Disclaimer: Since fanfics technically break copyright laws, I say this in the hope that I don't get sued. I don't own Gundam Wing or Yu-Gi-Oh.

Summary: Heero has been acting weird ever since the re-release of Duel Monsters. Since when did he know anything about running a multi-billon dollar company?

Warnings: This fanfic contains shonen-ai (boy love), language, OOC, maybe OCs, and minor AU-ness. Also, I'm more of a Yu-Gi-Oh fan then Gundam Wing, but I still like both series. With that said, I haven't seen Gundam Wing in it's entirety in ages, so my memory is rusty on it. With that said, you will notice I will lean more towards the Yu-Gi-Oh side despite the setting. That said, I will try to keep things basic for both fandoms. If anything I say is incorrect, let me know.

Random Talk: Wow, I never thought I would actually think about writing a Gundam Wing fic, let alone a crossover. I write ygo fics for crying out loud! But, then I had to look at Japanese voice actors. That led to the idea for this fic. Hopefully, I don't upset fans of either series…

Mirror Image

Prologue: The Frozen Boy

AC 180

A man worked on a computer in the dark. Noise from various machines were the only sound aside from the typing the man made. His only companion seemed to be a three-year-old boy in a glass tube, frozen in time: a boy who has been dead to the world for centuries.

A door opened behind the man, revealing another man in a suit. He stared at the one on the computer. He knew that the doctor would be upset about the news he had. Ever since he had been hired to take care of the boy, the doctor was intrigued about his history.

"The higher-ups want to wake him," the man in the suit said. "They want the information and then get rid of him."

"I think not!" the doctor yelled turning around. "First off, his memory might be so damaged, he wouldn't be useful. For another, he could be an interesting subject to study. His intelligence was truly amazing even at age 8. He has great technical skills. Not to mention his strength is fairly above average."

"I know, I know. But they already suspect I'm a colony supporter. I can't help you get what you want this time."

"What if I take him? Security here is still pre-colony. No one bothered to even try to upgrade down here since this place technically doesn't exist. It will be easy to take him."

"Fine, but I don't know anything about this." There was a brief pause that the only sound were the machines. "What are you going to do with him?"

"I have an idea. Are you still in contact with your cousin, Lowe?"

"Of course. He's still in the hitman business. Why?"

"Perfect. Give me his contact information. He may prove to be useful for me."

"Fine. I'll send it to you on a secure line. And J…"


"Good luck. I have a feeling he will be important."


Random talk: Hope that was satisfactory. There's too much dialogue in my opinion. But, I'm doing this between classes.

Now for an important announcement: this story is one of many that I have posted to see which one I should focus on. Right now, there is a poll that will be up for one month. It will determine which fic I will work on. So, if you like this fic, go vote for it! You can pick up to two fics. Every vote counts!

Don't forget to review!

Rubi-chan, over and out!