Reviews for Total Drama Summer Rewind!
totaldramapokemon123456 chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
Full Name: frederick jackson

Nick-Name(s):frederick ( he does not like nicknames)


Physical Attributes-,african american/candian Uh what else... Body Shape:regular Hair (Color and texture/style): black hair cut short

Eyes:brown Skin:

Other Physical Features:

Clothes-he wears a red shirt and black long pants

Daily Wear:same as above

Swim Suit: a red and black swinshort

Pajamas:a white t shite and black pants

What's On the Inside-

Personality:smart,clever know it all,

sterotype: the know it all

fear: is afraid of tornados Brief (

2-3 sentences)

history:frederick has always been likes tolearn which would classfief him as a has been picked on all his lifeso he decides its best to just outsmart hi is serisoly clueless aboutslang and the field about that.

Anything Else?:when he met andrew he got to his good side so he was unknowlylet in andrews ""crew"".andrew picks on ners but he quickly finds a compramiseso that nerds dont get hurt or anything.

Why Can't We Be Friends- Types of People Your Character Will Get Along With: nerds,geeks basicallybecause he is one,

Types of People Your Character Won't Get Along With:the girl who is all bossy,he thinks they are annoying.

Types of People Your Character Will Crush On:smart,cute girl

andrew and frederick: frederick is andrews best and only friend he looksafter frederick. if frederick was voted off andrew would try to find who frederick he is just a all, a pawn or knight in his chess game,frederick would vote off andrew if he has to, so he can havearguments/conservations about policicial stuff and thing happening aroundthem,

likes:reading,chess,watching people conflict.

Health- Any Health Problems:nope a

audition tape:the screen opens to a boy wearing neat clothes."hello im-" hewas cut off when his 'friend' said ""hey is it on?"" "yes it is it has a redlight!" he said ""maybe if i tip it over..."" "wait that camera cost 135!" "ijust want to try something..."" "no!" the screen closed as soon as he said no.

Physical Fitness: he is a nerd so he is not best at sports, but he is willingto parcipate.

wow that was long! now next character!

Full Name:andrew bull ( weird last name .)

Nick-Name(s):andrew, the G, the dodge-ballin guy,


Physical Attributes- he can balance good

Body Shape:regular,african american

Hair (Color and texture/style):black hair low cut close to baldness



Other Physical Features:

Clothes-he has a black shirt that says "' wats up?"" and khaika shorts

Swim Suit:black swimming shorts

likes:dodgeball,likes to dodge ,likes to ballin.

What's On the Inside- alot of confusion,fear and hate

Personality:he is basically the wannabee thug/G

sterotype:the wannabee thug

fear:guns Brief

(2-3 sentences) history:his parents died at a early age. he grew up in a orphanage and met frederick when he got a foster parent and he metfrederick at school.

Anything Else?:he likes to act thug. he is afraid of guns...( irony)

Why Can't We Be Friends- andrew random info: he doesnt think frederick is nerd

Types of People Your Character Will Get Along With: popular kids,frederick

Types of People Your Character Won't Get Along With: nerds,smart people,gays,

Types of People Your Character Will Crush On: the ghetto girl

Health-none Any Health Problems:none

audition tape::: a boy wearing a black shirt appears "" dude is it on""he asked.""yes it is forth 5th time andrew!""""jeesh frederick why so angry...oh wel anyway im andrewand i want to join total drama! im going to bring drama if im there theresgoing to be explosions!,partys! and fights! and ...and...and..uh... drama!""the screen fadded but frederick said "yea right..."

Physical Fitness:fit

there you go !pm me if there is promblems
lumosflies chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
Name: (Full Please)Lillian Connors

Nickname: (Optional)Lily

Age (15-18): 16


Stereotype: Nature Lover

Race: Italian

Sexuality: Straight


Weight:95 lbs

Skin: mix between tan and pale(does that sound stupid?)

Hair: (Style, color, and look)braids,side bangs, black,(can reach to middle of back)

Facial Hair: (unless your a girl but if you do want some...thats unnatural)

Eyes: (Color? ShapeOptional) green, almond

Body: (scrawny, skinny, curvy etc) skinny, but strong enough to not be snapped like a twig



outfit (two please):1)tye dye t-shirt, green basketball shorts, black converse

2)dark green sweater, navy blue tank top, worn out jeans, brown converse

Accessories:red "hippie" headband when hair is not in braids

Swimwear: orange bikini top, green board shorts

PJ's:blue shorts, green tank top

Personality: happy go lucky, excitable, accepting, perky,(slightly)gullible

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: she would observe everyone before happily greeting whoever she thinks is acceptable as a friend

How do they act around friends?:joyful, playful, relaxed

How do they act around enemies?: tense, angry, quiet

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?:hippies, bookworms, anyone nice

What kind of stereotypes do they not like?people with negative vibes(goths, evil people, punks)

Likes:nature, music, oceans/lakes/ponds(basically any form of water)

Dislikes:being alone, fights, clowns, shopping, technology

Pros: easy to get along with, good at strategy, liked by animals

Con:prime target for manipulators, hated by "popular" people,can be considered annoying at times,

Pet Peeve(s): when people pull on her braids or hurt animals

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?:

mad: stomps instead of walks, crosses arms tightly, glares(if someone causes this mood)

sad: runs away to be alone, cries(if major), loses hope

happy: bounces around, smiles, laughs, is enthusiastic about ANYTHING

How do they act around there crushes?: blushes, acts nervous, acts like a normal person

Hobbies:fishing, reading, swimming, yoga

Talents: she taught herself to play guitar for protests

Paired Up?: yes

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: any type(except technology lovers)

If yes, What kind of relationship? your choice

Break up with romance?: your choice

Past: her parents died in a fire on her brothers 25th had lived with him ever since (when she was 13)



"Is this damn thing on?," Lily asks herself. Once she figures it is on, she steps back. "Hello world! My name is Lily, and I think I have what it takes to be on TDSR! I can offer some advantages to my team and like a little friendly competition," she smiles. A door behind her slams shut, and Thomas walks in. "That's my brother, Tom. We live here in a small flat, and I wanna use the prize money I could possibly win to help save the trees and animals and oceans and-" the camera runs out of battery and Lily is cut off.
Riye Wryder chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
Name: (Full Please) Joshua Darwin

Nickname: (Optional) Peter Pan (which he is preferred to be addressed by. read the rest of the app, it'll make sense)

Age (15-18): 15

Gender: boy

Stereotype: The Adventurer

Race: Caucasian

Sexuality: Straight

Height: Average

Weight: Average

Skin: Slightly tan (from adventuring ;D)

