So... um... yeah. I feel like a total newbie and I'm afraid of doing something wrong, even though that's probably impossible.

(From the 30_onepiece community on LJ, set #03)

Title: Stupid Fantasies

Theme: #1- Prince

Claim: Robin

Words: 581

Rating: K+ (just in case small children can't handle teh angst)

Warnings: Angst? Spoilers for her past? Yeah, this takes place during her childhood, so... BEWARE! Or something like that.

Disclaimers: Do I really need a disclaimer? Puh-leaze.

The Tree of Knowledge was home to over a thousand books, and every single one of them was non-fiction. There were no silly romance novels or colorful children's books or anything of the sort. Of course, there were mythologies that were most likely fictional, but they were mainly referenced to study the ancient cultures from where they originated.

Robin had found her first fairytale in the bookshelf of Aunt Roji's house. Roji, her husband, and Robin's cousin had gone out for dinner and left Robin to clean the house (as usual) and thanks to the child's newfound Devil Fruit powers, the job got done nearly twice as quickly.

Well, at least there was something good that came out of eating that damned fruit.

After drying the dishes, Robin found that the sun hadn't set yet. She went up to her tiny room (that resembled a walk-in closet more than anything) and sat down on her bed. The girl burned off a few idle minutes with making arms and legs sprout out of the wall. Soon she began to tire of this and wandered around the house. She didn't dare sneak a bit more food from the pantry even though she was still hungry.

"..." Robin looked out the window. There were a few townspeople going about on their business and down the road, the Tree of Knowledge stood over the island. Robin retreated away from the window before anyone could see her looking out at them.

On a whim, Robin began to look through her aunt and uncle's bookshelf, even though Roji would probably yell at her if she found out what Robin was doing. There were mainly cookbooks and old newspapers and such, but there was one frayed book at the end that caught Robin's attention. She pulled the book out and skimmed the cover.

Ivory Snowflake and the Seven Hundred Midgets, the title read. There was an illustration of a woman surrounded by many short men, inked in creamy colors and faded lines. It didn't look like anything the seven-year-old had even seen in the Tree of Knowledge.

And so, out of curiosity, Robin began to read.

She finished the book in four minutes flat.

Robin carefully put the book in its proper place and went back to her room. She layed down on her creaky bed and stared up at the dusty ceiling and began to think.

Ditsy princesses and wicked family members.

Brave princes and their noble steeds.

Evil witches and greedy queens.

It was uncanny how most of it resembled kingdoms from various ancient civilizations the seven-year-old had read about, but there was one thing that set them apart. A noble prince who would come to rescue the trapped princess. A single kiss that would solve all their problems. A happy ending with prancing midgets and a beautiful sunset.

Robin turned in her bed and closed her eyes. She didn't dwell further upon the fact of how much her own life resembled a fairytale princess's. After all, that was a fictional tale, and this was reality. Reality, in all it's gritty, terrible glory.

Besides, Robin knew better than to ever expect a prince to come rescue her.

Hoping was one thing, and dreaming was another.

AN: I swear I'll try to lay off the childhood angst and aim for a humor piece.
Reviews will be greatly appreciated.