A/N: Hi guys. So, I was thinking about ideas for my other story, and this popped into my head. Seeing as it doesn't fit at all into my other story, I decided to give this one a life of it's own because it wouldn't get out of my head until I wrote it down. Now I feel loads better.

I have chosen to give it a T rating for now, but that could change because, as you will soon find out, there is a lot of potential for some good, old fashioned smut. Please be patient. This first chapter is kind of tame, but it sets things up, and I wanted to get in a bit of background before I cranked dial on the smut up to 11.

As usual, none of the characters in this story belong to me. They are the property of CBS. If only I hadn't already used up my three wishes....

Danny was beyond tired. He was exhausted and grumpy, and he wanted nothing more than to collapse as soon as he reached the sanctuary of the apartment he shared with Lindsay and their baby daughter Lucy.

He checked his watch again as he rounded the corner and proceeded to walk the last half-block before he reached the front door of their building. It was 1:47 am. He sighed and picked up his pace. He wished Lindsay didn't have to get up and take Lucy to an appointment so early tomorrow morning. He could have really used some alone time with his wife tonight. But he knew that an early morning appointment for Lucy meant that Lindsay would have been in bed and fast asleep hours ago.

Even thinking of falling into unconsciousness himself as soon as he walked through his front door couldn't pull him out of his current mood. He just wanted to push all the stress of the past few days into a deep dark crevice somewhere and forget they ever existed. He knew that he wouldn't be able to do that, and he would probably be up half the night tossing and turning which is what invariably happened when he had a case that was particularly difficult to shake. His frustration at not being able to sleep would be compounded by his fear of keeping Lindsay awake with his restlessness. After a few hours, he usually relocated himself to sleep on the couch in their living room so that at least one of them could be relatively well rested the next morning.

He continued these morose thoughts all the way through the front door of their building and up the stairs. When he arrived at apartment 3G, he gently pulled his keys from his pocket and singled out the key that would grant him access to his home. He wrapped his hand around the remaining keys in the bunch so that they wouldn't jingle together when he turned the key in the lock and possibly wake Lindsay or Lucy.

Once he had turned both locks, he carefully placed his keys back in his coat pocket and turned the doorknob. As he inched the door open, he winced as the hinges creaked in protest. He made a mental note to oil the hinges tomorrow.

While he thought about adding yet one more thing to the never-ending list of stuff he needed to do around the house, he didn't notice that although he was still pushing, the door had stopped moving. Looking up, he glanced at the number on the apartment door. 3G. So he had the right apartment. He mentally slapped his forehead. Of course he had the right apartment. His keys had worked in the lock, hadn't they?

Come on Danny, pull yourself together!

What was going on here? He pulled the door towards himself so that it was almost closed and pushed again, harder this time. Wild panic rose up from the pit of his stomach as he heard a loud clunk against the door and once again it stopped moving. Thoughts of a ransacked apartment, or Lindsay and Lucy being in some kind of trouble whirled through his sleep-deprived and foggy brain as he continued to shove against the door in a feeble attempt to open it.

He stopped as something glinted in the light of the hallway, catching his attention. He breathed a huge sigh of relief. The security chain was stretched to its limit, fastened to both the inside of the door and the wall. Danny chuckled to himself nervously as he let the terror that had coursed through his body slowly fade away. He shook his head and smiled. Obviously Lindsay had put the chain on the door earlier in the evening and forgotten to take it off before she went to bed. Danny rested his head against the door for a moment to collect his thoughts.

As Danny saw it, he had two viable choices. He could attempt to wake Lindsay up and get her to let him in, or he could spend the night out here in the hall. The idea of disturbing his sleeping wife was not a pleasant one. He knew that she would initially be irritable at being woken at such an ungodly hour, but she would also be embarrassed at having locked him out in the first place. However, he also knew that she would be beyond furious with him if she found him sleeping in the hallway the next morning, and Danny wanted to avoid an angry Lindsay if it was at all possible.

He sighed, and pulled out his cell to call her. He was about to hit Speed Dial 1, when he heard a voice behind the semi-closed door.


"Yeah, babe. It's me."

"Danny," Lindsay inquired hesitantly, "are you alone?"

"What?" Danny asked. "Linds, it's almost 2 o'clock in the morning. Who the hell am I gonna bring home with me at this time of night?"

He saw the door draw back a bit into the apartment, but noticed that the chain was still stretched tautly across the opening. Lindsay poked her head out from behind the door and gave him a smile. He was shocked at her appearance. It was almost 2 am. She had to be up in five short hours with their daughter. And she didn't look at all as if she had just rolled out of bed after being woken up from a blissful sleep.

From what he could see of her face, she was still wearing her make up from earlier that day.

Or was she?

Actually, it looked a little darker than she usually wore it for the office. Danny attributed it to poor lighting and possibly a trick of the mind. He was exhausted, after all. As Danny once again got lost in his thoughts, he realized that Lindsay had said something to him, and he'd missed it.

"Sorry, Linds. What?"

