OH MY GOD. T_T I am sososo unbelievably sorry for the four-day hiatus, I was on computer restrictions for a day, then my laptop broke. I was actually crying when the technician came, I said, 'I HAVE REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS ON THIS AND A STORY I NEED TO POST DON'T LET ME DOWN NOW ;o;' And he just said, 'I'll do it!' Thank you, Kiernan.

Again, all the positive feedback is just making me so happy :D I'm really glad that everyone likes the stories. I'll keep doing my best!!~ Smex time now, gaiz. ;D There might be some canon storylines coming up where they're actually doing nation-ly things.


Matthew: 19

Alfred: 20

Arthur and Francis: around 35

(Pretty much the same time frame, but I'll be doing a colonial story soon, if not next .)

Enjoy this~


Midnight Delight


Alfred Jones ran a hand through his coarse hair, sighing deeply. Did he dare to glance at the clock? He didn't even want to know what time it was as he lay exhausted on his Superman (shut up, he's a role model) sheets.

After a few more minutes of lying awake, his resolve shattered, and, for what seemed like the zillionth time, he glanced at the digital clock at his bedside, green numbers nearly blinding in the pitch black of his room.

1:45. Damn it.

Alfred thought about his dilemma for a moment. Pensively, he considered what the problem might be, as he never had difficulties with sleeping before.

Perhaps he was… stressed? No, he had nothing to worry about. Did he have to use the restroom? No, he had gone not half an hour earlier. Then… Was he hungry? The sleepless blonde thought for a moment.

Yes, that must be it.

So, without further ado, he tossed the blankets back and climbed out of bed, ruffling his hair and sighing before lightly padding across the dark room, hitting his shin along the way. "Ow," he whispered.

Plodding gently down the stairs, the bleary insomniac tried his best to avoid slipping, finally reaching the living room without incident. Smiling widely at his ninja-like skills, he considered telling his friend Gilbert in the morning to see if he would finally be dubbed 'awesome.'

He could feel the chilly hardwood floor even through his socks, and decided with a shiver it was best to move quickly. Shuffling swiftly to the kitchen, the blonde rifled through cabinets, stopping only when he heard footsteps behind him.

A soft, "Alfred?" rang through the kitchen, and said boy recognized the voice as his younger brother's. "Sorry, Matt, did I wake you up?" "Nah, I can't sleep." Alfred marveled once again at just how similar they were before blindly shuffling over to the source of the noise, hooking one arm around Matthew's waist.

The other twin gave a small squeak, and Alfred could practically feel him blushing as he pulled the Canadian in even closer.

Frowning at the other boy's lack of body heat, the blonde worriedly exclaimed, "Jesus, Mattie, you're freezing." "S-Sorry…"

The two spent a moment like that, just leaning against each other's chests, before Matthew said, "So are you hungry, Al?" Alfred nodded, resting his head on the top of his brother's with a little chuckle. As the other blonde tried to pull away, the taller of the two made his hand wrap around Matthew's waist even tighter, causing a little gasp.

"Don't y-you want me to get you something?" Alfred smiled at the inquiry, noticing vaguely how cute Matthew was when flustered. His vivid red cheeks, mussed hair, and most of all, his confused little pout. The expression caused a small line to form between his eyebrows.

"Alfred? Are you listening to me?" Before the tall blonde knew it, he was grabbing his brother's shoulders as their mouths crashed together.

He felt Matthew tense and snapped out of his momentary release, immediately letting go of his brother and stumbling back in shock. A silence filled the dark room as the younger of the two pressed his hand to his lips, quivering slightly. Panting, Alfred looked in horror at the petite Canadian, mind firmly gripped by the fear that his brother would reject him; call him a freak; hate him, even.

Imagine his surprise when Matthew kissed him.

Alfred was frozen in shock as the smaller boy touched their lips together again, sensually snaking his arms around his twin's neck. Shaking himself out of his reverie, the older brother hesitantly kissed back, a bit fearful of being too forceful. Matthew groaned into his mouth, pressing their hips closer together.

