A/N: Finally! Haha Fanfiction has been extremely difficult and not letting me upload stories for a while, but now it's finally working. This is Edward's POV to 'A Piercing Scream' and I really hope you enjoy it. Please review!
The wind whipped angrily past us, though Benjamin was doing nothing to influence it. I tentatively listened as Aro, Marcus, and Caius debated and bickered over my daughter. Aro's thoughts remained centered on how much they could learn about my dear Renesmee in the time they were given, and how they could continue studying her. Marcus was not as peaceful; his thoughts were simply that they exterminate the threat so that they could return to the tower as soon as possible. Marcus wanted the quickest way out, since our family, especially the couples, were bringing back some extremely unpleasant memories for him. Caius was worse yet; his thoughts were focused on the best ways of killing us all. Caius wanted death, a torturous death to all of us, at all costs. It was disturbing, the mental images he came up with. I made a mental note to never pay attention to Caius' mind if we confronted one another again.
Everyone was on edge, anxiously awaiting the Volturi's decision in the chilled field. Aro, Marcus, and Caius seemed to be going nowhere fast so I let my mind wander to the rest of the guard. Chelsea caught my attention as she started to try to break our bonds. I tensed even more; I'd never felt her influence, but the idea of being separated from everyone I loved made me cringe.
"It's starting," I heard my wife whisper, her voice echoing like wind chimes. I could not feel anything though, and I briefly wondered if Chelsea's gift took time like Alec's. I wandered towards the minds of the others in the Volturi as Jane's loud thoughts soon became easily distinguished. She was choosing a target, how disgusting. I assumed she would choose me since I was half of the reason we were here in the first place. She knew she would be useless against my Bella, so I was the second best thing. If I were human, I'm sure my heart would have started beating faster in anticipation.
I was not looking forward to the pain, but I would surely take it versus anyone else in our group and family having to endure something like that. My mind flashed back to when I had tried to stop Jane from testing her 'gift' on Bella. The pain had only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like a millennia in my mind. The pain was far worse than anything I could have ever imagined, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But her mind took a different path as she thought of advice Caius had given her centuries ago while exterminating a coven, "Take down their leader first in battle, the rest will remain lost without him..." My brow furrowed in thought, our leader…
I gasped as it dawned on me who she would choose. I spun around barely in time to hear the worst sound I had ever heard in my entire existence. Carlisle cried out in shock, sounding strangled as his breath caught in his throat. His shoulders locked back before he started to stagger and collapse.
"CARLISLE!!" I screamed; the call deep with worry and anger. I rushed as fast as I could to him, catching him before he hit the ground. He did not stay still, though, and twisted upwards in pain before screaming again. He tensed, clenching his fists by his side, groaning and struggling. It wretched my heart as I frantically tried to do something, anything to help, to stop, what he was going through. I soon realized in horror that I could do nothing to help him as he arched his back and shouted in anguish. No, no, no, no! This isn't right, this can't be happening, I thought. I clenched my teeth together in frustration. I brushed Carlisle's cheek, hoping to add some sort of comfort, his pain -filled eyes glanced up at me, and for a slight second he looked grateful, but it was short lived, his eyes lost focus and glazed over and he howled and hissed in agony once more. Pain traced every line in my father's face as he writhed in torture.
I kept waiting for Jane to stop; she was keeping him much longer than she ever tortured me. Why wasn't she letting him go? Is it possible to KILL someone this way? I didn't dare think about that, I would come completely undone. Every scream, every flinch from my father was slowly making me lose my mind, how can this happen to him?
Mercilessly Jane kept up her attack, making us watch as our father, our creator, our base, slowly became undone. His cries, though still in anguish, took on an edge that scared me like no other. They were cries of helplessness, of hopelessness, of someone that was expecting the end to come and almost strived for it. Never in my existence had I heard my father so broken, it just wasn't like him. His breath came out in huge gasps, like he was being drowned or suffocated, though he didn't even need to breathe. His eyes were like those of a newborn, fearful and wild, never staying in focus for more than a second. I couldn't stand this anymore, I wouldn't! I slammed my fist on the ground as I seethed in anger, contemplating whether to attempt to destroy Jane myself. I knew I wouldn't make it, but at least it would throw her off balance.
Carlisle's face snapped towards me, his eyes locking onto mine for one second. His darkening irises were out of focus with all of this Godforsaken pain, but through all the torture I heard Carlisle's thoughts come through. Seeming to take my ability, I heard him think one thing clearly,
'Edward, as much as it may not seem like it, I can take this. Please do not do anything irrational! If I survive this by losing my son it's not worth it!' His voice echoed through my mind and his eyes closed as he clenched his teeth. His thoughts were no longer audible through his mental screams.
He's lying on the ground, trembling in outrageous pain, and his only clear thoughts are to make sure I'M safe? Carlisle truly was the most compassionate and unbelievably selfless being I'd ever met. I suddenly realized what Carlisle meant about heaven and giving us credit for trying. I couldn't even IMAGINE a god that would not let Carlisle into heaven, not for one second. Perhaps we do have souls, I thought, the best of us at least.