"What's the password?" she asked.

"Babe, come on," he said. "You know it's me. We don't have a password. Just let me in. I'm tired, alright?"

Lindsay considered him for a moment then shook her head.

"Nope. That's not the password."

Danny stared at his wife. He had expected that she would be irritable about being woken up in the middle of the night and he had prepared himself to face a grumpy, sleepy-eyed Lindsay. But bright-eyed, mischievous, playful Lindsay? This he hadn't expected.

"Lindsay! Dammit, come on. I'm tired. I just want to go to bed!" Danny whined.

Lindsay considered again, nibbling on her bottom lip as she did so.

"Nope. Still not it," she replied. "You are getting closer though."

Was it Danny's imagination, or had she just winked at him? He closed his eyes and shook his head. His mind was definitely playing tricks on him. It was 2 am and there was no way that his wife was flirting with him at this time of night while he stood out in the hall.

He looked back up at her.

"I love you?" he tried.

"Aw. You're so sweet! I love you too, honey," she said. "But that's still not the password."

"Linds…" Danny started.

"Danny," Lindsay interrupted him, "do you like what I'm wearing?"

"What, did you get new pyjama's that I haven't seen yet or somethi…" the rest of Danny's sentence died on his lips as his gaze drifted down the small sliver of his wife's body that he could see through the crack in the door. He knew that he was staring, and that his jaw was probably close to grazing on the ground but at this moment in time, Danny Messer did not care.

Lindsay smiled at her husband's reaction. She had planned this since he had called earlier that afternoon, sounding so upset that he wasn't going to be home in time for dinner. He got very cranky when he didn't get enough time with "his girls" as he called them. He had phoned again around 6 o'clock, and she could hear the strain of the day in his voice.

His tone was flat and tired as he had apologized to Lindsay for making her spend the evening alone and promised to make it up to her. She tried to reassure him that she knew it wasn't his fault. It was part of the job. She even offered to wait up for him. This had seemed to perk him up momentarily. But the smile in his voice faded quickly as he told her that he would be stuck at the office until at least midnight, but possibly even later. He told her that he didn't want her to stay up so late and be too tired the next day. He sighed and thanked her. He told her that he loved her and that he would talk to her again in the morning.

Upon hearing the unhappiness in her husband's voice, Lindsay had decided there and then that Danny needed some cheering up. And she had just the thing in mind. She smiled to herself as she set about organizing her evening.

When they had still been dating, they had been working a case together and Danny had inadvertently let slip one of his favourite fantasies, and Lindsay had tucked that information away for use at a later time. Actually, she had been very excited about the prospect, because it played into one of her fantasies as well. Unfortunately, a few weeks later, Ruben Sandoval had died and life had changed forever for Danny and Lindsay.

There was always something. They had broken up for several months, and even after getting back together, things hadn't been the same for a long time. They were together, but still keeping each other at arm's length, and Lindsay hadn't felt the same intimacy that they had shared earlier.

Then she had gotten pregnant with Lucy, and the prospect of being parents had brought them closer than they had ever been before. But Lindsay had decided that she wanted things to be perfect when she fulfilled this fantasy for Danny, and she had never found the courage to try to pull it off while she was pregnant. Not that Danny ever had any problem with how she had looked – in fact he had told daily, sometimes more than once, how beautiful she was when she was pregnant.

Lindsay had told herself that she would do it as soon as she got her body back. There were a lot of things she wouldn't let Danny do until she got her body back. She grinned to herself as she remembered Danny grumbling that she sounded as though she had lost her body somewhere and was waiting for it to turn up in the lost and found. Then he had muttered something about getting Flack to put out an APB.

After Lucy was born the doctor told them to wait at least six weeks before making love again, although Lindsay had told Danny she felt fine after three and a half weeks. Danny had vehemently refused before the six weeks and had even threatened to move in with Flack if she kept making any "inappropriate advances" on him. He told her that he wanted to give her time to heal completely and that he didn't want to do anything to her that would cause her pain. She told him exactly what she wanted him to do to her, in graphic detail. She had laughed when he excused himself to go take a long, cold shower.

Then Lindsay's world had shattered again when Danny had been shot and had lost the use of his legs. During his rehabilitation Danny had frequently been worn out from the painful and exhausting process of learning to walk again. While their physical intimacy had been limited, they had spent countless hours talking, laughing and crying in each others arms, drawing them even closer together than Lindsay could have imagined possible.

And here they were. Danny was back on his feet, Lindsay had "found" her body, and little Lucy was healthy and happy. Although she and Danny were still finding the balance between work and home, marriage and a new baby, they still made time for one another, and it was very satisfying for Lindsay. But now she wanted more. She wanted to throw caution to the wind and have wild, crazy, passionate sex like they had back when they had first been dating.

So when Danny had called her that evening, Lindsay decided that it was time to put her plan into action.

A/N: Please read and review. I would love to know what you think. I am sorry for leaving you hanging. I promise that in the next chapter the smut fest begins! Yay!