Here it is:
Hey guys, and welcome to total drama rewind! If you are reading this, you are either a) wanting to fill out an application and want to be part of this story, b) want to flame this story because of how 'unoriginal' it is, or c) you have no clue why you're reading this, and how you got on this page and you would like to be directed to the nearest yogurtland so you can gorge on the awesomeness. All three of these reasons are gladly accepted but the first one is preferred :)

Flames will be taken to heart as advice on how to improve, nothing more, nothing less.

This is a collaboration between edwardandbella4evah and I so we shall both be working on this story. Alright, let's get to cracking on this thing, shall we?

Rules for this application are as follows:

1. For the love of cheese, make your characters original and fun. Of course we need the typical mean girl and the criminal etc...etc...but come up with some that sounds cool and awesome. won't be chosen. Your pick.

2. Make it descriptive as possible; we feed off of details. if we don't have details, we don't know what to base your character off of and you'll have a small role, if you're chosen.

3. This is not a first come first serve type of selection. edwardandbella4evah and I will go through the characters carefully and will band select the top twenty two to compete. If it just happens to be the first twenty two people...then that's purely coincidental.

Here's the application:

Name: (Full Please)

Nickname: (Optional)

Age (15-18):








Hair: (Style, color, and look)

Facial Hair: (unless your a girl but if you do want some...thats unnatural)

Eyes: (Color? Shape=Optional)

Body: (scrawny, skinny, curvy etc)



outfit (two please):





How do they act when they first arrive at the island?:

How do they act around friends?:

How do they act around enemies?:

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?:

What kind of stereotypes do they not like?





Pet Peeve(s):

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?:

How do they act around there crushes?:



Paired Up?:

If yes, With what type of stereotype?:

If yes, What kind of relationship?

Break up with romance?:





So basically we're looking for unique, descriptive people with interesting pasts, descriptions and personality. We need people who can bring in a strong plot line and can provide an entertaining, dramatic, romantic, and fun story.

On that wonderful note, we leave you to go make your character; go knock yourself out :p