*Crawls out of a hole somewhere in Cuba.*
Akira: Agh.. My head… D :
I do not own Switch or any of the characters. If I did, it would be major yaoi time. - o - All I own are King and the story line. Although I doubt I even own that. So I own King. o. o Yah.
Tobari smiled. "I'm sorry. But I'm not gonna sympathize with you."
Tobari's finger found the trigger.
Hal's eyes widened. He had to help Kai.
He had to..
He began to run forward.
But it was too late.
The shot was heard all around the forest, as it echoed.
The world had almost seemed to stop, in those few seconds as the echo disappeared.
Hal could simply look on, in horror, as Kai's body seemed to go limp.
Tobari smiled. "Hn. Barely a fight."
Suddenly, an elbow found its way to Tobari's gut, him releasing Kai.
The redhead male quickly turned around, a fist colliding with Tobari's jaw, causing the man to fall to the ground.
Hal's eyes widened. No, something wasn't right. He had seen that look in Kai's eyes before.
He wasn't himself right now.
"Kai!" He called out.
But the redhead ignored him, as he pulled out a gun, a smirk crossing his face as he pointed it at Tobari's head.
Tobari looked up into the barrel, squinting.
"He isn't going to let you get the last kill on me."
Kai's smile widened. "Wanna bet?"
Kai's finger began to pull on the trigger, but it never made it the full way.
Suddenly, the sound of a high-powered gun went off, close by. In a rush of a shining object, a giant pullet plowed through Tobari's head, spilling blood and brain matter all around, as his body fell limp on the ground.
Kai's eyes widened, as he looked around.
A small girl came from behind a tree, a black gun with a red bow on it on her back, the strap going over her small chest.
She smiled at Kai, her head tilting to the side, dirty blonde hair falling into her face. "We won't have any of this, now, will we?"
With anger, Kai pointed the gun at the girl. Before he could even think, she had pulled out a small pistol and fired.
Thankfully, it was not a real bullet. Simply a rubber one.
But the gun was powerful enough for it to still cause something to happen.
As the blue rubber hit Kai between the eyes, it hit hard enough to knock him out.
Hal could simply look on, his jaw basically dropping.
"Are you… are you stupid or something, girl? What if you had hit him in the eye?"
She put her finger to her chin, thinking of this. "Oh, that would have been bad~ He woulda been blind in one eye, and that wouldn't be good in his profession, no SIR!" She said with a laugh.
She reminded him of someone.
An image of King with his not-so-innocent smile popped up into Hal's head.
The girl walked over to Tobari's body, and looked down at it, moving her hair behind her ear.
By the way she looked, Hal had to guess she was just barely out of Junior High.
What was with all these young people and their guns and drugs? Honestly.
She looked up at Hal, then to Kai. "… He's the key to sWitch, is he not?"
Hal frowned. "… Yes, yes he is.."
She tutted, moving over to the unconscious redhead. She moved aside some of his hair revealing a welt appearing on his forehead.
"… Did King tell you to do this?"
The girl looked up at Hal. "He can't very well tell me to do anything, Mr. Matori. I do what I see fit is best for Syndictive, even if that means it has to be completely destroyed."
"I don't.. understand. They way you make it sound, you were-"
"-Never under King's control. None of us were. We could leave if we wanted."
This confused Hal.
Was this why King had so many followers?
The girl stood up straight and walked up to Hal. She was considerably short.
She pointed to herself. "My name is Rena." She pointed to Tobari. "He was my brother."
Hal's eyes widened. "You… killed your own.. brother?"
Rena nodded. Her eyes were not watered, there was no remorse on her face. Hal would never have guessed this.
"It was my job."
Quickly, Rena turned around. She could hear the footsteps of the other investigators, looking for Hal and Kai.
"…. I must go."
"Wait, you can't go! You just murdered someone!"
Rena looked up at him. "If I hadn't, that guy would've."
With that, the young girl was gone.
And Hal was left there.
He went over to Kai, and held the younger male close, sighing.
He had been so scared.
He had almost lost Kai.
If Kai wasn't the key to sWitch,
Would he have died?
This was not something Hal wanted to touch on.
- 4 Days later -
King had just come out of his first operation.
Still on an IV, he sat in his bed, groggy and a bit loopy.
He had a pounding headache, the white board close to his side. He had asked for an increase in his pain medications eight times. With each increase, there was no change, though. Only a numb feeling in his toes, which he thought he should mention.
He looked up, as he heard his door slide open.
It was Rena, her eyes lighting up at seeing King. She smiled.
".. How are you, King?"
He grabbed up the whiteboard, his writing slightly slanted because of his current state of mind.
'One operation down. They said I will be going through around ten more like this.'
"… It will fix you?"
He tapped his chin with the butt of the marker, before writing again.
'That is what we are hoping, isn't it?' He erased that and began to write again. When Rena tried to speak, he stuck up a finger, motioning for her to be quiet. She obliged, as he held up the board again. 'Did you do what you had to do?'
