I AM BACK! so after getting reviews for a longer chapter i edited a bit and TA DA the 5th chapter of Bellas a what is now here! i am sorry for the delay in chapter updates except this one was giving me a major block. so with further ado i give thee...the disclaimer!

Lenalee: ok now say it with me: I

Jax: I

Lenalee: do not own

Jax: do not own

Lenalee: nor will i ever own

Jax: nor will i ever own

Lenalee: -man

Jax: Kandas hot ass.

Lenalee: (whacks head)

Jax: (sighs) -man...until me and the fangirls ban together that is(evil laughter)

3 months later

Alice and Rosalie walked down the cloudy London market place with dozens of shopping bags in each hand (which was feather light because of their vampire strength) as they had just finished a day of relaxation and shpping. They had moved here because it was another city with really high rates of being cloudy or rainy. The two had gone shopping for the day as they tried to get away from the always depressing Edward. Since Anna lied and left, Edward has been in a depressed state, the whole family has actually, but Alice and Rosalie couldn't understand how Edward could be so upset about it when they never actually dated, Anna had always made that really clear from day one that she wasn't interested so why was he so upset? This was the question everyone asked themselves when Edward wasn't around to be able to read their thoughts.

Anyway it was 5 in the afternoon and the two vampires were making their way to their car parked about a 4 human minute walk away, when they smelled a pungent scent that shouldn't be in the area at all: a human corpse. It shouldn't be strange though seeing as there are many alleyways in London, but the smell was centered in the middle of the semi-deserted street just around the corner. Turning to Alice, Rosalie whispered at vampire speed "What do you see?"

Shaking her head Alice whispered "nothing, it's blank." Not all that reassured the two continued and rounded the corner to head to their car. When they reached the street they saw a man in his 40's in the middle of the now deserted street. The two vampires walked towards their car which was parked at the end of the road, when the man turned to them and exploded out of his skin, revealing a large balloon like creature with canons coming out of the body.

The creature took aim at the two Cullens down bellow. Alice and Rosalie for once since they were changed into the ultimate predator were frozen in fear. As the…thing was about to fire, someone yelled out "Noel Organon". The creature was wrapped up in these strings that seemed to be focused on this one man who was obviously blind.

As the creature continued to struggle, the man yelled out "Verse of the saint!". And the Akuma exploded.

The man smiled as the creature exploded and turned his head to a man dressed in a beige coat with a phone on his back. Smiling the two met up and nodded to one another. The Cullen girls were still to frozen to move, or keep up with the human pretences of breathing.

The man with the beige coat looked past his blind companion to the two girls, and stopped breathing. The two vampires noticed that his heart beat sped up as his eyes widen in shock…and was that fear? Why would this man be afraid of them unless he…he knew what they were.

The blind man must have noticed his companion's silence as he asked "What's wrong Toma?"

"T-t-t-t-there are some vampires over THERE!" The man now named Toma cried out as he pointed at us. The blind man whipped around his hands poised to fight.

"Whoa wait a second. We're not bad." Alice tried to explain to the two men across the street.

The man with the earphones raised an eyebrow and asked "what do you mean by that?" as he still remained in his earlier pose.

Rosalie turned to me and hissed out to low for human ears "what are you doing? You could get the Volturi after us for telling them."

Turning to her "sister" Alice answered again to low for human ears "if they already know what we are then what's the harm in explaining who we are?. Besides didn't you notice how-"but was cut off from the blinds man question "What is a Volturi?

Shock was the emotion that swept through their bodies as the man had somehow over heard them. Hesitating in their answer the two vampires looked around the deserted street before answering "Not here. Could we go somewhere more private? This is not something we want other people to know about."

Nodding his head the blind man asked "do you have someplace in mind?"

Clapping her hands together Alice answered with a bright "Yes!" as she walked towards the man. "By the way my name is Alice, and over there is my sister Rosalie." At the names the man blinked in surprise and looked thoughtful for a second. Before he asked "is your last name Cullen, by any chance?" which again shocked the two vampires.

