Well I'm back... for those of you who actually care.

Now then the idea for this story was originally thrown at me by my friend, unfortunately he just doesn't have the attention span to write it so... I figured I'd take it from him.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

"Quick! Amaya this way hurry!" He urged.

"Right!" She replied.

The pair continued to run down the long corridor towards what seemed gauranteed escape. Just as they were closing in on the open door way a transparent door cut the duo off.

"Amaya!" He shouted.

"Naruto!" She shouted back.

Not really knowing what else to do he unloaded what remained in his clip only to have the bullets ricochet off the door and walls. That's when they heard the footsteps of the group they were running from.

"Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Naruto shouted while he pounded the door with his fist.

"Naruto just get out of here!" Amaya yelled.

"No! Not without you!" He argued.

"Just go dammit! You're out of bullets and you can barely stand! Just go! Get in the car and drive away!" She commanded.

"But what about-

"Just go!" She shouted again.

"There they are!"

"Get out of here!" She yelled.

Gritting his teeth he left her behind and continued out the open door. As he ran he heard the bullets fly from her handgun and into a few members of the group. Just as he exited the door he heard scariest thing he had ever heard.


He looked back and saw Amaya slumped against the wall with blood pouring from the open wound on her neck. He looked up and saw the still large group coming after him. Not wasting more time he quickly made his way to their car and drove off.

Whenever he let his mind wander he remembered that day.


He knew it was his fault.


Why didn't he stay and help her?!


"Who? What? Where?!" He yelled.

"Were you even listening to me?!" A busty lady with blonde hair asked him.

"Sorry no I wasn't Baa-chan." He smiled.

"Grrr! As I was saying, you've been assingned a special mission that could go on for who knows how long." She smiled.

"Look if this is about me calling you Baa-chan I'll stop okay Tsunade-sama?" He tried.

"Nope, this mission was specifically requested to "The best we got" and that happens to be you Commander Namikaze Naruto." Tsunade smirked.

"Mendokusai..." Naruto mumbled.

"What have I told you about hanging around Shikamaru?" Tsunade asked.

"...Not to..." He mumbled again.

"Right. Now then your mission, to which you have no choice but to accept. You are going to be the personal bodygaurd of Haruno Sakura, daughter of Haruno Ichizo. As in founder of Haruno Inc." Tsunade explained.

"Great... So I'm playing babysitter for a spoiled daddy's girl?" He asked irritated.

"Well maybe you'll change your tune when you see how much Haruno-san is paying you." Tsunade smirked as she slid a note to him.

As Naruto looked at the many zeros his eyes were replaced with dollar signs.

"And, you'll also continue to recieve your pay from the department." Tsunade threw in.

Naruto was on the point of a wealth induced seizure until once again Tsunade opened her mouth for instructions.

"You will go back all of your clothes and go to the address where you will meet your new charge and stay with them until all of this is cleared up."

"Yes maam." Naruto bowed.

Naruto walked out of the department and into his car, intent on getting there as fast as possible. When he got to his decently sized apartment he began to pack all of his clothes and his numerous weapons and survival gear.

"Let's see, boxers, shirts, pants, knife, other knife, third knife. Yep that's everything." He checked off.

Once again he hopped into his car and began driving to the address Tsunade had given him. Unfortunately his mind began to wander again... he still couldn't believe it, two years and still that day was fresh in his mind. It happened on the first official week in the force. He sighed noticing that he was in the driveway of his new assignment. Getting his luggage out of his car he dragged his feet to the front door, knocked three times and waited... and waited... and waited.

"Sorry for the wait, how may I help you today?" A woman with graying pink hair asked.

"I'm Police Commander Namikaze Naruto." He replied.

"OH! Yes that's right please come in come in Namikaze-san!" She said.

Nodding Naruto walked through the doorway and into the rather large house. He noticed the staircase up towards the second floor and the multiple rooms littering the first floor.

"Ichizane! Sakura! Please come down here Namikaze-san is here!" The woman yelled.

Withing minutes a man with red hair came down the stairs and a girl of what looked to be 17 following very close behind.

"Ahh. Namikaze-san very good to meet you." Ichizane said.

"And very good to meet you Haruno-sama." Naruto bowed.

"Well go on, introduce yourself." Ichizane said.

His daughter walked out infront of him and looked Naruto dead in the eyes.

"I'm Haruno Sakura it's a pleasure to meet you." Sakura smiled.

Naruto looked her over.

'God fucking dammit!' He shouted in his mind.