Hair: (Style, color, and look)short, light brown

Facial Hair: (unless your a girl but if you do want some...thats unnatural) N/A

Eyes: (Color? ShapeOptional) hazel, almond-shaped

Body: (scrawny, skinny, curvy etc) fit, but not extreemely so

Other: N/A


outfit (two please): I'm sorry, not matter what I do, he refuses to wear anything besides his green T-Shirt with jagged sleeves, green leggings, and brown slippers (not house slippers, but if you’ve seen Peter Pan, you’ll know what I mean)

Accessories: green Peter Pan-type hat with a red feather in it, wooden sword with that case-thing it slides into, brown belt with golden buckle

Swimwear: his shirt and leggings

PJ's:his shirt and leggings

Personality: Joshua is fun, adventurous, and slick. He is very naïve when it comes to girls, but he can spot a bad dude from miles away. He is quite the ladies-man, but he is so childish that one could not stand him for a long time (say, about an hour, two if they’re patient). But who knows? The right girl might come along! Joshua is very prone to go off in his own little world, so he knows next to nothing about reality. He is generally good at making friends, but he’ll really tick the more negative people off. He will often call people he likes names of the lost boys. If he needs help with a decision, or he just needs someone to talk to, he will consult Tinker Bell (who responds). Most people think he’s insane, but he just has a very active imagination. When asked why he acts the way he does, he will reply, “Because real life is much too boring for me!”

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: hyper and ready to explore!

How do they act around friends?: his usual self

How do they act around enemies?: Boy Enemies- He'll steer clear of them

Girl Enemies- Sadly, he dosen't know much about girls, so he won't have any female enemies

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: most everyone except negative people, but he'll try!

What kind of stereotypes do they not like? he likes everyone except for misbehaving pirates

Likes: flying, fairies/pixies, pirates, sailing, climbing, boats, the “Lost Boys”, rescuing “damsels-in-distress”

Dislikes: people who don’t believe in fairies/pixies, Captain Hook, adults who boss him around, people calling him by his real name

Pros: please see "Personality"

Con: his hyperness, constant optimism, and imagination might get on someone's nerves

Pet Peeve(s): when someone says they don't believe in fairies/pixies

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?:

Mad- he will be very agitated and will isolate himself

Sad- he will go on an adventure

Happy- Can you imagine if you gave a Border Collie some coffee? Yeah, he's like that XD

How do they act around there crushes?: Unlike the real Peter Pan (who doesn’t catch on to people liking him), Joshua is very friendly and shows them places they probably wouldn't have been otherwise. Also, he likes to imagine, so he'd probably take her on some of his adventures! Should he have a crush on someone, he would call them Wendy.

Hobbies: adventuring, anything athletic

Talents: athletics, saving “damsels-in-distress”

Paired Up?: sure

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: someone who resembles Wendy from Peter Pan (outgoing, smart, ect.)

If yes, What kind of relationship? You decide

Break up with romance?: again, you decide

Past: This energetic teen has believed he was Peter Pan since he was 5. His parents were told it was just a phase, but sadly, it never quite wore off. At the age of 10, his father was sick of hearing about his so-called “adventures*” and left. His mother and him now live in an old apartment. Should he win, he would use the money to buy his mother a home.

Phobia: airplanes (It’s not the flying he’s scared of. Quite the contrary, he adores flying! He is afraid of the actual plane. If he was asked why he was afraid of it, he’ll reply, “I prefer the old-fashioned way. Faith, trust, and pixie dust!”)


You see Joshua swinging from tree to tree. “Josh! Come down! Dinner’s ready!” says a voice from a woman off-screen. Joshua slides down the tree. “One sec!” he says. He turns to the camera and smiles. “Hi! I’m Joshua, but everyone is to address me as Peter, since, after all, I am Peter Pan.” A woman clears her throat loudly. Joshua looks to the side. “Um, except you, Mom!” he said sheepishly. He turns his attention back to the camera and says, “Put me on your show, and I promise that it will be the adventure of a life time!” The camera turns off.
edwardandbella4evah chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
Hey um, u kinda disappeared lol
suzyq85 chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
Name: (Full Please)

Jessica Sanders

Nickname: (Optional)Jesse

Age (15-18):16


Stereotype:wild tomboy crazy





Skin:slightly tan

Hair: (Style, color, and look)wavy,red, and to mid back

Facial Hair: (unless your a girl but if you do want some...thats unnatural)yes please! no im jk no way

Eyes: (Color? ShapeOptional)blue and like a semi circle

Body: (scrawny, skinny, curvy etc)skinny



outfit (two please):1)a sky blue shirt and tan capris,with blue and white sneakers.

2)a purple spaghetti strap shirt with shorts (not too short) and yellow flip flops

Accessories:a necklace with a silver crescent moon

Swimwear:blue 2 piece with sun flower designs on it

PJ's:white shorts and a grey tank

Personality:She is daring but friendly. She acts crazy,but not like Izzy. She does not make up crazy stories,(I find that too closely related to being just like Izzy). Very tomboy and enjoys stuff like nature.

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?:Very excited no matter what. Tries to befriend everyone but takes a hint when they get annoyed.

How do they act around friends?:Very cheerful,happy,energetic.

How do they act around enemies?:Angry,annoyed,ignores ,unusually.

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?:

punks,rockers,goths,nerds,crazies,partyish happy people

What kind of stereotypes do they not like?

girlie girls,preps,naturally unhappy people


friends,scaring people,pranking people,nature,water related things,


enemies,people getting annoyed at her,fire,


Always there to give advice to people(which she's great at). And to give a laugh to people.


Can be very annoying

Pet Peeve(s):

People who "borrow" stuff without asking

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?:

Mad:Really furious, has to be held back from attacking the person Sad:Quiet,Depressed,boring,unenthusiastic, Happy:200% more than her regular attitude

How do they act around there crushes?:

shy and quiet


scaring and pranking people,making schemes,walking through nature,



Paired Up?:


If yes, With what type of stereotype?:

either a crazy guy,or a punk,or just a happy person

If yes, What kind of relationship?anything you want

Break up with romance?:

If they're bad for her,then not romance,she's not stupid,but if they're right ya can stir up some drama by doing that and then put them back together.


She is a only child now because her younger baby sister died in a house fire a couple of years back,about 5 or 6. She lives with her parents in a new house.



J:Hi! My name is Jesse and I should be on YOUR show! Because I'm awesome! Well that and I think it will be an interesting and fun educational experience...Nah,I'm just kidding,I don't care for edumacation,but I can definitely be an interesting character. I'll be good for the team I'm on because I'm good at making schemes, which is good to win challenges and stuff.I love meeting people,and since I'm a fun person I think it will be fun pulling jokes on meanies! Haha,well, I hope you consider me to be on this show! BYE!

