Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto…

Warning:This is rated M for a reason… So get use to it.

Vitty Rose:Hey this is an edit of chapter one, and I combined it with chapter two. I didn't edit chapter two that I combined. e.e Anyway I put them together so the new second chapter will be my new writing style. Also please excuse this chapter, I know its bad but I promise the second will at least halfway decent thank you. ^-^


Naruto smiled to himself. It was just last week he started to go out with his biggest crush. Yes he was only 10, but called young love for a reason, right? Naruto didn't really understand it, he just knew who he planned to be with for the rest of his life. He planned to grow up and marry Sasuke Uchiha, that's right Sasuke Uchiha, yes they were both guys but that didn't stop Iruka.

Right now Naruto was getting ready to pick up Sasuke, so they could walk home together. They have been doing this since they started going out, just last week matter of fact.

Naruto stopped in front of the classroom when he heard someone talking inside. Naruto quickly ducked behind the door, as he listened in. He could only make out one of the voices, that being his boyfriend Sasuke, and the other probably another fan-girl, trying to steal away his man.

Was Naruto going to walk in there and tell her to back off? No. He'd let Sasuke do that for him, and when she runs out crying he'd laugh at her, and Sasuke and him would walk home together. Naruto smirked, okay so he was a little mean.

"So what do you want Karin?" Naruto started to listen in.

"I… um… was um… wondering if you'd like to go out with me?" Naruto smiled to himself this was the part where Sasuke told her she was a slut, and she'd come running out crying. I would then walk in there,and blush when Sasuke asked if I was listening, I'd nod and tell me that I was the only one for him, then we would walk to my house holding hands.

"And why would I go out with you?" 'Not quite like what I thought' , Naruto thought.

"Well…" Naruto took a peak around the door when she stopped talking. He noticed she was a bright red head with glasses, also Naruto noticed Sasuke was leaning agent one of the desk. It surprised Naruto that he was letting this Karin girl get so close to him. "I could always give you way more then that stupid blond kid." Naruto glared at her.

"Oh really…" Naruto watched a smirk play on to Sasuke lips, "Show me." Naruto eyes went wide as this Karin girl leaned closer to Sasuke capturing his lips. To make matters worse from this angle it didn't even look like he was bothering to push her away.

Naruto could fill tears start to invade his vision as he noticed that the hands that should of been pushing that bitch off of him, were now tangled in her hair.

Naruto stepped away from the door, no he wasn't going to watch this anymore. Wiping the tears from his eyes Naruto made his way home. Alone. He'd think of what to do when he got there, Iruka could help him.


When Naruto got home he collapsed on the sofa, not bothering to take off his shoes, or warn Iruka that he was back. Naruto finally started to cry, finally letting the emotions of what Sasuke do to him come to him.

Iruka quickly went to Naruto's side. Taking Naruto into his arms, he let Naruto soak his shirt. Iruka slowly rocked Naruto in his arms to try and calm him down. "Shh, Naruto it's okay."

Iruka's heart broke at that moment, never had he seen Naruto so... broken. Naruto finally started to clam down, his breathing slowing down. Just as he opened his mouth to say something there was a light knock on the door, Naruto glared at the door.

"Give me a second, I'm going to see who it is," Naruto nodded, curling into a ball as Iruka went and answered the door, "Sasuke what are you doing here? Why didn't you come back here like usual?"

"Is Naruto here?" Sasuke asked calmly.

"Yeah he's on the couch? Do you know why he was crying?" Iruka asked.

"He was crying? I didn't see him after school, so that's why I came straight here." Sasuke said worriedly.

Iruka nodded "Well then why don't you come in I'm sure Naruto woul-"

"NOOO!" Naruto cried, unsuccessfully slamming the door shut on Sasuke. Iruka held the door.

"Naruto calm down, Sasuke just came here to see if you were alright." Iruka tried to tell Naruto, who was trying really hard to shut the door.