"Yes." Rosalie answered warily 'how did he know our names?' she thought.

At the answer the man finally relaxed his pose and gave a smile of his own "my name is Marie but everyone calls me noise and this man", as he gestured to his companion "is Toma."

"Pleasure." And with that the two black order members got a lift from the two vampires as they made their way to the vampire's home. Where they were greeted by the worried gaze of their "mother" Esme. Who graciously welcomed the two Order members into her home, where they were introduced to rest of the family and then seated themselves waiting for an explanation.

"Well as some of you know my name is Marie and my friend is Toma. We work for an organisation called the Black Order."

"And what does the Black Order do?" Jasper asked.

"The Black Order was established by the pope to defeat the Millennium Earl and his creations akuma." Marie responded.

"And what is an akuma?" Carlisle asked being patient with the simple answers.

Sighing at how telling the truth was inevitable Marie mumbled a "sorry Anna." which the Cullen's heard, before he began his explanation "An akuma is a machine of mass destruction, there are only a hand full of people that can kill them, you vampires are not part of that group." His final statement shocked the family, but oblivious to their shock Marie continued " an akuma is those whose souls have been brought back from the dead, they are programmed to kill and only kill, the reason few know about their existence is because the person who brought their soul back from the dead is killed by that akuma hands and wears that person's skin as their own so that they can go in human populated areas and not raise suspicion, they are formidable opponents because your friend one day could be an akuma the next. And only a substance called innocence can destroy them. There are in total 109 pieces of innocence and only those who have synchronized with them may use their power. Those who have are called exorcists, I myself are an exorcist. Also exorcists can kill vampire's as well." Shocking again the Cullen's who now eyed the strangers warily.

"So that thing in the street was an akuma." Alice asked wide eyed. Which made Jasper go into a panic attack that reminded Marie of their crazy supervisor's antics.

"Yes that was an akuma, and a newly made one at that." Marie answered.

"What of Toma is he an exorcist as well?" Edward asked.

Since entering the house Toma spoke up for the first time "No, I myself am a finder, who work for the Order by finding innocence fragments and keeping them safe till exorcists arrive to bring them back to the Order or we accompany exorcists on missions aiding them in their task."

"What I want to know," Rosalie began as she stood from her spot beside Emmett "is why you were ready to kill us one minute but when we told you we were Cullen's you suddenly trust us. Why did you act like that?"

Smiling again Marie's answered "Because you have met an exorcist already, but from your reactions I guess she did not tell you who or what she was, if I am correct she went by the name of Bella Swan."

Edward went rigid "Bella is part of this war?" he breathed out.

"yes she is, and she has almost died on more than one occasion." Marie answered adding fuel to the flames. "now may I ask you a couple of questions?" Marie asked while looking at Edward who nodded in response.

"Can you read my mind?" Marie asked startling Edward out of his confusion and shock.

"No not yours but Toma's I can, yours is just a whisper." Nodding at the response, Marie asked the final question "Would you like to come and work for the Order?"

After a brief discussion, the family of vampires decided to join the black order and help in the fight for humanity and to see their daughter/sister/love interest once more.

So the family packed up their stuff and joined the two men as they made their way to their new home.

Ok so i do hope you like it! and i got a PM from Allebasii who told me of a site called "twilight sucks" that "snarked" my story just because it had twilight related stuff in it. So i have a message from the person who reviewed my story: So what if Kanda is OOC it is MY fanfiction where the slogan says "unleash your imagination" so if i want Kanda to have a girlfriend it will happen! Also if you think Bella is to Mary sue i have a reminder for you: So what? its only the beginning of the story most oc seem MAry sue at the beggining wait 2 more chapter and then see what happens! and the fact that you couldnt tell me in a review and you had to go and diss it on a different site just shows that your too afraid to say it to my face.

ok had to get that out of my system. I enjoy reviews so keep them coming, i am now only going to update if i get 10 reviews!