*shuts off*

you don't pick me,that's ok cuz I liked the other characters in the reviews so it'll still be fun to read!
sillypants13 chapter 1 . 3/30/2010
Full name: Rosalyn Carrie LaFont

Nickname: (Optional) Rosie

Age (15-18):16

Gender: Female

Stereotype: The bitch who thinks she's better than everyone

Race: White

Sexuality: Straight

Height : 5' 5'

Weight: 115

Skin: Peaches and cream

Hair: (Style, color, and look) Chocolate curls with blond streaks that goes to her hips

Facial Hair: (unless your a girl but if you do want some...thats unnatural) nope!

Eyes: (Color? ShapeOptional) Blue cat eyes

Body: (scrawny, skinny, curvy etc) the typical mean bitch prep skinny

Other: has her ears pierced


outfit (two please): rose pink tube top with a super short jeans miniskirt and pink wedges. #2 White short shorts with a pink cut-off top and pink flip flops

Accessories: big pink sunglasses and dangle earrings

Swimwear: the typical 500$ but can't get wet pink strapless designer bikini

PJ's: pink nightgown

Personality: very, very bitchy. Not afraid to let everyone know, but sometimes she can be sickly sweet, only to backstab later

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: surprised, and angry

How do they act around friends?: like they're her slaves

How do they act around enemies?: get up in their face

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: dumbass, wannabe, and anyone who she can suck in/ anyone who believes that they aren't worthy enough to be her firend

What kind of stereotypes do they not like? anyone who she's jealous of, anyone who doesn't think that she's a superior

Likes: wining, bitching, cheerleading, hair, clothes, makeup, boys, pink (the color), lady gaga, music, dancing dirtily

Dislikes: anyone who gets in her way, losers, bad hair days, anyone who looks prettier than her

Pros: competitive, good dancer/ cheerleader

Con: bitch, brags, likes to show off

Pet Peeve(s): when people have nicer hair than her, or people that are naturally skinnier than her

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?: happy, she'll show it, mad, she'll blow up, sad, she doesn't show it often

How do they act around there crushes?: if she has any, she'll act cool and what not

Hobbies: singing, dancing, actimng, cheerleading

Talents: look at hobbies

Paired Up?: maybe

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: anyone except for losers, maybe the model

If yes, What kind of relationship? all over the place, like not afraid to get down and dirty in public; loves showing how her bf is the best

Break up with romance?: only if it'll add drama

Past: typical perfect house, perfect parents, perfect cheerleader happy life. She's been involved with the. Wrong crowd many a time. She's gone through anorexia and she has gone through a rough period in life when her parents split up; she cut off all her hair, and she starved herself and became a cutter. Since then she's healed and she hasn't cut her hair since.

Phobia: being bald


Rosie: okay everybody! 5, 6, 7, 8! *guides her team through. Complicated dance routine* this isn't working! take ten!

*faces the camera and turns sickly sweet, making sure it gets a nice view of her chest*

Rosie: hi! Well you should pick me because I a. Ah-mazing! Ttyl!
DunCourt4ever chapter 1 . 3/20/2010
Name: Jason Mallory

Nickname: Jay

Age (15-18): 17

Gender: male

Stereotype: The charming, sweet guy

Race: White

Sexuality: straight

Height: 6' 3''

Weight: 150 (with muscles)

Skin: tanned white

Hair: shaggy dark brown, medium length

Facial Hair: (unless your a girl but if you do want some...thats unnatural) slight stubble on his chin

Eyes: hazel

Body: lean with muscles

Other: a chinese tattoo symbol on his upper left back


outfit (two please): red wife-beater with black slack-shorts and white vans. 2. black tight T-shirt with blue jeans and black chucks

Accessories: shark tooth necklace

Swimwear: black swim shorts

PJ's: white boxer shorts

Personality: calm and collected, but very sweet to his girl friends. He's cool around his guy friends, but has a short temper sometimes.

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: sweet to the girls, cool around the guys, slightly ticked at chris

How do they act around friends?: friendly and caring

How do they act around enemies?: willfight and bitch them off faster than you can say 'damn'

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: the loner, the tough guy, anyone who wants to

What kind of stereotypes do they not like? no one

Likes: hanging out with his friends, flirting around, making people happy, long hair on girls

Dislikes: people who are mean to other people, drama, anyone too crazy

Pros: very athletic and kind, very useful

Con: short temper, and very popular

Pet Peeve(s): when girls catfight

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?: mad, will blow up on the nearest thing next to them, sad, soliditate himself for a while, happy, bubbly and full of energy

How do they act around there crushes?: smooth and laid back, but there will be a twinkle in his eye when he talks to her.

Hobbies: writing, writing poetry, acting

Talents: sports, acting

Paired Up?: yes

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: the loner, maybe someone who needs a little push, anyone who's shy

If yes, What kind of relationship? sweet

Break up with romance?: nope

Past: he's had a very good past, with his family. But his love life was very difficult. No girl would ever give him the chance and keeps cheating on him and takes advantage of him.

Phobia: watching chick flicks where the guy gets dumped


*jason, as Romeo in a school play*

Jason: But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!

Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon

Who is already sick and pale with grief

That thou her maid art far more fair than she.

Be not her maid, since she is envious.

Her vestal livery is but sick and green,

And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off.

It is my lady! O, it is my love!

O, that she knew she were!

She speaks, yet she says nothing.

What of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it.

I am too bold; 'tis not to me she speaks.

Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven

Having some business, do entreat her eyes

To twinkle in their spheres till they return.

What if her eyes were there, they in her head?

The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars

As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven

Would through the airy region stream so bright

That birds would sing and think it were not night.

See how she leans her cheek upon her hand!

O, that I were a glove upon that hand,

That I might touch that cheek!

*he acts with emotion and the whole audience is tuned in*

*end tape*
The Void Kitsune chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
Name: Annabelle (No Middle Name) Brown

Nickname: Anne (Preferred), Anna, Belle, Vamp.

Age (15-18): 18

Gender: Female

Stereotype: The Nurse

Race: Irish

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 120

Skin: Pale

Hair: Long light purple hair, with bright blue tips. Her bangs cover her eyes slightly, and it flows to her lower back.

Facial Hair: N/A

Eyes: Blue

Body: She's an average sized girl with plenty of curves to go around.


outfit (two please): 1) a light blue dress which falls to her knees, and dips low enough to show a bit of cleavage. White flowers are scattered upon it. A pair of white slip-on shoes cover her feet.

