Disclaimer: working in elementary schools made me realize….I don't own OHSHC!

Chapter 23

- I'm here to see Tamaki- Éclair came inside with her usual superior attitude.

- He's not here- Angelina said dressed up as Angel.

- Well I have to see him- she said impatient tapping her expensive Prada shoes.

Angelina rolled her eyes. She came back just as annoying as always. And here she thought she had left for good, but like her mother always said "bad weed never dies" and what a true notion that was. She begged god for her to leave but she was completely stubborn. Suddenly Tamaki came inside and Éclair was the first to get up.

- Angel check my schedule for the day of today, see if you can bring me the plans of the construction of the new factory and please escort Lady Éclair out of here.

- Aren't you going to even listen to me?- Éclair asked him outraged.

- Do I have to?- Tamaki asked her whining- Alright Éclair, you got my attention…but only for a five minutes. Angel bring me some lemon tea. I need something to relax me.

- Yes sir- Angelina left leaving them alone. Even when she didn't want to.

- What brings you here Éclair?- Tamaki asked her once his assistant left.

- Tamaki, I am here to see if I can convince you of…

- Éclair, I thought we had this discussion- Tamaki sighed- We can't have anything because I have no feelings for you that isn't friendship.

- But if you could just let me show you that I can love you. Because even when you don't think so, I do love you. More than what that commoner girl could ever hope to.

- Angelina loves me very much. She has always showed me that she loves me and cares for me- Tamaki looked away and sighed.

In that moment, Angelina was listening the conversation over the door and inside she was cheering for Tamaki to get rid of that woman. It was useless of her to come and convince the man of her life that she wasn't worth for him. She wished she could go change her clothes and give her the smack of her life but she knew she had to contend herself.

- All right, I accept what you offer me. If you don't love me, I have no choice but to be your friend- Éclair got up and turned to the door- but know this Tamaki, I won't stop till you love me.

- Don't bother to even try then- Tamaki looked at some paperwork he had on his desk and completely ignored her.

Éclair opened the door and Angelina almost fell since she had been holding to the door. Éclair scoffed at her and left. Angelina placed the tea on the desk and sat I front of a very serious Tamaki.

- You ok boss?- she asked.

- This must have been my Grandmother's doing- Tamaki sighed still looking at the papers.

- I don't know why she reminded me of a Greek myth. I think it was…I got it! Medusa! Beautiful but can turn you into stone with one of her frosty looks into her eyes.

- I haven't thought of her that way- Tamaki chuckled and softened his expression as he let down the papers- My papers must have been the shield to block her eyes.

- Yeah and I have a natural shield called ignore. Works like a charm- Angelina joked.

- Thanks for trying to get me in a good mood- He thanked.

- Don't mention it boss! – Angelina smiled- why don't we talk about better things. How are things going for the big day? Ready to tie the knot?

- I couldn't be more ready for anything in my life. Your sister loves pick out certain details and I help out as well. We had this discussion over red roses or white. I love the red roses but your sister went on about being symbolic for pure. But after a few insults and a lot of kisses we decided to throw them both in.

- Wont it be a little weird?- Angelina asked already knowing what he was going to say since she had asked him the same thing when they had made the final decision.

- Na! it's going to be great! It's my wedding after all- Tamaki winked.

Even when Éclair had came back from hell Angelina was sure about Tamaki's feelings for her. Things were progressing day by day and the host club was also excited about all that. Angelina wanted to get married after finishing high school but Tamaki was too stubborn and wanted to marry her immediately. Since Tamaki was about to turn 18 in april (which was only a week away) things would be legal. Since Angelina was 17 and she had her parent's permission it was alright. It had been a bit difficult to get John to give them their blessing, but Yolanda was with them from the start as well as Lizzie. In the end John had seen the happiness his daughter irradiated with that man and was left with no option but to say yes. The wedding would be months away, but Angelina felt it coming so soon.

