Note: Okay this fanfic is set before the first Hellboy movie. Besides that the summery pretty much says it all… Lets see what else can I tell you…well here are my normal every Hellboy fanfic 'warnings:' I've never read the comics. All my Hellboy knowledge is from the movies, animated and live… so I have to fill in a lot of the blanks myself and my writings may be a bit AU when regarding 'normal' pasts of some characters especially Abe's who is the Hellboy character my stories follow the most. I also have a few BPRD OC's that probably will be introduced sooner or later… blah blah blah… ok done with that. Lets get to the story.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing and no recognizable characters from Hellboy. I am just a poor college student who also happens to be a rabid fan and this just happens to be a fanfiction that my mind came up with that I feel like sharing with other fans. I make absolutely NO money from this fanfic. It is merely for fun and hopefully the enjoyment of other fans. Please don't sue and fans please enjoy.

Title: Lost

Chapter 1: Takin' Care of Business

They were in the sewers, again.

Abraham Sapien sighed as he trudged along with Hellboy through the hip-deep, sickly brown-green sludge water of the tunnels. Nothing good ever happened in sewers, the Icthyo sapien mused quietly, trying to keep his mind off what he was really walking through.

Everywhere around the world, nasty things seem to gravitate to dark places; deep forests, black caves, ocean bottoms, but in the ever lit cities of the 'modern days,' sewer tunnels were one of the only places that fit the bill. There was always something to find in a sewer. There was also always something that, if you stayed down there in the darkness for long enough, would find you. Between the monsters, the demons and the occasional alligator, all of which were not supposed to exist, but did, there was always something, and probably always would be something for the agents of the BPRD to do in the sewers.

Today it way just a routine check. It had been kind of like; hey we've got nothing else for you to do so why don't you go check some sewers. Charming. Abe smiled a little grimly at the thought.

A quiet splash of water from behind the pair broke Abe from his thoughts. The Icthyo sapien halted in his tracks looking the way the sound had come from and slowly drew his gun from his holster. "Red I think we have a visitor."

Hellboy stopped a few yards ahead of the Icthyo sapien and also unholstered his gun. "Any ideas what?"

Abe turned for a second to answer his partner and friend and unfortunately for him that was the moment the creature struck.

It tore through the water and jumped airborne strait at Abe, its jaws opened wide. The creature itself looked a lot like a mutated version of an alligator, but Abe didn't have time to take it all the details. All he saw were sharp claws, jagged teeth and hungry eyes flying towards him.

Startled Abe dodged, but not quite quickly enough. The creatures tail caught him a hard blow on its way past, picking the Icthyo sapien up off his feet and slammed him back into the sewer wall. An earsplitting crack resounded through the air as the age old brick behind Abe broke under the force.

Abe's eyes widened in pain as the breath exploded from his lungs making it impossible for him to cry out. He hung there, suspended for a second in the broken wall before limply falling into the murky waters below. Abe's body sunk quickly and soon disappeared from sight as the dark, cloudy flow of the sewers swallowed him up.

Meanwhile, Hellboy hadn't noticed his partner's plight. He had problems of his own. Immediately after missing Abe the creature went for Red. Unfortunately for the creature Hellboy had a gun. Unfortunately for Hellboy, he couldn't aim.

"Dammit, stand still," Hellboy was firing wildly as the creature rushed through the water towards him.

It surge out of the water, jaws opened wide, salivatating for what it thought would be its next meal. It didn't count on being caught by the neck in the vice grip of a large red hand.

The creature struggled madly, snapping it's jaws and trying to claw its way free of the hand that held it, but in vain. Nothing, as of yet, had ever been able to even scratch Hellboy's stony right hand of doom and that included weird mutant alligator things.

"See if you can dodge this," Hellboy growled as he brought up his gun and shot the creature point blank in the head.

The thing fell dead into the water. It's blood mixing with the brown current as it sunk from sight.

"Well that was fun," Hellboy said sarcastically lighting up a cigar and turning to look for his partner. "Hey what's ya say we call it a night, Blue?... Blue? Hey Abe?!"

Hellboy's voice echoed hollowly back at him from the walls. There was no one around to answer his call.

"Aw shit."


Okay a little short I know, but I've kinda become a bit notorious for that in some of my other fanfics… but I hope you liked it enough anyway to be intrigued for the next chapter. All I ask is please review. It really helps me know what you, my dear readers, think. I am under no illusions of personally being a mind reader so reviews really are appreciated. Also no flames please. Constructive criticism is fine but 'whining for no reason' is not.

To those of you who may also know "Behind Blue Eyes" I just want to quickly assure you that I have NOT given up on that fanfic. I'm just a bit stuck and am hoping that working on something a bit different will help 'unstick' me. I hope to be able to continue that fanfic soon as well as this new fanfic. Also I want to mention that this one "Lost" and "Behind Blue Eyes" are in the same universe…? timeline…? whatever you want to call it. "Lost" is set before the BBE as well as the first live Hellboy movie. AKA this is before Kit and Gabby but there is another one… two… a few 'new' characters that are introduced 'first' in this fanfic (are also in/exist the BBE you just haven't 'met' them yet) so this might still be an interesting read. Just a hint :)

P.S. Chapter titles are mostly inspired by songs or lyrics within a song that I generally like (although sometimes inspired by other media like popular movies etc…)

Title: "Lost" sung by Coldplay

Chapter title: "Taken' Care of Business" by Bachman- Turner Overdrive