Beaming to the planet, Worf and Geordi and the security team talked tactics, Geordi looked over at Data and Lily who were facing off against the Romulan renegades "I hope his chip is deactivated or we have trouble" he said
Worf agreed, soon the group had a plan and they got to work on freeing the captives, first they sent Data and Lily back to the Enterprise "But sir…" protested Lily
"You two are now in a compromising position… Go!" said Geordi
She and Data did as told "They will free them" Data said hoping he was right
"They will do their best" said Lily who wished she had not returned to work so soon "If they fail…"
Data grabbed her by the shoulders "They will not fail!" he said firmly
"How can you be so sure?" she asked
Just as she spoke, Captain Picard found them "Data I believe has faith in the team Lily" he said
"Sir if they do not succeed, my new born son will have no father" she said
"And Data will have lost the one he loves also" said Picard, Lily knew he was right
"You two go and spend some time doing anything you can to distract you" he ordered
Data and Lily decided little William would make a good distraction.
In the nursery, Data and Lily went to the crib that William was lying in, he was awake and seemed happy enough, Data lifted him up and told him how right now his father was being rescued but would be back soon
William looked up at Data and cooed "I believe he is agreeing with you" said Lily
"I do to" said Data, he started singing to the little boy, Lily laughed when she heard the song in question "Life forms, tiny little life forms, precious little life forms…Where are you?"
William cooed louder, Lily was in hysterics, the little one obviously liked the song so Data sang a few others.
Meanwhile back on Druid 4, the rescue team had come up with a bright idea, they would cause a distraction, while the Romulans were distracted, they would rescue the two hostages.
Worf, who was excellent at distracting people, headed off to distract the Romulans, Geordi contacted Chief O'Brien "You have their co ordinates?" he whispered into his commbadge
"I do" Miles O'Brien told him back
Worf managed to distract the Romulans by singing some Klingon Opera, the Romulan captives all let go of their hostages and covered their ears "Now!" Geordi told Miles, Wesley and Ro Laren were successfully beamed onboard the Enterprise, followed soon after by Geordi, Worf and the Security team who were all laughing at the Romulans reaction.
"I don't think they liked your singing very much" Geordi commented with a grin as they walked off the pad and towards the bridge
"Klingons are known for their singing" said Worf "and it is said you have to a liking for that kind of music", Wesley and Ro Laren both grinned and thanked the two for rescuing them, the Security team all headed off to do some more not so strenuous work.