Alfred panted, pinning Matthew to the wall as he plunged his tongue roughly into the Canadian's open mouth. In response, the blonde wrapped his legs around Alfred's waist, moaning softly.

The American's hands fumbled in uncharacteristic anxiety as he attempted to take off his brother's shirt, Matthew finally growling in impatience and ripping it off himself. The soft blue garment was carelessly tossed to the floor.

The brothers were blending so closely that they seemed nearly like one unit, similar faces and bodies meshing together as two hot tongues entwined. Blonde hair fell like a sheet over the same color as Alfred stumbled hastily to the kitchen island, the added burden of his twin's body weighing heavily upon him as he laid the delicate boy down.

Matthew truly was beautiful. The thought fluttered through Alfred's head, reinforced only by his perfect view of his brother's violet eyes, glimmering mysteriously in the dark. A few seconds passed between the two in quiet contemplation before the quieter twin, surprisingly enough decided to speak.

"Frere, enough goddamn teasing." Alfred mentally reeled, not only from the shock of his perfect counterpart swearing, but because of how… well, horny Matthew seemed. In thinking about it, he decisively knew he didn't mind one bit.

Alfred reached slowly, hesitantly, for the small Canadian's waistband. The warm fabric felt unusually incompliant in his hands as he struggled to move even the softest material. A mental block. Terrific.

His large hands trembled as he coughed sheepishly and released the pajamas, eyes widening in… was that fear?... of his usually sweet brother. Matthew had literally just snarled, white teeth bared dangerously. "Alfred, I swear, if you don't-"

Said boy shut his twin up with a deep kiss as he squeezed his eyes shut. He took in a deep breath through his nose, and moved his hand down slowly. Slowly, slowly, almost there…

And both blondes screamed bloody murder as the lights were turned on by a very horrified Brit.

The ringing silence after the shrieks almost made Alfred and Matthew wish their father would yell, or gape, or… something. Instead, the older man merely stood there in a stunned silence, eyes taking in the sight of the American perched over his younger brother, who was curiously shirtless and had a hand down his pants. Both brothers were beet red and shaking from embarrassment and sheer terror.

Arthur just looked blearily at the pair for a solid four minutes that stretched for days, finally just whispering, "Do I really want to know…?"

Alfred exhaled in relief with Matthew. Waving a hand dismissively, the smaller boy said, "Non, papa. Just couldn't sleep. And, er, well…" The father's thick eyebrows knitted together as he, too, blinked in the harsh light. Alfred was speechless for once, running his fingers on the back of his neck sheepishly.

Arthur sniffled as he rubbed his eyes. "Well then, boys… You and Francis are going to have a little chat tomorrow." The twins groaned loudly and managed, somehow, to get up and pull Matthew's shirt back on in a less-than-awkward fashion.

As Alfred passed his father, holding the petite Canadian he had ravaged softly in a bear hug, he said, "Hold on, Matt." The American reached over and opened the tall white refrigerator with one hand, using the other to hold Matthew. The appendage made a reappearance several seconds later with a can of whipped cream.

Arthur looked at his older son in bewilderment. Before he could even ask, the boy was kissing his twin again, breaking the sensual contact with a devious grin and brandishing the white can with a whole lot of intent.

"Time for a midnight snack… Right, Mattie?"

Green eyes fluttering shut, the Briton hit the ground with a definite thud. His sons couldn't have been less concerned.


FFF ENDING FAILS AT LIFE T_T And again, I must apologize for the wait. Expect daily or every other daily updates. :D

This chapter was born of one night of hard, cram-this-damn-story-in labor, consisting of the following:

Tears (lots)

Girl Scout Cookies

Anberlin/Jack's Mannequin songs on repeat

Fuzzy slippers

My cousin semi-betaing

And exhaustion.

Writer's life points are now at zero.