Sasuke grabbed hold of Naruto as he tried to run off. "Naruto what's wrong?"

Naruto started to claw at Sasuke's hand then started to scream at Sasuke again. "DON'T TOUCH ME WITH THE HANDS YOU TOUCHED HER WITH!" With that Naruto pushed the stunned Sasuke, making him lose his grip on Naruto's wrist. When Sasuke let go of Naruto's wrist, Naruto quickly slammed the door, locking it.

Iruka watched Naruto slump agents the door, as the tears started to run down Naruto's face again.

"Naru-" Iruka started, but was interrupted.

BANG! BANG! BANG! "NARUTO OPEN UP, NOW!" Iruka went over to Naruto and picked him up, laying him down on the couch.

Sasuke stood outside banging on the door, no one broke up with him. So he was kissed by a girl… and kissed her back, but hell it wasn't even that good.

Sasuke backed away from the door. Naruto couldn't ignore him forever, no he'd have to talk to him Monday morning at school. With that thought in mind Sasuke headed home.

"Naruto are you okay?" Iruka asked taking a seat next to Naruto.

Naruto looked at Iruka and shook his head. "No." Naruto buried his head into lap pulling his legs to him. "I thought he liked me. I'm so stupid." Naruto sobbed.

Iruka hugged Naruto to his chest. "No you're not, you'll see Monday morning. You'll already for-"

"I'm not going." Naruto stated simply.

Iruka laughed, "Naruto you have to go to school, what you plan on never going again?" Naruto nodded. Iruka sighed pushing Naruto off his chest to look Naruto in the eyes. Naruto just kept his eyes down.

"Naruto…" Naruto looked up with his shinning blue eyes, Iruka felt himself melt. "So are you saying we move?" Iruka asked, skeptically. Naruto's eyes widened, but then grinned. "No. No. No. No. No." Naruto looked down; Iruka saw he was on the brink of tears again.

"Fine, I'll see what I can do." Iruka stood up and went to dial an old friend. Iruka shook his head, he couldn't believe he was considering moving.


Iruka smiled. "Kakashi?"


"Hey Kakashi, I was… Um… wondering if your offer to move in was still available?"

Iruka could here shuffling in the background. "Of course, I can't wait to see you. When were you planning to move in?"

Iruka bit his lip. "As soon as possible, like this weekend; if that's not a problem."

"No it's not a problem, why so sudden may I ask?" Iruka sighed. "If it's too much you don't have to tell me."

Iruka smiled. "It's not that… I'll tell you when we get there. It would probably be easier on Naruto that way."

"Alright sounds good. See you…. Sunday then?"

"Yep see you then." Iruka hung up the phone. He turned to Naruto who was looking at him questionably.

"What are you doing just sitting there for? PACK!" Naruto's eyes widened, but then smiled, running up to Iruka and giving him a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet we have a lot of packing to do, so you start to get your things together, and I'm going to go out and buy packing boxes, okay?" Naruto nodded, running off to his room.

Iruka shook his head; it was going to be a long weekend.


Naruto put the last box in the moving van. Iruka started the car as Naruto jumped in buckling his seat belt.

Naruto watched as the small town Konaha went past him. He almost regretted moving till he saw the Uchiha Mansion. After seeing it Naruto turned to look out the front window and smiled, a new start was coming around, no more Konaha, no more Sasuke, or so he thought.

~6 years later, Naruto Age: 16~

Naruto grabbed his bag from the locker slamming the door, with his foot. One thing Naruto hated was Mondays, he could already see Iruka scolding him about his report card. He sighed and made his way to the bus.

Naruto opened his door, only to see Kakashi and Iruka going at it... again. "God, get a room!" Naruto didn't wait for a replay and headed up the steps to his room, shutting the door behind him, and throwing his book bag on the ground grabbing the latest issue of Bleach, and started to read.

Knock! Knock! "Naruto can we come in, we need to talk." Naruto looked up from his book to see Iruka and Kakashi, opening the door and coming into the room.