2)A black tanktop and ripped jeans, with black converses and a studded belt. This is her more preferred outfit - the other one is too girly, but her -diseased- father gave it to her, so she wears it.

Accessories: She always wears a silver chain with a blue sapphire nestled in silver attached to it.

Swimwear: A black bikini with white Japanese-style flowers.

PJ's: a light blue tanktop and white shorts.

Personality: Anne is a very outgoing girl. Very easy to befriend. She will stand by your side for anything once she trusts you. If you piss her off, though, she goes through a change of moods. She can become irritable and grouchy, and she'll often snap at you.

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: Happy and excited. Very curious about her surroundings and the other contestants.

How do they act around friends?: She laughs and smiles often. Her mood seems to be brighter, even if the ones she despises are near. She'll be sort of protective of them - meaning if someone were bothering them, she'd tell them to back off, and use force if need-be.

How do they act around enemies?: She's bitchy and mean, often snuffing them out completely.

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: Shy ones, Goths, nerds... Erm well... basically, anyone who is outcasted.

What kind of stereotypes do they not like?: The bitch, people who tease and belittle others, nasty preps... people like that.

Likes: long walks, animals, friendly people.

Dislikes:preps, people who feel the need to belittle others, and bright lights.

Pros:She's an EMT-Paramedic (Just became one - 18 is the minimum age as far as I know), and an extremely good one at that. Due to her caring nature, she is a good person to go to for help and advice, or even if you just need someone to listen.

Con: She can become violent if provoked... though usually it'll take a lot to get her that way (Like... incessantly torturing someone, or something like that)

Pet Peeve(s): She hates when people tap their fingers against something (like a desk or table)

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?: Mad: She becomes kinda bitchy and will usually glare at whoever trys to talk to her.

Sad: She looks down a lot, her hair is usually slightly messy (Due to not caring to perfect it), and she doesn't talk... unless need-be, then she'll answer with the least amount of words possible.

How do they act around there crushes?: She'll probably giggle, hit them playfully (Not hard) and smile at them constantly.

Hobbies: Read, write, sing and dance.

Talents: She's a superb singer, and an excellent Paramedic.

Paired Up?: Yup yup yup!

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: Someone who can deal with her mood swings (If and when they happen), and who will be there for her no matter what.

If yes, What kind of relationship? One that seems like it'll last a long time. She's not into "one night stand" type things - she wants a man/woman who will be there for her in the long run.

Break up with romance?: Preferably not...

Past: Her mother and father raised her in Ireland for the first eight years of her life, and they moved to America inn search of something better. Unfortunately, her father died from a major heart attack on her thirteenth birthday, and she had been distraught. Her mother tried her best to make everything work out, but Anne went into a downward spiral for a good three years. Eventually, after a year of Basic First Responder training and work, she found a passion for helping others out. She worked extremely hard to climb the ranks of the EMS, and to her luck, she made it to the top.

Phobia: Fire


"Is... Is this thing on?" A soft feminine voice rings from behind the camera.

"Yes, dear... the red light is on," A slightly elder female voice answers.

"Oh... Right," the softer voice says, laughing before someone walks out to sit on the bed the camera is pointed at. "Hello there!" The purple-and-blue haired girl says, waving, "I'm Annabelle, though I prefer Anne. I hope you choose me for the show, because I think it'll be an interesting experience and hey, I'm up for just about anything and everything!" she giggles, then says, "So... yeah! Please choose me!" She waves as the camera shuts off.
Tornography chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
Name: Allegra Dunlevey

Nickname: Propeller, Sparro

Age (15-18): 16

Gender: Female

Stereotype: The Electro Dancer

Race: British English

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 127 lbs.

Skin: White

Hair: Short close cropped black antenna hair

Facial Hair: No...

Eyes: Light red thin eyes

Body: Sort of skinny, but with a flat chest, and seems a little muscular

Other: Nothing more.


Outfit (two please):

1. A black shirt over a white sweater, baggy jeans, and black sneakers

2. A white spandex shirt with thin black and blue stripped pants

Accessories: A black headband (sometimes)

Swimwear: A cyan two-piece

PJ's: A white midriff, with gray sweatpants

Personality: She is very boyish. She acts like a boy, tries to speak like one (but is not so good at it), and dresses like one. She is alone when she becomes doubted for who she is, or gets angry, and she is very nice. She is clumsy and stupid at times, making mistakes in some incidents, but people get over them. She acts very sexy and "naughty" at times. She does a lot of things that girls don't usually do, but what boys do. For example, she plays football with them, and doesn't like to paint her nails (but she does keep them clean) and stuff like that. She like to flirt around girls and boys a lot.

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: She acts very boyish and proud.

How do they act around friends?: She is very caring and supportive, but still, boyish and sometimes stupid.

How do they act around enemies?: She tries to ignore them, and if that does not work very well, she acts tough on them.

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: Jocks, Tomboys, Cool people, Even stupid people, Nerds

What kind of stereotypes do they not like?: People who think that they are better than her

Likes: House music, electro dancing, facepaint, kolaches, video games, computer games

Dislikes: Gumbo, impunity, getting sick

Pros: She exercises a lot, to stay fit with great abs. She can also electro dance, which involves flexibility.

Con: She can go too far sometimes, with love and confrontation, but that sets aside afterward.

Pet Peeve(s): She tries to speak like a boy (but is half successful at that).

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?: When she's mad, she's just walk in circles angry. When she's sad, she likes to sit alone. When she's happy, she's boyish and outgoing as she always is.

How do they act around there crushes?: She grins, and gives the person a wink, or blow kiss.

Hobbies: DJing

Talents: She likes to electro dance, which again, involves a lot of flexibility.

Paired Up?: Sure, if you'd like

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: To someone very appreciative, and accepts her for who she is

If yes, What kind of relationship?: Secret, but if that doesn't happen, then passionate and physical

Break up with romance?: Not really...

Past: She was raised by a single mother, Reese, because her dad (who she doesn't know, and her mom refuses to tell) divorced her. She moved from Britain to California when she was nine years old. She lives a pretty decent life at friends' houses and at school (for a boy). She has made a living with athletics, but isn't the best.

