Hey all! I actually finished this one. I thank all for the concern. I am doing much better now. It was a frightening ordeal but I am strong and I have gotten through much worse in the past. I feel that writing helps center me and I feel a victory in having brought this story to a conclusion.-J

The team is speeding toward Bryn's house with lights and sirens. Morgan is at the wheel of one of the vehicles and is noticeably frustrated that he cannot go any faster. Prentiss is next to him and snaps her phone shut.

Prentiss: Garcia isn't having any luck reaching him. It's just going to voicemail. GPS is still showing the phone at the house though so that's some hope that he's still there.

Morgan: If they are there, she'll be making her last stand.

Prentiss: Great.

At Bryn's house, Reid is still tied up.

Reid: Bryn, you don't have to do this. You are a beautiful, intelligent woman. If you let me go, you'll only be facing some minor charges of destruction of property. A good lawyer would make the argument that the threats were protected speech. I can hear my phone buzzing. That means my colleagues are missing me and most likely on their way. If they find me like this, you'll be facing federal charges for sure.

It is then that he sees his gun in her hands. He is monetarily frightened and then realizes her endgame doesn't involve killing him.

Bryn: It's really such a pity that we had to meet under these circumstances. We could have had such good times.

She kneels on the bed next to him and kisses him full on the mouth. It is a deep and passionate if one-sided kiss. Reid holds his breath and his eyes are wide. Finally Bryn pulls back and Reid tries to disguise his gasp for air.

Bryn: Yes we could have been so good together.

Sirens can be heard approaching.

Bryn: I think your friends are here. You'll have to excuse me, Spencer. Can I call you Spencer? It would be so rude of me to not greet my guests.

The team has just come to a stop in the front yard of Bryn's home. They exit their vehicles and see the front door opening. They all freeze right where they are with guns drawn, alert and waiting to see what or more to the point, who will appear at the door. There is some relief when it is Bryn alone who is revealed to be at the door. They had feared that she might try to use Reid as a shield but the fact that Reid is not visible brings about more worry that he may not be alright. While hurting him would do nothing to further her cause, it was still possible that she might have caused him harm.

Bryn: Agents, welcome to my home. Though I dare say I won't be residing here much longer.

Hotch: Where's Reid?

Bryn: He's in my bedroom. He is very much alive and well. I couldn't bring myself to bring harm to something to beautiful.

Morgan: Hand over the weapon, Dr. Shepherd and all of this can be over.

Bryn: Oh Agent Morgan, you know that's not how this is going to end. And I told you to call me Bryn.

Prentiss: Bryn, what is this going to do to those kids if you force us to hurt you?

Bryn: They'll be sad but kids that age are very resilient and maybe their parents will have to pay attention to them for a change.

With that Bryn raises the gun and takes aim at the agents, a move that precipitates multiple gunshots from the agents and Bryn crumbles to the ground.

Reid's voice: "Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black/And the dark street winds and bends./Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow/We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,/And watch where the chalk-white arrows go/To the place where the sidewalk ends. Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,/And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,/For the children, they mark, and the children, they know/The place where the sidewalk ends."-Shel Silverstein

Throughout Reid's recitation, the team goes in and finds Reid, untying him and handing his gun back to him. Later the team is back on the jet headed for home.

J.J. slides in next to Reid.

J.J.: Are you okay?

Reid: Yeah, this was nothing like before. I wasn't ever scared of her. I feel stupid though. I knew something was off with her and I should have gotten out of there.

J.J.: You weren't going to save her.

Reid: No but I didn't need to let her take me either.

Morgan has been listening in.

Morgan: Didn't she drug you? I mean it's not like you let her overpower you or anything. She didn't take advantage of you or anything did she?

Reid: No.

He looks annoyed but then very seriously turns to Morgan and to J.J.

Reid: She did kiss me. I don't know if I should tell Maggie or not.

J.J.: Was this before or after you were tied up?

Reid: After and I didn't kiss her back.

J.J.: You should definitely tell her.

Morgan: Honesty is always best and that will make her feel good that you didn't betray her.

Reid: She kept saying I should have been saved from the people who took advantage of my mind.

Morgan: Do you feel like you need or needed saving? Do you think anyone takes advantage of you now?

Reid: No. I mean, I look back and certainly there were plenty of people who didn't care anything about me except what having taught me would do for their reputations. But I was never pushed beyond what I could handle. Well, except for socially. But I never really saw that as the fault of anyone. It just came from having a brain that didn't match my age.

Morgan: Do you think we take advantage of you now, or use you in any way?

Reid: Isn't that what having a job is, having people put your talents to use?

Morgan: I guess so. Glad you're safe though.