Huzzah!). Anyways, this is what happened, well, afterwards haha. I've got a few requests to do Carlisle's POV, which is going to be a little difficult since I'll have to think up of what Jane's power actually does to you. But it'll be posted as soon as I figure it out. Oh, and I also got a request to do Esme's POV, which I hadn't even thought of but I'm really exited to try it out. If I do Carlisle or Esme's POV it'll be a different story, so if you're only subscribed to this story please put me on Author Alert if you wish to read those.
A specieal thanks to TheLongGoodbye, kiim, samira parsa, Handsan, Servant05, TwilightGuru09, & Just4Me. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to review :)
That's all for now,
PS: Oh, and Twilight doesn't belong to me, yadda yadda, etcetera etcetera etcetera, and all that jazz ;D Please review!
It was over, it was actually over.
After hours of having to watch my father stand alone, after what he had been through, debating with the three most powerful vampires in the world, it was finally over. Carlisle stood by my side, his hand gripping my shoulder tightly as he watched the last of the Volturi scatter into the forest. He held his head up high, shoulders back. Only I knew it was all an act, and as soon as the last of the guard disappeared from our view Carlisle's form trembled and he broke down, his remaining strength leaving him. He dropped down to his knees with a gasp, clenching his teeth, his arms wrapped around himself.
"Oh my God!" Esme ran at him with worry and love she had been holding back the entire confrontation. She flew down onto her knees so that she was level with him. My father hung his head so that his blonde hair covered his eyes, looking weary and defeated.
"Carlisle?" Esme whispered, placing her hand under his chin, bringing his face up to hers. He stared at her for a moment, his sunken eyes disoriented as the moment dawned on him as well: it was all over, they were gone.
"Oh Esme!" Carlisle threw his arms around his wife, pulling her towards him, resting his head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, whispering idly and running her fingers threw his hair. They remained on the ground together, just the two of them. After watching their embrace, any tension left was broken as couples embraced each other, covens huddled together, our family was together again. My thoughts were interrupted as Bella ran into me, throwing herself into my arms with an almost painful force. Her lips met mine and suddenly nothing else was as important as us, alive, right here. When we finally broke apart, we walked over to Alice and Jasper, so relieved to have them back. Bella was furious with Alice for making her worry so much, but after hearing her plead for a while, hugged her with instant forgiveness. I gave my brother a warm smile, sending him waves of relief and acceptance. He grinned, throwing his head back slightly to get his blonde curls out of his face,
'Glad to be back,' he responded to my emotions. Jasper and I had always understood each other's abilities very well, and often used them instead of actual communication. Alice threw herself at my without giving me time to respond, obviously glad to be back. We talked for a moment, meeting up with Emmett and Rosalie. Rosalie unexpectedly wrapped her arms around Jasper, while Emmett enveloped Alice in a monstrous bear hug, spinning her around in circles. Alice giggled while Jasper returned Rosalie's gesture with a small embrace. I had never really understood Jasper and Rosalie's bond, perhaps because they both had painful memories? Either way the two of them had always understood each other very well. Emmett finally let Alice down, and Alice repeated everything she had told Bella about being in South America and finding Nahuel and such.
After that was finished, we looked over at our parents. They had stood up; Carlisle had both of his arms around Esme's waist, his hands resting on her back, her arms still around his neck. Carlisle bent his head down so that their foreheads were touching. Both of their eyes were closed, like they were frozen in time. They looked so perfect, I almost felt guilty interrupting them, but things were getting to a slightly awkward point. Fortunately, that's what we had Emmett for,
"Hey! If you two love birds don't mind saving your make-out session for later, you're still in front of your children!" Esme looked over at us, rolling her eyes and smiling in fake annoyance. Carlisle lifted his head slowly, turning towards us with a tired crooked grin. He shook his head slightly with amusement. They began to walk over to us, Carlisle still keeping one arm extended around his wife.
'So what exactly happened?' I heard Jasper ask me silently. His thoughts were filled with worry as they flashed back to while they were on their way to the field:
They had been running when he heard Alice shriek, he turned to find her on the ground, terror in her lost eyes. Her voice was strangled and terrified,
"D-D-Daddy, Daddy no!" Alice was the only one of us who ever called Carlisle Daddy, though we all thought of him as our father. It had taken Jasper longer than usual to shake her out of her vision, she was close to hysterics, but even then she refused to tell him or any of them what she saw, she ran twice as fast as she was before.
'How bad was it?' I knew Alice would tell him tonight, but I also knew how impatient Jasper could be when it came to keeping the family safe. I frowned and looked at Carlisle; I thought about what had happened, and then looked back at Jasper. I painfully sent out as big a wave of pain and terror and anger that I could manage, though nothing could compare to when it actually happened. Jasper's eyes widened with shock, his lips parting slightly. I mouthed to him, *Worse*. He was stunned, and more curious than ever, but our parents had finally reached us, and all of his attention focused on Carlisle. Esme threw her arms around Alice and Jasper, so relieved to have all her children back.
"Oh I've missed you two so much, don't you EVER leave me like that again!" Esme scolded, quickly returning to under Carlisle's arm. We all laughed at Esme's attempt to be angry with the two of them and joined the rest of our rather large gathering in the field. Most covens left rather quickly after saying goodbye and wishing recovery towards Carlisle. Even Tanya's family, after wishing their condolences, left almost immediately wanting to mourn the death of their dear sister. Pretty soon it was just us left in the house. Jake had gone home with Seth and Leah, telling them to stay with Sue, while he went to Billy's since both of them must've been worried about their children. No one said much, we just enjoyed each other's company and peace, something we hadn't gotten to do in a long time.
