PLEASE FIRST FAN FIC EVER!!! *Cutest puppy dog face youve ever seen!!!! X 10 !!!!!!

Sadly i dont own any of these characters except for Angelica Manson!!!

I dont own HARRY POTTER!!!!

Scorpius Malfoy stared at the magnificent castle looming over him. He looked down and saw the reflection of the stars on the lake; Scorpius had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

Even though everything seemed so peaceful and serene Scorpius couldn't help the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He was afraid he'd do something wrong.

All his life he'd lived on a remote farm with his parents, his mother and father didn't work in the magical world, but supplied milk for a nearby factory, so Scorpius has never been with so many children. He was shy too; occasionally children would come from the nearby village to buy a calf or some milk but he would never talk to them.

He looked around at the people on his boat, all of them looked friendly enough and nervous but they were still chatting amongst each other.

A girl with dark brown hair and light blue eyes looked at him nervously, she held out her hand

"Hi, I'm Angelica Manson" she said smiling nervously.

Scorpius shifted uncertainly.

"What's your name?" she asked

"Scorpius" he said "Scorpius Malfoy"

Her face paled before she nodded sternly and moved away talking to another girl at the end of the boat.

Scorpius was confused

'What did he do?'

He shrugged and looked back at the lake a giant squid swam between the boats lazily; Scorpius could've sworn he saw the squid wink at him.

He shook his head.

The boats hit the shore with a 'thud' and all the children scrambled out.

They made their way across the field to big wooden doors. They opened as the children came up to them.

Inside was a kind looking man, who was a little chubby. He looked kind of nervous and Scorpius saw a boy with black hair along with a girl with red hair and another boy with white blonde hair wink at the man and he grinned back.

He cleared his throat and everybody fell quiet

"Well........um I'm Professor Longbottom" a few people snickered at this and received death glares from the three students who had winked at the Professor. Professor Longbottom blushed but carried on

"I'm the head of Gryffindor and also the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts. Follow me" They all obeyed and he led them to another set of big wooden doors

"Now, inside is the Great Hall, where you will have all your meals and any other important school meetings. As most of you will know there are four houses, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. As he said 'Gryffindor' his chest swelled up with proudness (I know that that's not a word but eh whatever) and it was obvious that he had been in Gryffindor himself once.

"None is greater than the other" said Professor Longbottom "When you enter the Great Hall you will get sorted into one of the four houses you will stay in the house you are put in and they will be like your family" his face softened and he said in a whisper "I know all of you will be very nervous so best of luck" He grinned.

Scorpius couldn't help but feel much better and decided he liked Professor Longbottom. The big wooden doors opened and Scorpius filed in with the others. Scorpius gasped the Great Hall was well..... Great (lame I know but I was half asleep so 'nuh' i.e. me poking tongue at u in a childish way!! Hehe JOAX GUYS) The sky/ceiling was the highlight, it was drizzling but you could still see the stars. Scorpius could almost feel the droplets falling on him but knew that they weren't actually hitting him.

He looked out across the hall, there were four tables, and the one on the far right looked the most unfriendly and he heard a few people whispering that that was the Slytherin table. Scorpius guessed that the one after the Slytherin was Ravenclaw and the one after, Hufflepuff and the last one and the most friendly looking, Gryffindor.

And then the ceremony began, Scorpius noticed an old ragged hat and a stool in the middle of the four tables he sighed nervously.

The first person was called up

"Amsterdam, Natalia"

called Professor Longbottom, a pale looking girl stepped up to the hat and as soon as it was placed on her head it screamed


The girl got up and made her way happily up to the Hufflepuff table. The list went on and people got sorted in to all four houses.

"Longbottom, Jonathon"

called Professor Longbottom proudly as the blonde boy who had winked at the Professor walked up to the stool.

He grinned just as the hat shouted


The Gryffindor table roared as he made his way to the cheering people. The table calmed down as the next name was called out

"Malfoy, Scorpius"

The hall fell extremely quiet, Scorpius gulped and stepped away from the crowd. Everyone stared at him and Scorpius was about to faint.

'They didn't do this to anyone else!'

He walked up to the hat forcing every fibre in his body to stop him from fainting. He sat on the stool as the hat was placed on his head. It fell over his eyes and he was grateful for it.

