I'm back! I hope you guys like this new story. Edward and Bella Are always together in my stories! This stories mostly in EPOV but a little BPOV.

The bell rang for lunch, everyone got up and walked with their friends, I walked alone. Everyone got their food and sat down with their friends, I sat alone. To them I was an outcast, the boy who let his team down, who let his school down. I didn't have friends, I avoided human contact, and , sometimes, I was forced to wear the the same thing twice. Because of dad. I never ate, I didn't get lunch money, I gave up on getting food since my mother died.

Everyone was excited today, there was a new girl. I could care less, it was just another person to avoid me. To call me a freak. Another reason to want to die.

I just sat their, starring at the doors. They opened to reveal the most beautiful girl alive. Long brown hair, deep brown eyes, perfect body. I think i fell in love as soon as I laid my eyes on her.

She bought her food, looked around, and slowly came towards me. Wait, me? Why is she sitting with me.

"Hello?" She said standing in front of me. "Can I sit with you?"

"If you want." I told her.

"I'm Bella." She said, holding out her hand.

"Edward." I said, taking her hand. It felt right her hand in mine, I liked it.

"Why aren't you sitting with your friends?" She asked.

"I don't-"

"Bella." Mike Newton. I looked at the table, I knew what was coming.

"Oh, Mason, I didn't see you there." He said sitting. He looked at Bella. "Why are you sitting with this loser?"

"Mike-" She started but stopped when I grabbed my bag.

"Edward you don't have to go." She said.

"Yeah, he does. He's a freak. He wore that shirt yesterday you know."

She looked up shocked at me. I walked, almost ran out, embarrassed. Why did this always happen to me?

"Edward!" I heard someone yell. I turned and there was Bella running towards me. I stopped and let her catch up.

"What was that?"

"It was Mike being Mike." I sighed.

"Well, Mike's a jerk." She said taking my hand. "It's not fair to you."

I looked down at our intertwined hands and smiled. "Thanks. Where are you going?"

She looked at her schedule and said "Biology, room thirteen."

"Me, too. I'll walk you."

And for the first time, I didn't walk alone.