Phobia: Bison, they are hairy and gross


We see Allegra resting after lifting some weights. "Hey, mates!" she says excitingly. "This is Allegra, here. I should be on TDSR because I am an allstar. A glorious example of what it is to live a boy's life as a girl! I have the attributes of a boy, but am still a girl, and I will make the best of it!" Then, a weight drops on her foot and tries to hold her scream as the cam goes off.
KennyIsFreakinAwesome chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Name:Riley Jeniffer Lavin

Nickname:Ry, RJ

Age (15-18):17


Stereotype:The almost famous dancer

Race:Half brazilain, and half french





Hair:Brunette hair long but stops at her shoulders and is sorda curly

Facial Hair:N/A

Eyes:Dark blue




outfit (two please):

1.A navy blue tee with white skinny jeans and black sneakers

2.A neon green tee with a black hoodie and white skinny jeans

with red converse


Swimwear:A midnight blue bikini

PJ's:A dark purple tank top and gray sweatpants

Personality:Riley is an easy going person,she lives by the line 'Live each moment like your last' from the song 'If today

was your last day' by Nickleback. Riley don't get that mad except if someone interups her dance class(Dancing is very

importent to her).

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?:Happy and says 'Hi' to everyone

How do they act around friends?:Sarcastic, funny, easy going

How do they act around enemies?:Ignores them

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?:Actor type, party person, musical person and surfer


What kind of stereotypes do they not like?: Stuck up rich girl/boy type, preppy type, and Badass type

Likes:Dancing, soccer, the movie Step up

Dislikes:Footballand mexican food

Pros:She knows how to make people happy

Con:hmm, can't think of one but if you end up picking Riley feel free to give her one...

Pet Peeve(s):People that always wave their hand in the air to

get peoples attention

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?:When she mad

she likes to go away somewhere and dance(and she kind of does

it really agressively), when shes sad Riley go's for a walk alone, and when she is happy she likes to talk to her friends

How do they act around there crushes?:A little shy, but likes

to show of her moves to them (NOT like a show off just freely

ask them if they wanna see anything she can do)


Talents:Can do a 360 on her head (Wish I could do that, lol)

Paired Up?:Sure...

If yes, With what type of stereotype?:Maybe a type like her Actor, party guy type.

If yes, What kind of relationship?:Oh man, maybe like a DuncanXCourtney/BridgetteXGeoff kind

Break up with romance?:No

Past:Riley was born in Brazil but when she was 9 her parents

got divoced and she moved to Canada when she was 15 with her dad.

Phobia:Bears, almost got attacked when she was out hunting with her dad (Never have I seen a bear and never do I want to)


*See a girl about in her teens dancing to a song called 'Blah, Blah, Blah by Ke$ha*

Riley:*Stops dancing* Oh, hi my name is Riley and I wanna

be picked for your show because-

Kris(Ry's friend):You know thats not how your going to get

picked for the show

Riley:How am I suppost to do then

Kris:Do the 360 thing you can do on your head

Riley:Okay *Gets on her head and spins does the 360 and gets

back up and brushes herself off* Okay so yeah that was my 360

thing I can do on my head


Adam(Her friend behinde the camera):Woohoo nice Riley

Riley:Yeah so I hope you pick me because I can bring all the

rateing's to your show and the moves. Thank you


the Seer of Gallifrey chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Name: Jsymphony-Cairo Haal Unbreon, II (the Second)

(pronounciation - (sim-foh-nee ki-ro hahl oon-bree-ahn) )

(Because her name is hard to pronounce, she allows people to call her Jsymph, instead (simf)

Nickname: Symph, Hail

Age (15-18): 18

Gender: Female

Stereotype: Isolated Violinist

Race: Nubian African (but very pale, like cousin Jane Unbreon)

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 98.2 lb.

Skin: Very pale, sun able to reflect from skin at angle. No natural flaws.

Hair: Short, style is waved at the ends, but bangs cover one of her eyes, straight. Hair color is raven feather black with a midnight violet tint. Short hair to chin.

Facial Hair: None.

Eyes: Shape is like slim diamond (like cousin Jav (zhaav) ). Color is smoky silver.

Body: Shaped like hourglass, has been called anorexic for how thin she is, but she is only skinny. Not scrawny.

Other: (none)


Outfit (two please): Wears a lavender jacket with two wide tails, and a deep plum colored shirt underneath, attached. Her jeans are denim, jet black, flare jeans.

Accessories: Wears black gothic boots with violet tint, zippers. Wears three gold bracelets on both arms, and a black belt-shaped choker around her neck.

Swimwear: Wears a one-piece, bright red suit (so she can find it easily), with black lines running along randomly around it. The collar of it goes up to where her neck meets her head. The sleeves go only two inches past the shoulders, and the leggings go past her hips to five inches.

PJ's: Wears loose lavender jeans and shirt, and has her bracelets attached so closely to the ends that it seems they are not loose. She wears rabbit-fur slippers (occasionally).

Personality: Jsymphony is very silent, only speaks when needed. She tends to go straight to helping others, even if they do not ask for it. She tends to give people advice, and she is rather intelligent. She is like her only female cousin, Jane Unbreon, whom both seem to know things no one would have even found out for a while.

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: Will tend to stand away from everyone, to keep her space, but will say something if needed. Will be silent.

How do they act around friends?: She is a bit closer to them, but still stays silent.

How do they act around enemies?: Jsymph tends to stay silent, but thinks of few ideas to get them off her back. She becomes enraged when her enemies even touch anything of her's, including her body.

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: Normally would be around silent types of people, or any intelligence.

What kind of stereotypes do they not like? Basically everything else other than computer geniuses.

Likes: Classic and Renaissance artwork, most music, running, "fancy" dancing, tap dancing, singing.

Dislikes: Rap music, country music, folk music, hip hop music, breakdancing.

Pros: Happens to stay on the good side if no one does anything she would advise not to do, say for example Jsymph would say not to touch any of her clothing, musical instruments, or belongings. If everyone had done what she said, she would not be angered at all. When on her good side, Jsymph is prone to aiding the side of others.

Cons: She is very sensitive of her belongings, like her youngest cousin, Jacques Unbreon. If anyone touches her belongings just once, she will just let it as a warning. If done again, she threathens to attack the person who had touched her things. If angered, she occasionally scowls. She will allow the person to touch something of her's, only they are a friend. She prefers carrying everything on her own because of how some of her items are stolen.

Pet Peeve(s): People touching her belongings repeatedly, or touch her, herself. Also loud noises besides music.

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?: In anger, she turns away from everyone, only speaking to those older than her just to aid her. In sadness, she tries to hide her emotions with her hair in front of her eyes; both of them. In joy, she will just act as she normally does, just trying to be as helpful as humanly possible.

How do they act around there crushes?: She already has a boyfriend. But, she normally hides her feelings, never blushes or cries, but just glances away.

Hobbies: Artist, sketcher, works as an astronomer, loves to study the stars and map them in the sky.

