How to Handle: Your Own Death Note Character

VII. Misa

Congratulations! You have just received your very own Misa! Our Second-Kira-Light-fan-model comes with:

(2) ponytails

(1) make-up set

(1) Light plushie

(1) photo album filled with pictures of herself(vanity, we tell you!) and the occasional Light

(2) pairs of earrings that suspiciously flash red every five seconds

Note: Without Misa's knowing, Rem has placed a miniature tracking device in one of her pairs of earrings. Now that you now this piece of information, please keep your trap shut or we'll sic one of the violent Death note characters after you. :)

A. Food

Misa, out of all the Death Note characters, is by far the most healthiest. She keeps a strict diet for two reasons:

1) She wants to look good for Light

2) Rem has banned her from eating unhealthily, telling her that she could die for whatever reason unknown

B. Light

Misa has been on fanfiction and, amazingly, she has read a few...LightxL stories. She showed great distaste at first, because Light was hers! Then, she just realized how silly that pairing was, because obviously, Light loves her lots and lots.(Yes, she is oblivious that L and Light are together.)

Now, she has convinced herself that the pairing is not happening and never will. But, secretly, she's a huge LxLight fan.


These tips will make sure that Misa stays intact and Rem doesn't do anything harmful to you out of fury!

.Do not let her see L and Light in one of their 'passionate moments'. This will result in her getting angry and asking Rem to kill L. Or, she'd just take out her Death Note and write L's name down. Either way, the result is pretty ugly, so make sure this never happens.

.Do not 'mistake' her Light doll for a Light voodoo doll meant for venting anger out on.

.Do not speak badly of Light around her.

.Do not tell her she's Mello, Girl Version. She will give you a speech. This specific speech: "Him? I look like him? Goodness, what the h*ll hit you in the head? Cannot you see that I am more divine than that blond son of a b*tch?! Light can attest to that! Oh, he's not here? Well, let's try this: I'll put some makeup on, and I'll put some makeup on the blond devil, and we'll get Matt to decide who's cuter. AND IT WILL BE ME. I learned about what he said about me when he spied on me. He called me cute! And, psh, who'd find Mello cute? I mean, god! Would you prefer some this or some of that icky sh*t? Let's be serious, people!"

..A tip on a tip: after Mello and Misa are all 'dolled up,' and Matt is trying to decide whether he values his life(not choosing Misa) or his sexual organ(not choosing Mello), calmly get BB to storm in with his knives. Oh, and add some jam dripping down his chin. Misa is somewhat frightened by our raven-haired jam lover.

And, ta-da! You're all set to take care of your Misa!

Congrats! You know have mastered the basics, but are you ready to maintain your characters? If not, stay tuned for How to Maintain: Your Death Note Character, and in no time, taking care of your characters will be a piece of cake!

Reminder: the company is not responsible for any injuries, mentally and physically, deaths, or any other fatal event that may happen with your Death Note character. We will not accept returns or refunds.