- Don't you think you guys are rushing things? Don't you wanna settle things down first?- Angelina suddenly asked.

- Why should we? Angelina loves me just as much as I love her. we know each other enough to know about ourselves. Plus times are changing and the faster the better.

- I never thought you would want it faster, I always thought you wanted things slower.

- Well I do…but I have too many things on me. If I can marry Angelina faster, the less chances she has of getting hurt.

- Hurt? What do you…..

- BON JOUR MA PETIT!- Genevieve came inside with her usual smile.

- Genevieve! How many times must I ask you to knock?- Tamaki sighed.

- you're a bit tired. You normally laugh and hug me when I do that. Did something happen?

- the wicked witch of the west came back- Angelina rolled her eyes- seems like she came back with a plan to get the boss back.

- SACRE BLEU! No wonder I smell rotten apple in this place- Genevieve wrinkled her nose and sat on Tamaki's desk- you obviously blew her off right?

- But of course!- Tamaki said- I am about to marry Angelina. She is the woman I want to marry.

- That's my Tamaki!- the French girl winked- and speaking of celebrations…I know of a certain someone that will be 18 soon.

- Wow boss! You're getting old- Angelina joked- soon enough you'll have wrinkles.

- I'm not THAT old…am I?- Tamaki said a little worried.

- I'm just joking boss!- she laughed.

Angelina had tried to get the host club to help her celebrate Tamaki's birthday and with some luck. The twins were ready for anything and Kyoya had already been planning the budget for the party alongside Lizzie. Hunny ordered thid huge cake while Mori helped decorate the dance room. Tamaki was so busy with wedding plans and the Suoh Company that he didn't even notice the activities.

- Hey Angie, where should we put the speakers?- Hikaru and Kaoru yelled.

- Over there!- she pointed.

- Come on boys you heard the lady- the twins pointed to the staff who was helping them move things.

- Oh look at the time! I gotta go! I'm late!- Angelina rushed outside and left Lizzie in charge.

As she was leaving the ballroom she bumped into Nekozawa. They both fell on the floor and he was the first one to get up.

- Im sorry fair maiden! I wasn't looking where I was going. Please excuse my behavior.

- It's alright! I'm sorta late and I was rushing so I guess I have fault in this as well- Angelina smiled and let Nekozawa help her up.

- So I'm guessing you don't have time for me to help you- Nekozawa said sadly.

- Nekozawa, can I ask you something?

- But of course fair maiden.

- How did you know Éclair was coming? Last time you saw me you said that medusa was coming and that "medusa" was coming and that I had to trust the power of love, what did you mean by that?

- That's why I need you to come to black magic club, so I can help you more.

- Tomorrow! I promise tomorrow we can talk!- Angelina looked at her watch- I am SO late!

"I hope that by tomorrow isn't too late for me to warn you" Nekozawa looked around into the hall and disappeared in the darkness.

A.n. Hey everyone! Long time no write! I know I have been absent for such a long time but I have my excuses and I shall be prepared to use them. First of all I HAD AN WRITERS BLOCK THE SIZED OF MONTANA! I was starting to loose faith on many of my FFs since not many people review them. Its like ever since I stopped writing for "sweet Ashes" (another one of my fics) I sorta lost touch! Buuuuuu! I need some cheer me up! Plus college doesn't help but to make my life even more miserable. ¬¬ yeah I hate school! And not only that but I have been so entertained with diverse Animes and mangas that I have been watching and I was like sooo distracted plus I was working on my novel. So please understand that if I don't update its for a reason.

This chapter is just a little glimpse of what's coming. Many of you can sorta get an idea of what's gonna happen and I hope you like what Im gonna do! But of course all the best fics need more drama. You see, when I was reading other fics I was like "Is it just me or do they only concentrate on the comic factor? Of course I love comedy and I am no one to talk but some drama and realism can get very far when writing.

I know it sucks! But I promise I will try to make it better. Any ideas are welcomed! Gotta book it!