Talents: Has the talent of contortionism, and the second talent of singing from a famous opera, also singing "Habanera" and "Ave Maria".

Paired Up?: No, thank you...since she has a boyfriend at home.

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: ~

If yes, What kind of relationship?: ~

Break up with romance?: ~

Past: Has had a long past of not knowing her cousins until a very late age. She was born on the Fifth of January, in where the old Nubian Kingdom of Africa was near the Congo. She was born having only her brother, Jsynthesis (pronounced - (sin-the-sis) ), but later came her sisters Jskore (skor), age 13, and Jsonnet (sah-net), age 8. She was born without a mother, and only has one father, in which her cousins are opposite, whom only have a mother and no father. They were born as children created from father and a predetermined female, who is supposed as their father's girlfriend. The father, Jsynthorn (sin-thorn), was an orphan, and was only known to come from a musical family, like his children. At present, Jsymph is staying with her boyfriend, but is willing to go back home to say "goodbye" for a few months (since she visits very frequently to her father, never uses a phone).

Phobia: Catoptrophobia (fear or mirrors), since she hates seeing herself in the mirror as a doppelganger of her only female cousin. She hates looking like someone else, some people said they were twins, when they were not even of the same exact family.


~for Jsymphony-Cairo Haal Unbreon, II~

*Jsymph is sitting in her conservatory, playing the violin and singing.*

*She sings an old lullaby, from the 1940's. During the song, she stops singing, but does not glance at the camera once during the tape.*

Jsymphony. Good evening. As you know, my name is Jsymphony-Cairo Haal Unbreon, II. You may name me by Jsymph, since I know you will not get it right on the first try. Right then, I was playing an old lullaby, "Lullaby of the Bells", from a wonderful movie, 'The Phantom of the Opera'. You might know the movie, and then you might not. I am sure you have seen the Gerard Butler version from 2004. So have I. But I have seen other versions. I had gone to Broadway to see the stage musical. Here, I will play you "the Music of the Night" from the original Broadway cast.

*On the violin, she plays "Music of the Night" and sings, just like the pitch and frequency of when Michael Crawford had sung in 1986. As she finishes the song, she continues to speak.*

Jsymphony. I have other talents as well. In fact, I am so flexible as well. I am a contortionist. I used to train young students, during my time off in the Summer, gymnastics. Well...that turned out well. I became a contortionist. ...just if you didn't know, that was sarcasm. You will hear that much from [this] music freak. I cannot do that now, since this is a conservatory...or a music room...and not my basement.

Jsymphony. I hope you enjoyed this tape. To be honest, this is just a good idea that you include me since you need some music and singing on your show. Not only that, but to assist my boyfriend, I am in for the count. Okay?

*Camera fades to black. Tape ends.*
LivvyGrace98 chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Name: Zarya Roza Sashura (It's Russian)

Nickname: Zar

Age (15-18): 16

Gender: Female

Stereotype: The Ambitious Loner

Race: Russian-Cherokee

Sexuality: She is Straight.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 134 lbs

Skin: She is slightly tan

Hair: She has wavy brown hair that goes to her shoulders. She has a bang over her left eye that flips to the left side unless it's straitened. She sometimes puts her hair in a ponytail or put a headband in it.

Eyes: She has bue Cherokee eyes. Cherokee eyes are ike Asian eyes, only not as slanted, little larger, and fuller,curier eyelashes.

Body: She is sim but mainly curvy.


outfit (two please):

Outfit 1: She wears a black tank top with a red rose that goes from the top of the shirt to the bottom with faded blue jeans that go to the knee with back flip flops. She usuay wears this when it's warm.

Outfit 2: She wears a long sleeve purple shirt with a back swirly pattern with a white jacket that says: Aero with dark blue jeans and black Nikes. She usualy wears this when it's cold.

Accessories: She wears a garnet necklace with both of her outfits and occasionally wears a white headband with Outit 2.

Swimwear: She wears a white bikini top with black board shorts

PJ's: She wears a blak tank top with white short shorts

Personality: She's very competitive and clever but is very shy and anti-social.

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: She doesn't talk much to anyone. If she see someone she thinks is cute, she'll smile and say hey.

How do they act around friends?: She doesn't have many friends, but she is very sarastic and funny around the few friends she has.

How do they act around enemies?: She gives them the evil eye. If they make fun of her, she gies them a good comeback. She wil get into a fist fight if she has too.

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: She mainly gets along with the loners. But she gets along with pretty much everyone but preps.

What kind of stereotypes do they not like? She likes every stereotype but preps.

Likes: reading, sitting in a tree, being away from everyone, writing poetry, making out with her dream guy, and singing.

Dislikes: Preps, crowds, people who use her, her dad, and crying.

Pros: She can be very resourcefu and creative. She aso can cheer anyone up if she puts her mind to it.

Con: She's very sensitive and has anger and trust issues. She crys often because what happened in the past wil be brought up in her mind at random times. She's aso battling depression.

Pet Peeve(s): Peope who enjoy making fun of peope, people who are manipuative, and annoying comments.

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?:

Mad: She grinds her teeth and usually runs in the woods to climb a tree or listen to music so she can cool off.

Sad: She usually cries, stays isolated from everyone, and hides her face. She'll also write dark poetry.

Happy: She'll smile, laugh, talk to people, write bubbly poems, and sing.

How do they act around there crushes?: She acts sweet and tends to smile, laugh, and talk to them more than anyone.

Hobbies: She writes, reads, hangs out in the woods, and sings.

Talents: She can sing and write poetry well.

Paired Up?: Sure.

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: It doesn't matter as ong as it isn't a prep. She mainly needs someone who'll make her happy for once.

If yes, What kind of relationship? A good, cllean relationship. The dirtiest thing they do is make out.

Break up with romance?: That's your decision. I don't care.

Past: Zarya Roza Sashura was born in Moscow, Russia and was always sad in her home. Her mom's boyfriend abused her and when he found out she was pregnant, he punched her mom in the stomach and walked out on moved to America with her mom when she was four. Her mom has always had to work two jobs to put food on the table. When she was 11, her dad came back and abused her and her mom until she was 13 when he died o cocaine overdose. or the next three years, she struggled with depression because kids caled her "The Crack Kid". She's also told daily to go back to Russia her home country. But despite it all, she works hard to earn a scholarship so her mom won't have to pay for it.

Phobia: Komodo Dragons.


~ the camera shows a a beautiful sightly tan girl sitting in a giant oak tree. She looks up at the camera~

Zarya: Hey, I'm Zarya, which means morning star in
Kool Broadway Reader chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Name:Ryan Delones

Nickname: N/A

Age (15-18): 17

Gender: male

Stereotype: the funny kid in the wheel chair

Race: half French and half Italian

Sexuality: straight

Height: 5'6

Weight: 145

Skin: light tan

Hair: blond shaggy hair.