Eventually Esme and Carlisle went upstairs, Carlisle wanted to rest and regain some of his energy. I helped him up the stairs by supporting his left side, Esme supporting his right. We laid Carlisle down on the bed and almost instantly he stopped breathing, lying completely still once more. I got nervous again, it scared me to see him looking so lifeless, but his thoughts remained strong as Esme walked me to the door, thanking me. I walked back downstairs to find Jasper almost bursting with curiosity, question after question running through his head,
"Alice, I suggest you telling your husband what happened before he has a stroke." I informed Alice with a small grin. She rolled her eyes at me,
"Well, once they realized we'd left, they all went running like hell towards the treaty line..."
She went through the entire story with Jasper, starting not long after they had left. I was actually very surprised that my sister knew so much even though she wasn't here. Emmett and Rosalie left a little while after she started. They had lived it once, and no one wanted to relive it again. When Alice got to the confrontation with the Volturi, Bella stood up with Renesmee and headed towards the door. I knew that she did not want our daughter to have any idea of what had happened to Carlisle, ever. Now it was just Alice, Jasper and I left in the family room. I knew I probably should have left them alone to discuss everything, but I didn't want to risk Jasper getting TOO angry at what happened. We didn't need an enraged vampire running to Italy at three in the morning.
"And then a little while after Chelsea started trying to use her ability to try to separate them, Jane, well, Jane..." Alice's pained memories of her vision kept her from finishing off her sentence.
It was then that I actually saw the bit that she did. The image was enough to haunt you for the rest of your life, and it was one of those rare occasions where Alice actually regretted having her visions. She had seen the worst of it:
Carlisle twisting on the ground, screaming at the top of his lungs for the pain to stop; Me kneeling over him, dry sobbing and clutching his arms with pleading eyes; Esme on her knees in horror, covering her mouth with both hands to keep from screaming;, Jane looking over with this enragingly calm, serene smile on her lips.
I almost couldn't stop myself from growling out loud; she ENJOYED his pain, he AMUSED her. A deep red seemed to seep into my vision as I fumed over the idea of Jane taking PLEASURE from what she did to Carlisle, to my father. I felt a soft hand clutch my shoulder and I look up to find Jasper leaning towards me. He looked at me worriedly as I realized I must have been bombarding him with rage.
"Jane... Jane used her ability. She used it on..." I couldn't even bring myself to say it. Jasper looked at me expectantly,
"Jane used her ability on Dad!" Alice finished quickly. Jasper's eyes widened drastically, he spun around to face Alice, taking both of her petite hands into his own.
"What? Why?" He asked in a sharp breath. His mind started racing through images, some of Carlisle, of Jane, of what Jane could do, of what she'd done in the War. A growl started to build up into his chest as the rage started to settle in. He caught himself though, and managed to calm himself down before anything... regrettable happened. He drew in a calming breath, forcing himself to stay seated.
"What happened after that?" He asked, his eyes remaining closed. Alice started this time,
"Well, no one could do anything, they all just sort of had to watch..."
"Which no doubt was the plan all along," I finished, "they figured if they took down our base, we would fall as well. They were probably right, too..." I muttered the last part, not wanting to even think what we would do if THAT happened.
"So that continued until Bella, I guess from being so angry, discovered how to project her mental shield onto everyone on our side of the field. And then after a couple minutes we showed up and the rest you know." Alice half-heartedly smiled before kissing Jasper lightly on the cheek. It took a moment before he lifted his head up again, his eyebrows down in thought.
'The pain he must've felt, the agony, I can STILL feel it from him. Sometimes I wonder how he can have so much hurt and loss and worry inside of him and still be the loving father he is.' I cringed; I didn't like to think of my father as being in pain: physical, mental, or emotional, though the first was nearly impossible. We had been through a lot together, and he had been through three times as much before he even met me. My father was an amazing man, and I loved him, along with our whole family.
My thoughts were distracted by thoughts from upstairs,
"Jasper?" I asked
"Yeah?" he looked at me,
"I know you're trying to help, but you're sending so much calm and relaxation that Esme can barely move," I almost laughed at Esme's annoyed yet still loving thoughts as she laid on their bed.
"Oh, sorry," Jasper muttered, embarrassed.
We sat in the living room for a few moments, processing everything, when Alice abruptly jumped up from the sofa,
"Come on Jazz, let's go hunt," she suggested. Both him and I were both out the door as fast as possible as I saw Alice's vision and Jasper started to feel, erm, different emotions start to come down from upstairs. I grumbled on my way out of the door,
"Good Lord you two. Really? Ugh you're freaking shameless," I heard Carlisle chuckled lightly before I ran off into the forest opposite Alice & Jasper. I couldn't help but grin and shake my head at them while the wind brushed against my face and I dashed home to my beautiful wife and child in the woods.
A/N: Sorry if it seemed kind of dragged out, but I wasn't really sure how to end. Also, I'm pretty sure 'enragingly' isn't a word, but I couldn't think of a better replacement, sorry to all you grammer freaks out there, I feel for you.
So, what were Carlisle and Esme doing upstairs that sent Alice, Jasper, and Edward running? Author Alert and stay tunned to find out! ;)