Naruto sat up setting his book on the nightstand, "If this about the detention I got, It wasn't my fault, the teacher was just way to easy to prank."

"Detention?" Iruka raised an eye brow crossing his arms, "you got another detention?"

"Wait this isn- I mean what detention- What were we talking about, pfft, your hearing things." Naruto looked away.

Iruka just shook his head, "Anyway, I'll talk to you about that later, but right now Kakashi and I have something to tell you."

It was Naruto's turn to raise an eye brow, "I hate to brake it to you guys, but I pretty much knew you guy's were going out since you got married two years ago."

"Ha ha ha, now shut up I'm being serious here." Iruka said with a scowl.

"Fine I'm listing," Naruto said with a huff.

"Good," Iruka sucked in a breath then stared straight at Naruto, "Were moving."


Iruka interrupted him, "The company Kakashi worked for was sold to another corporation, but instead of firing Kakashi they decided to move him to another one of there company's, and were Kakashi goes I go, and where I go, you go."

Naruto just sighed running a hand trough his hair, "Well I guess I don't have much say in this do I?" Iruka shook his head, "Then I'm on board, where are we moving to?"

Naruto didn't miss the look that Iruka gave to Kakashi, then Iruka turned back to Naruto, and sighed. "Konaha." Naruto's eye's widened.

"No." Naruto stated simply.

"Naruto I-"

"No! I said NO! I promised I'd never go back, ever."

Iruka gave Naruto a sad look, and sat next to Naruto, nodding to Kakashi to leave them alone, Kakashi left instantly. "Naruto." Iruka sighed, taking Naruto and hugging him to his chest. Naruto looked up at Iruka. Iruka looked straight into Naruto's bright blue eye's, brushing Naruto's hair behind his head. "I really want this." Iruka whispered, "this is a great opportunity for Kakashi."

"What about your job, your a teacher you can't just leave."

"Well, actually I can, I'm going to finish out the week, so are you, I was offered a substitute job in Konaha high, One of the teachers is about to give birth, so they need a teacher with experience that can teach, not just random substitute."

Naruto sighed, "you know why I don't want to go back." Iruka smiled sadly, and nodded.

"It's true, you do have a past there, but..." Iruka started, "you can't run away forever."

"Yes I can."

Iruka laughed, "No you can't, and your coming with us whether you like it or not, understand?" Naruto stayed silent as Iruka got up to exit the room, he stopped at the door. "I expect you to have all the things you want to packed by the end the week, because if it's not packed it's not coming." With that Iruka exited the room, shutting the door.


After a day of mopping Naruto started to pack with the saying in mind 'If you can't beat it, Join it.' So he did, he knew he was no chance up agent Iruka, so he started to pack the things he loved the most, his fox posters, frog collectables, and of course can't forget the anime.

Naruto only went to school for three day, there he said good bye to his only real friend, Kyubbi.

With all the boxes in the moving truck, Naruto jumped into the passenger seat. Kakashi, left three day's before them to get the new house set up, before Iruka and Naruto got there.

The ride to Konaha to was an extremely boring and long ride for Naruto, it was a 5hr ride max, So leaving Friday Morning they where able to get to Konaha by Eleven pm.

Naruto sighed as he entered his old town, everything was so different, unfortunately you could still see the great Uchiha mansion, above the rest of the house's and buildings in Konaha. Now it wasn't as if Konaha hadn't change, it had, a lot in fact. It was now huge booming town with more life then ever. More business had opened up, making more people come and live in the so called 'Village hidden in the leaf's'. That's what the old town use to be called, for it's vast amount of trees surrounding the town.

Naruto sighed as they passed of things he remembered, for insistence the old play ground in which he use to play with his young buddy Konahomaru, until this moment he had totally forgot about him. Naruto glared at the new nice looking row a big businesses at what use to be a huge field, a beautiful field of all different types of plants. One thing though that never changed was the Hokage Mountain, that surrounded the town, giving it a nice border look, And of course carved into the mountain was faces of those who helped make the town what it was, the hokages. Naruto noticed a new face carved into the mountain a women, he could only imagine what she did to get on there.