Facial Hair: He has a little; but not much.

Eyes: baby blue eyes that are normal

Body: scrawny

Other: he has a small scar on his left cheek


outfit (two please):

1) A blue t-shirt with jeans

2) A white hoodie, red shirt and jeans

Accessories: black gloves and his wheel-chair.

Swimwear: red trunks and a orange life vest

PJ's: black sweats and a white wife beater

Personality: Ryan is one of the funnest people you'll ever meet. He can do voice impressions and make jokes out of the littlest stuff. Sometimes he can go a little overboard and make jokes about other people, but he'll make sure he isn't hurting any one by saying is very determined and trys to over come most of the challenges he faces due to his disability. Ryan belives that just because he can't walk doesn't mean he can't do the same stuff normal people do.

He isn't a quiet person and he is a total people person. However, when you ask him about the accident and walking he gets choked up. He treats his friends and other people how he wants to be treated, with respect, and sticks up for all of his friends. He expects them to do the same for him. The one thing he loves doing is making people laugh.

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: Happy and starts talking to someone or makes a joke about the boat ride over.

How do they act around friends?: Himself; funny, friendly and looks out for them.

How do they act around enemies?: He'll be friendly with them since that's how he wants to be treated.

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: Outcasts, understanding people, any one who excepts him really.

What kind of stereotypes do they not like?: Rebals and people who think he is weird since he is in the chair.

Likes: making people laugh, chilling with his friends, listening to music, watching comedy central, AFV, junk food, going on the computer, telling jokes and performing as a comedian.

Dislikes: being in his wheel chair, not being able to walk, people who don't have a sense of humor, going to physical therapy, drunk drivers, reckless drivers, people who don't want to friends with him because of his disbility, kill joys and people who take the simplest things for granted.

Pros:His happy attitude and when you are sad, go to him and hell make you laugh.

Con: He doesn't tolerate people who make fun him and end up yelling at them.

Pet Peeve(s): People playing with their hair.

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?:

Happy: His normal self

Mad: He'll usually rush off to be alone or bury his face in his hands and scream.

Sad: Ryan will go someplace alone, listen to his Ipod and cry.

How do they act around there crushes?: Very friendly, he'll go up to the girl he likes and make her laugh or talk to her.

Hobbies: Making up jokes, listening to music, performing for other people, praticing how to stand, doing wheel chair tricks and going on the computer.

Talents: He's a really good comedian.

Paired Up?: Yes please!

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: Any girl who excepts him for being in a chair and like to laugh; if no then you can pick.

If yes, What kind of relationship?: How about a Gwen and Trent realtionship or even a Tyler and Lindsay type since I haven't seen a lot of those; but it is still your choice.

Break up with romance?: Nope

Past: Ryan was born a normal kid. At age ten he was in a car accident with his family. His car was hit by a drunk driver. Ryan got the worst of it and hasn't been able to walk since. He discovered his love of being a comedian and making people laugh after the he was in the hospital he made his very serious roommate laugh and that's how it started. Now, he seems to be leading a normal life except he is in a wheel chair and four times a week his must go though really tough physicall theorpy sessions.

Phobia: ketchup; he always has hated it and when he was younger his mom used to make him eat it when he was being bad.


You see a scrawny boy in a wheel chair.“Hi! I’m Ryan and I’m trying out for this show to prove to people that disabled people can do the same things you can do. I can swim, except I just have to wear a life jacket and a still play sports. If you have a running challenge, I’ll find a way to do it! Make me crawl for all I care! I really hope you consider picking me! I’m a really funny guy and I’ll make the best of my time there; If I get on off course. I guess I’ll show you some tricks I can do with my wheel chair now.” Ryan starts doing circles with the chair and pops a wheelie. “Like I said I’m a funny determined guy, even if I am in a wheel chair. Please puck me!” Camera shuts off.

I’m not sure if you’ll take him due to the wheel chair thing but I thought it would be something different. I hope you take him anyway!
the leading lady chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Name: (Full Please) Scarlett Meadows

Nickname: (Optional) Scar

Age (15-18): 16

Gender: girl

Stereotype: Cheerful Emo/Goth (yess I know there not the same thing)

Race: White

Sexuality: STraight

Height: 5, 11

Weight: 101 pounds

Skin: deathly pale

Hair: (Style, color, and look) deep red, with side bangs, thick wavy, a scarlett colour

Facial Hair: (unless your a girl but if you do want some...thats unnatural) NONE

Eyes: (Color? ShapeOptional)Emerald Green , almond

Body: (scrawny, skinny, curvy etc) skinny and tall (she's 5, 11 DUH)

Other: has five hoops in one ear


outfit (two please):

black hoody with rainbow sleaves and hoody and black skinny jeans and scarlett boots

simple black dress and scarlett boots

Accessories:black wolf necklace

Swimwear: black bikini

PJ's: black over-size T-shirt which saysJASPER SAYS RELAX

Personality: She wears a lot of black so people asume she's goth or emo when really she is a very happy person apart from she listens to emo music. Shes outgoing and very stubborn and feisty when someone crosses her or her friends, she is hot-tempered

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?:

Sarcastic, teases Chris,

How do they act around friends?: cheerful a teensy bit hyper

How do they act around enemies?: ignore them or stand up to them

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: rebels, unique people

What kind of stereotypes do they not like? queen bees, dum wannabees girle-girls

Likes:Horror Movies, Muse, comedy shows,

Dislikes: Pink, Bunnies, Lady GAGA, HER SISTER SAFFRON

Pros: cheerful and light and happy and free

Con: she wears black so people think emo which makes her defensive, very argumenteive

Pet Peeve(s): people too big for their boots (my mum says that) O_O

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?:

Happy: Runs around skipping or screaming

Mad: Screams at the person who made them mad

Sad: Mopes in a corner

How do they act around there crushes?:

Hobbies: BEING HAPPY and listening to EMO MUSIC

Talents: Aruging can hold her breath for 6 minutes under water

Paired Up?:HELL YEA (please)

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: Bad Boy/player or Joker

If yes, What kind of relationship? Secret like DXC both of them dening it but hey I'm up for anything!

Break up with romance?: No Please unless...,

Past: She has a twin sister names Saffron with Saffron coloured hair and is a real girle-girl and THEY hate each other witha vengence and would probably murder each in their sleep. dad died when they were seven

Phobia: Bunnies but mostly Pink ones


*turn on camera*

Heeyyxx I'm Scar and I...(in comes Saffron)

Scar: Hey get out of here!