Scorpius nearly jumped when he heard a whisper, it was the hat.

"So a Malfoy, eh?"

Scorpius realised that the hat was inside his head and nodded.

"Do you know what your father or grandfather?" hissed the hat.

Scorpius shook his head,

"Is that why everyone's staring at me?" He asked.

The hat laughed and Scorpius took that as a 'yes'.

"Do you know what house all your family have been in?" asked the hat.

Scorpius shook his head the added

"I think my mum was in Ravenclaw" (I only did that because everyone else in Slytherin were EVIL and I didn't want Draco to end up with that git Pansy Parkinson *shudder *shudder)

"Well my boy" said the hat "They were all in Slytherin except for your mum"

Scorpius shuddered the hat made 'Slytherin' sound so cold.

"Please not Slytherin, Please not Slytherin" said Scorpius

"Why not?" said the hat "Your father was in Slytherin"

"Because" said Scorpius "I don't want to be my dad I want to be me"

"Acceptable answer" said the hat in a whisper and shouted


Scorpius sighed with relief, but when the hat was taken from his head everyone was still staring at him and it took a moment for everyone to realise that Scorpius was in Gryffindor and they cheered but it was half hearted.

Scorpius made his way slowly to the Gryffindor table, head down. He sat down at the end of the table by himself. He couldn't help the tears coming from his eyes. 'Why did everybody hate him so much? What had he done? Was it what his grandfather or father did? His dad was nice enough he never told Scorpio off!' he sighed, 'Things like this only happen to him'

He noticed the girl he had talked to on the boat getting sorted into Ravenclaw.

The next person to get sorted was Potter, Albus. Everyone fell silent at his name, but Albus didn't look scared or nervous he looked proud as he made his way up to the hat. He sat with the hat on his head for double the time Scorpius had and you could see him nodding, frowning, smiling or shaking his head.

Scorpius realised that he was one the other boy who had winked at Professor Longbottom. The hat shouted


and Albus got up happily and made his way along the Gryffindor table. The Gryffindor table erupted with cheers of delight, Scorpius sighed before cheering as well. As Albus made his way along the table he got pats on the back and winks and even some comments and most of them were redheads, Scorpius guessed they were his family.

Albus walked past them all and sat himself opposite Scorpius, this startled him and he looked up surprised and confused.

"Hi, I'm Albus" He said holding his hand out and smiling.

Scorpius eyed his hand cautiously before taking it

"Hi, I'm Scorpius Malfoy"

"I figured" said Albus, with a small smile.

Scorpius smiled back "What is it with these people and pausing dramatically?" asked Scorpius, just as everyone fell silent for Rose Weasley, the girl who had winked at Professor Longbottom.

The two boys couldn't help but crack up laughing. Everyone was staring again

"And staring" added Scorpius.

"That, my friend is because we're famous" said Albus just as the hat shouted Gryffindor for Rose. As she made her way up to the boys she got much of the same praises that Albus got. Rose gave Scorpius a confused look and eyed Albus nervously to which he gave her a reassuring smile.

Professor Longbottom's son walked up and sat next to Rose

"What's going on? You guys like totally ditched me!" he said.

"Shut up" hissed Rose. He blushed as he realised everyone was staring at them again and sank in his seat.

The headmistress, Professor Mcgonnagol stood up to give her speech "Welcome back or to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry........"

"That must've been like the fifth time people have stared at me" muttered Scorpius more to himself but the others still heard and started laughing which just bought them more stares

"sixth" muttered Scorpius grinning, and this time they managed to hold their laughter back.


SO um did u guys like it!!! or u didnt? please tell me !!!!
This is my first Fanfic ever so GIVE ME FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!!

Anyway if u want to know more about my second generation characters go to my profile i will probably have a sad excuse of a family tree up there soo yeah. Most of my stories will be about second generations and ill use the same characters itll just be different. Anyway im working on a fanfic about James Sirius Potter and Freddy Weasley. SO YEAH GIVE ME FEEDBACK!!!!!!

I think i might make this a 2 chapter one-shot thing with Scorpius throwing a spaz at everyone for treating him differently so yeah.....