Naruto was pulled out of his thoughts as the car stopped in front of what Naruto assumed was his new house. Naruto got out of the car sprinting into the house, excited to see where he'd now be living. The living room and the Kitchen were connected, only splitting them by counter's. The kitchen was yellow, with a light green ceiling. A table was in the far left corner, with four chair's, and what Naruto assumed was a Cabinet with a fridge, next to it and a stove on the far side.

The living room had red walls with the picture's of all of Iruka, Naruto, and Kakashi posted everywhere. I turned to the staircase, with was located on the far wall in the living room.

At the stop of the staircase there was four room's and a sliding door that led out to a deck, that over looked the backyard.

The first door was a office, with all of Kakashi's stuff he needs to work at home. The second room was Iruka and Kakashi's room that, and have there own master bath. The third room was another bathroom, simple blue tails with frog print wallpaper.

The last room at the top of the staircase was what Naruto assumed was his room. The room was medium size, with orange and blue wall paper, a black ceiling, on the wall across from the door was a window, with a bed underneath it. On the wall adjacent to the door was Naruto's dresser and a computer desk. Along the wall's were picture of Naruto's old friends, and poster's of Naruto's favorite band Rasengan.

Naruto smiled flopping down on his bed falling asleep instantly, the long drive finally getting to him.


Naruto woke up to the smell of freshly made pancake's. Stumbling down the steps Naruto finally made it down stairs only to be pulled into a crushing hug, by a man in a green suit.

"HELLO MY YOUTHFULL FRIEND!" The green guy said.

"C-can't Breath~" Naruto choked out.

"Oh sorry," Naruto was finally let go, he slide to the floor trying to catch his breath. "Sometimes I forget my own youth." Naruto hesitantly looked up at this guy who hugged him to death, he had a very tight green suit on with a green vest to match it.

"You can call me Might Guy." The guy now called Guy did a thumbs up, winking.

Naruto stood up holding out his hand, "Name's Naruto Uzamaki." Guy grabbed Naruto's hand with both of his.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Naruto, but I'd like to introduce you to my son Rock Lee."

Naruto looked over just in time to be glumped again by a man in a green suit.

"C-can't breath~" Naruto said again.

"Sorry my youthful friend, I get carried away sometimes." The man known as Lee finally let Naruto go, making Naruto fall again.

"Pleasure to meet you, Rock Lee." The Rock Lee character looked like a mini version of the Might Guy only he didn't where a vest, only a very tight green suit.

Naruto stood up again, only this time took a fighting stance ready to defend his self of any more, green suited youthful people who decided jump him again. Seeing none Naruto relaxed.

"Oh Naruto I see you've met our new Neighbor's," Naruto looked over to see Iruka come out from behind the counter putting down a plate of pancake's on the table.

"Neighbor's?" Naruto questioned.

"Yes, and not only that, Guy is also the P.E. Teacher at the school your going to be going to." I looked at Guy sceptically, "and Rock Lee goes there too, so you too can become great friends."

"Yes! That's a youthful plan, and I can introduce Naruto-kun here to my other friends, we'll all get along youthfully." Rock Lee inquired.

"That's a great idea Naruto would love to meet them." Naruto looked at Iruka with wide eyes, no he didn't.

"Awesome, Naruto-kun I can't wait for you to meet them, were all meeting at the Cafe at 2:00." Naruto looked at the clock it was 1:00 now, he couldn't believe he slept that long.

"Great," Naruto muttered to himself, could already see it, a group of green suited people bouncing around yelling about youthful things. "Sounds fun." Naruto added out loud this time.

Naruto dug into the pancakes, not really looking froward to meeting more people in green suit's. He'd probably end up losing a rib or two...