Saff: Make me! What you doing?

Scar:I'm auditioning for TDSR! that's what like duh!

Saff: *to the camera* Err YOU don't want her! She smells and she wears black like total fashion don't!

Scarlett pinns saffron down and smiles fakely at the screen 'hope you pick me!'

All you can hear is muffled screaming
veeRonniekins chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Name: (Full Please) Madeline Catherine Greggory

Nickname: (Optional) Maddy

Age (15-18): 16

Gender: Female

Stereotype: Normal sweet cool girly girl. (not too girly, alittle tomboyish)

Race: (depends on where the fanfic is set)

Sexuality: straight

Height: 5'8.5

Weight: 135 pounds

Skin: fair, slightly tanned, peach colour

Hair: (Style, color, and look) long and wavy auburn hair, about half way down her chest, usually out.

Facial Hair: (unless your a girl but if you do want some...thats unnatural) none (freaky)

Eyes: (Color? ShapeOptional) emerald green and big and round (i guess)

Body: (scrawny, skinny, curvy etc) curvy and average

Other: um... her ears are pierced


outfit (two please): s rainbow striped top with ruffles and spaghetti straps and a ruffle flower on the right side of the top, skinny dark wash denim jeans, blue hi-top converse shoes and an extra plain blue zip-up hoodie.

Accessories: a purple M necklace, from her grandmother, rainbow and black elastic bracelets on her right wrist, blue music note earings

Swimwear: rindbow striped bikini top and black short board-shorts with a few small rainbow flowers on the front and back.

PJ's: silk royal purple pj shirt with buttons and yellow cartoon puppies on it with matching pj shorts

Personality: Maddy is really an all-arounder and is normally just in the shadows of her friends. She really isn't the show-off type but is more cool and average, nothing really special. She LOVES the colour PURPLE and rainbow too. She loves to laugh (sometimes too much though) and has a great sense of humour. She is often witty and has some of the best comebacks in history. She is smart and is often a head and can sense things quickly, for example she usually is the first to catch onto a secret plan or alliance. She is energetic, fiesty and cheerful. Always welcoming others and new people. She is nice, helpful, shy and sometimes quiet when not in her comfort zone.

Maddy is artistic and loves to draw. Good at sport especially soccer and swimming. Know Kung fu moves too. She is a great dancer and did ballet lessons when she was younger. Sings in her local choir and has a lovely voice. Plays the piano, guitar, violin and flute. Loves to skateboard, surf, the beach, the sun and outdoors. Has a great fashion sense and loves her music. Loves to read and is really sweet.

How do they act when they first arrive at the island?: Okay well if this is a second series of TDI them she screams since she is a HUGE fan of the show(s), if not then... She acts normal and cool and says hi to chris, complains about the location and stands with other girls.

Has a purple suitcase and skate board in he right hand.

How do they act around friends?: She acts normally, more loud and really kind and friendly.

How do they act around enemies?: She back talks with witty comments.

What kind of stereotypes will naturally be their friends?: Any, she is an all-around good at everything, hopefully everyone's her friend (except enemies)

What kind of stereotypes do they not like? Bullies, weirdoes, backstabbers, wannabes, queen bees, etc.

Likes: Music, art, dancing, school, sport, water, swimming, skate boarding, soccer, food, fun, laughing, friends and family, animals, guys, and the colour PURPLE!

Dislikes: scary things, horror and crime films and books, heights, bullies, people winning when they shouldn't, fire, burns and dying.



Pet Peeve(s):

How do they act when there mad, sad, and happy?: when she is mad is go around cursing or sometimes starts a fit but usually just gives back more witty comebacks.

When sad is sometimes cries, confines in her friends or just lets it go.

When happy is sometimes hype, but usually just normal.

How do they act around there crushes?: depends if their close them normal, if their a bad boy then replys with witty comebacks but usually all shy and blushes.

Hobbies: Art, Skate boarding, swimming, surfing, soccer with her brother, baby sitting her sister, drawing, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

Talents: Drawing,soccer goals, swimming, singing, art, dancing, cooking, comebacks and playing her instruments.

Paired Up?: Yes if you want

If yes, With what type of stereotype?: anyone you feel is suitable but i would really like a bad boy.

If yes, What kind of relationship? um one with a bad boy then a fiesty one with he said she said relationship.

Break up with romance?: if you want, but if you do decide to then she will just get over it.

Past: Maddy was actually adopted when she was 6 months old. When her parents were taking her home from the hospital a drunk drover crashed into the car. Her parents were in the front seats and amazingly she lived. She was then went to a children's orphange and was adopted by Josephine and Daniel Greggory and their 3 year-old son, at the time, Andrew. Mrs. Greggory had just gotten cancer and they thought they couldn't have another children, so decided to adopt. But just last year she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Grace.

Phobia: Heights


*shows a girl on a rainbow striped quilt on a double bed*

"Hey, I'm Madeline Greggory, but you can call me Maddy..." She said but was interrupted.

"Aren't you going tpo introduce me, that was our deal" A deep voice said from behind the camera.

"Just about" Maddy said with a grin, "This my older brother Andrew, say hi."

*the camera turned to reveal a face with shaggy broen hair and blue eyes who waved with the free hand*

"Hey peeps" Andrew replied straight into the camera" *then turned it back onto Maddy*

"So as I was trying to say..." Maddy continue but was interrupted again.

"Maddy could you take Grace, your dad and I are going out" a voice echoed from the bottom of the stairs floating up to the room.

"Sure" Maddy replied, "Excuse me a moment"

*She leaves and the camera turns back to Andrew*

"Please pick my sister to be on your show, she is lovely, kind, friendly, smart and sweet. Madz has never really done and thing so big like this, well except for soccer grand finals, swimming for the state team, winning national girls soccer championships, singing in London, oh... I'm rambling and even worse about my sister." He makes a face, "Just pick her she is a great person and hopefully she'll win.."

*footsteps are heard from the stairs and cooing from Maddy*

"We never had this conversation" He suddenly slams his forehead, "I forgot this is recording, all well"

*He shrugs and turns the camera around just in time to see Maddy walk into the room with a cut little baby girl in her arms*

"This is my baby sister,Grace. Say hi Gracie" Maddy says talking to the baby.

*Grace waves at the camera and both Andrew and Maddy laugh*

"Pwease, pwetty pwease pick me." Maddy says with puppy dog eyes then she waves at the camera and suddenly the innocent and cut Grace cries and the camera shows Andrew saying

"That's all folks"
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