Rena paused, and nodded.
King looked at her worriedly.
He had begun to recover the numb emotions that had began to vanish with his mind. And, so his original personality was slowly coming back. 'What is it, Rena? You seem uncertain.'
She shook her head. "No, it is nothing, King."
She looked over at a table, looking at the neatly folded piece of white paper, King's signature on the front. Her brows furrowed.
"Another note?"
King looked up at her, and smiled. 'Old habits die hard, y'know. Would you mind delivering that for me? The address to where I want it delivered is in the front flap of the note.'
Rena nodded. "Of course, King."
She went and picked it up. Before she left, she looked back at him.
"…. Do well."
King simply smiled at her.
She was such an ignorant girl for all she had seen.
He wished she would stay like that, even when he was gone.
- Next Day -
"Quit struggling, Good-for-nothing!"
"But, Hal~"
The two investigators were in a compromising position, just at the door of Hal's apartment.
Once the two had gotten in, Hal had pounced on the younger male.
The bespectacled blonde growled lowly. "It's been five fucking days, and I've held back all that time, but now I'm gonna fuck you until you can't move."
The corner of Kai's mouth twitched in horror of that thought.
Now Hal was basically dragging the redhead to the bedroom.
"No, I don't wanna go~" Kai whined.
But, as the audible crack of the door shutting was heard, Kai realized he was now trapped.
"… Ungh." He let out in defeat.
Hal smirked, as he threw the redhead on to the bed, crawling over him, unbuttoning his shirt.
"You're mine now." He said, as he locked lips with Kai.
Kai was slightly taken by surprise, but soon was back into the rhythm, as Hal's tongue slipped into his mouth, bringing the redhead's tongue to life, as they tangled together.
Hal's hands ran down Kai's sides, feeling up the red head.
Kai let out a slight moan, temporarily breaking the kiss. This allowed the time for both of them to breathe.
Hal began to venture down Kai's body, leaving sweet kisses along Kai's jaw, before moving to his neck, then removing the redhead's shirt, the trail of kisses leading down to one of his pink nipples, where Hal began to suck on it, producing a squeal from Kai.
He continued to suck on the bud of nerves, his teeth every now and then clamping down on it, as it became hard.
"Ungh… th-that feels weird, Hal…" Kai said silently.
"Hmm, what was that? I couldn't hear ya." Hal said, as his hand reached up and pinched Kai's other nipple.
The younger male's back arched at this, a slight moan coming from him.
Hal's hand slowly crept down to Kai's pants, unbuttoning the jeans, as he snaked beneath Kai's boxers, slowly stroking the redhead's member to life.
Even though they had done this times before, Kai still acted like a virgin.
Cute, at first.
But Hal was beginning to become annoyed with the redhead.
He bit down on Kai's shoulder, until the skin broke, bringing forth blood.
"OW." The bleeding man screeched.
Hal smirked.
Kai frowned. "W-what was that for?"
Hal didn't answer, as he lapped up the blood.
The strokes on Kai's member became more rapid, as Hal's finger lightly rubbed the head, spreading pre-cum.
Kai's gasped in, mewling softly. "H-Hal…" He moaned out.
"I… I'm going to…"
Before Kai could reach his climax, the hand disappeared.
And he lay there, confused, and slightly annoyed that his orgasm was denied.
Hal unbuttoned his own pants, and stripped himself of his boxers, flinging them off somewhere. He flipped Kai onto his stomach, reaching around and sticking his fingers into the redhead's mouth.
Kai obligingly began to suck on the digits, running his tongue along them. After a few seconds, Hal removed his hand from Kai's mouth.
He slipped two digits into Kai, scissoring them.
The feeling was uncomfortable at first, but soon, the redhead got used to it.
Hal realized, and stuck in the third digit, until he was pleased with the outcome.
He positioned himself behind Kai, before thrusting in.
Kai bit his lower lip. It did hurt a bit, but the pain soon passed, and Hal began to thrust in at a steady rhythm.
Moans began to fill the room along with the squeaking of the bed.
This would go on for a while.
No matter how much the redhead wanted to stop.
Outside, Rena stands in front of the door. She can hear from the outside,.
And so, she simply slips the note under the door.
She quickly turns around, her face red, and hurries away. She shakes her head at what she had heard from inside.
The note slowly unfolded itself, the seal finally having given way. Inside, the paper read only two, simply words.
The End.
Wow. I feel horrible. D : Sumimasen! I haven't updated in so loooong~! I forgot my laptop on a trip to Europe, and I only just got it back. : ] I'm the dork who puts his name, address, and phone number on a laptop. And why it took them so long, I don't know…. But all my files were here : ] I'm sorry if this chapter isn't satisfying. I had finished it when we were in a café in London, and was planning to post it when I got home…. D : Well, thank you for reading, and again, I'm sorry…. D :