My epiphany was cut short, however, as the pain intensified in Carlisle's mind to an unbelievable extent. Carlisle threw his head back and SCREAMED. It slashed my heart in two, it sounded like a scream of death. I swore I wouldn't think of it but it truthfully sounded like he was dying.
My father was dying.
No! Why? Why HIM?! Anyone but him! I growled in anguish as I held him tightly in my arms, though he was nearly crazed in pain now. My father, my creator.
I heard my mother let out a terrified sob as she desperately wished she could run over to her husband, to help him, to comfort him in any way she could. She brought her hands to her parted lips as she fell on her knees, quaking with dry tears. A furious hiss escaped Rosalie's pursed lips, and Emmett clenched his teeth together harshly to keep back the large string of profanities and curses streaming through his mind. I heard growls and hisses echo behind us as our whole gathering flooded with rage. Damn her for doing this, damn her to the deepest and darkest pit of Hell. I swore if it was the last thing in my existence I would hunt Jane down and kill her. I would put her through a thousand times more pain than she could ever imagine. If I were capable of tears I was positive I'd be weeping heavily by now; Carlisle was strong, but it scared me to think how little more he could take. He panted heavily as his face twisted in pain, desperately trying to keep still, though he was convulsing almost against his will. He tensed and arched his back, his shut eyes portraying nothing but raw terror.
All of the sudden, the pain lifted and disappeared completely. Carlisle slumped into my arms with an unsteady sigh, trembling and then falling deathly still. He didn't breath, he had no need to, and I feared he didn't even have the strength to breathe either. His arms and face seemed drained of what little color he had in the first place. The bruises under his eyes had escalated to dark purple shadows extending completely over and around his eyelids, making them look sunken, and decayed. His lips were white and trembling slightly with pain and fear as I choked back a sob. My father looked so vulnerable, so defenseless, so…dead. It made me beg for a chance to be human so I could cry, to let tears stream down my face for my father. His terribly faint thoughts were the only indication that he was alive at all.
I looked up to see what happened to make Jane lift her torture. To my dismay, I found her still trying to infect him, but she was getting blocked. Her face quickly turned into a scowl as I flinched reflexively when she targeted my wife, me, my mother, and the rest of my family in turn. Yet I did not see or hear anyone's pain as she shrieked in disbelief. I looked up in wonder at my wife. Though absolutely enraged with newborn fury, she looked determined, not to mention beautiful. She also happened to be looking at Carlisle and me as well, like she was checking us. I didn't care at the moment; I stared up at her like she was my saving grace, which of course she had been all along,
"Did you do that?" I questioned, "…Jane can't feel him anymore; she can't feel any of us." She stared intently at me, her eyes slightly widened as something occurred to her. Her lips then started trembling to make a failed attempt at a grin,
"I'm all over this." She whispered with dark humor. I stared in astonishment at my wife; she never failed to astound me,
"Amazing," I whispered absentmindedly. I looked down as Carlisle began to stir and breathe again in my arms. His eyes fluttered half-open, very tired, weary, and as black as night. Carlisle tensed his muscles to move, but I hesitated, tightening my hold on his shoulders. Carlisle looked at me, he tried to say something but his throat was far too rough from screaming, 'I want to stand, I need to see everyone. I can, you'll just need to help me,' he thought. I paused, still skeptical, he looked so weak, but he started try to stand on his own again and I had no choice besides forcefully holding him down but to help him, taking on most of his weight. We were almost fully up when he began to collapse again. Whether it was Jane beginning to break through or just lingering effects I wasn't sure, but I caught him as he leaned heavily on my shoulder. We stood closer together, and I dared not leave his side, no matter what happened from now on.
Carlisle was still shaking, and I searched his eyes and face for any signs of an attack. I tried to avoid listening to his thoughts, first off because they frightened me with how close he had come to going mad, and secondly because he deserved his privacy while he recovered. Try as I might, I still caught enough to know that he was not under any pain from Jane's attack, not anymore. I quickly scanned the minds of everyone around us. Most of our side was the same, shocked in disbelief, anger, sadness, pain.
Esme was a wreck; she was constantly debating whether to run over, but afraid that would show too much weakness to the other side. The guard was trying to be tentative, but they were also shocked over what had just occurred, the witnesses were even worse. Aro, Marcus, and Caius were trained well enough to block me out, so I could not tell what their views were. The strongest emotion I found significant in the guard was Jane. She was absolutely outraged. Alec frantically tried to calm her down, to the point of threatening to use his ability on her, the whole argument almost made me smile.
For now we were protected against mental combat, my Bella being an outstanding shield for us. I started to believe there was a chance we could actually come out of this alive. My only worry was if this turned into a battle, everyone would throw themselves at Jane for doing this. I still wasn't sure a physical fight would work to our advantage. Jane would die though, at all costs; she most definitely would not survive. All that was left to do now was to wait as the three head Volturi debated on. Carlisle gripped my hand feebly, letting me support him and looked me in the eyes, beginning to think straight again, 'Thank you Edward, for staying with me. I know how hard that must've been for you.' He amazed me with his selflessness, and I placed my other hand on his shoulder as we both faced the now approaching Volturi leaders.
A/N 2: So? What did you think? Should I add more or is it fine like this? Personally, I think it needs more closure, maybe another chapter? But that's just me. Thanks for reading! IYD24