As soon as Naruto got done eating he took a quick bath and changed into his usual, orange pant's black shoe's and orange jacket, then headed out the door to meet Rock Lee's friends.

Naruto sighed fallowing Rock Lee... walking, because as Lee pointed out, 'driving was for the unyouthful', so now he was stuck in a half run, half jog, because they didn't want to be late. To make it worse every time Naruto got ahead of Rock Lee, he claimed it was the start of a youthful race, only for Naruto to remind him he didn't know the way to the cafe.

Naruto took a breather when he finally was able to sit down. Naruto looked around as Rock Lee sat down beside him. The cafe was only a block away and Naruto had just about enough running for the day.

"Youth." Lee yelled and started to jog on track, Naruto just shook his head. "If Naruto-kun can't walk then I shall make it a mission to be able to carry you there."

Naruto's eye bugged out of his socks, "WHAT!" but unfortunately for Naruto it was too late, Rock lee grabbed him and in one quick move he threw Naruto onto his back and started to run.

"AHHH! What the hell put me down." Naruto yelled but he didn't think Rock Lee could hear him for the fact Rock Lee kept chanting 'Youth, Youth' till they got to the cafe.

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief when Lee finally put him down. "Don't EVER do that again." Naruto yelled.

"Naruto-kun there already in there we must hurry." Naruto rolled his eye's and looked through the window of the cafe, it seemed there weren't any people in green skin tight suits in there, thank god.

So after getting his bearings back together, Naruto finally walk through the cafe's door with Lee. "Youthful friends, I have brought another person to join us." Naruto looked over to where Rock Lee was shouting at there was two tables pulled together to make one big table, and already had almost all the seats taken.

"Lee! What have we said about shouting?" A girl with very pink hair turned around to glare at Rock Lee, then smiled when she noticed Naruto's presence. "And who is that next to you Lee?"

"Why Sakura-chan this is my new neighbor Naruto-kun," Naruto gave a settle wave.

"Well come join us, you don't have to worry were not all as 'youthful' as Lee," said the girl named Sakura, and with a few chairs moved around, Naruto found himself sitting between Sakura and a dude with spiky hair... asleep.

"Oh don't mind him, that's Shikamaru you'll never find him awake." The girl next Shikamaru held out her hand out to him. "Name's Tamari, I'm this sleepy heads girlfrien," Naruto shook her hand, then she pointed at the red head and the brunet with purple markings on his face. "And those two are my younger brothers Konkaro and Gaara, Gaara's the youngest," Naruto gave them a wave.

"Naruto Uzamaki, and just like bushy-brow over there said I'm his new neighbor." Naruto gave his famous grin.

"Well welcome Naruto." Tamari said with a smile.

Naruto smiled, "Thanks, but truthfully I was expecting people in green tights running around exclaiming about 'youth'." Tamari laughed at that.

"Anyway, those two over there," She pointed to a girl with short black hair and another guy with a gray hoodie and purple triangles on his face. "That's Hinata and-"

"Name's Kiba, and it's nice to meet you blondie," Kiba said with a grin.

Naruto grinned back, "You to dog-breath." The grin on Kiba's face dropped.

"I-it's n-nice to m-meet you N-naruto-kun." The girl next to Kiba started to blush madly averting her eye's and started to play with her fingers. Now this girl is weird, Naruto thought.

"Oh and last but not least, the really quite guy on the other side of Kiba, is Shino."

Sakura leaned in close to me, "And whatever you do don't smash any bugs in front of him, he'll literally go insane." Naruto gave a nod he was glad he knew what to not so now.

"Oh and we have one more coming his name is Choji, do not mention his wight, you don't want to know what happened to the last person that did," Naruto gulped he didn't want to know that's for sure.

Naruto smiled at everyone, despite what he thought they were going to be they were actually way better then he expected, he couldn't wait to start the school year out with his new friends.


Vitty Rose: Hey this is an edit of the original first chapter, plus I add chapter two to it.