A short ficsicle about Ziva and Abby when they first met. Inspired by the song What is this feeling from the musical Wicked. By the way. When a song is shared I write it as though it is a script. Just for a warning.

"I can't believe you Gibbs. Why should I have to share with her." Complained Abby as Gibbs announced the room arrangements for their week long shared vacation.

"Because you two are the only girls." Was his reply before he walked away. He hated arguing with Abby. Abby stomped into her room to find Ziva at one desk writing a letter. Abby sat at the other and started to write home as well.

(Abby) , darlingest momsie and popsicle...

(Ziva) dear father...

(Both) 's been some confusion over rooming here at S

(Ziva) of course I'll care for Nessa.

(Abby) of course, I'll rise above it.

(Both) I know that's how you'd want me to respond, yes. There's been some confusion for you see my roomate is...

(Abby) and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe...

(Ziva) Blonde.

(Abby) What is this feeling, so sudden,and new?

(Ziva) I felt the moment I laid eyes on you.

(Abby) My pulse is rushing.

(Ziva) My head is reeling

(Abby) My face is flushing.

(Both) What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame, does it have a name? Yes............

Loathing! Unadulterated loathing!

(Abby) For your face,

(Ziva) your voice,

(Abby) your clothing!

(Both) Let's just say- I loath it all! Every little trait how ever small makes my very flesh begin to crawl with simple utter loathing! There's a strange exhilaration.
In such total detestation. It's so pure, so strong! Though I do admit, it came on fast,
still I do believe that it can last. And I will be loathing, loathing you my whole life long.

(NCIS Team) Dear Abby, you are just too good! How do you stand it, I don't think I could. She's a terror, she's a tartar,
we don't mean to show a bias but Galinda, you're a martyr!

(Abby) Well, these things are sent to try us...

(NCIS Team) Poor Galinda, forced to reside with someone so disgusting, We just want to tell you, we're all on your side!

(NCIS Team continues while Abby and Ziva sing the following)

What is this feeling, so sudden and new?
I felt the moment I laid eyes on you.
My pulse is rushing, my head is reeling.
Oh, what is this feeling?!
Does it have a name? Yes, ahhhhh... loathing!
There's a strange exhilaration, in such total detestation, it's so pure, so strong!
Though I do admit, it came on fast, still I do believe that it can last!
And I will be loathing for forever, loathing, truly deeply loathing you, my whole life long!!!!

Abby put her pen down and read through her letter before nodding and sealing it up in an envelope and addressing it without realising that behind her Ziva was doing the same to hers. Ziva snuck up on Abby without Abby noticing.

"Boo." She cried once she was directly behind her. Abby let out a little scream and turned to stare at the Israeli. It was gonna be a long week.