Note this will be the final chapter :( So enjoy and R&R please) AND FOR THE LAST TIME I OWN NOTHING, OH and please give some credit to tdifreak55 for co-writing this chapter for sending me some ideas, thanks girl! Now ON WITH THE STORY! :D

**Gwen's POV**

Duncan, Lilith, and I sat in the limo Chris had sent, waiting to arrive at the Playa-da-Losers resort. Lilith had to come, mainly because we couldn't find a babysitter. Our parents were working and most of course Geoff, Bridge, and the rest were going as well. Lilith sat on my lap seeing as there was no car seat. I was terrified, and I held her close. After an eternity we finally pulled up to the resort. It remained the same as it had been when we'd been there on the show, only music was blasting and decorations had been put up.

We walked in when a voice rang out.

"OHMYGOSH! DUNCAN AND GWEN IS THAT YOU!" We turned around to see the pyschopath herself, Izzy. Her hair was as red as ever and she seemed still just as crazy. I smiled a bit.

"Um, hey Izzy."

"Oh my gosh it's sooooo good to see you two and you had a baby? Awwww she's soooo cute! OWEN! COME HERE AND BRING THE KIDS!" We looked around her to see Owen, still large but now he had four, count them, four kids with strawberry blonde hair, two boys and two girls, following with huge smiles on their faces. They all looked about three to four years old and seemed as crazy acting as their mother. Great.

"Duncan? Gwen? Is that you! Hey guys good to see ya! Aww and you had a kid too! Me and Izzy have four!" The kids came up and waved at us excitedly. "This is Joey, Ian, Chessie, and Judith. They all really take after Izzy." I was right about that part. "So what's your kid's name?"

"This is Lilith." Duncan said jesturing to Lilith.

"Awww she's so cute." Owen said. He was as jolly as he always was.

"Thanks Owen. Your kids are really cute too. How old are they?" I said looking at each of the jumping toddlers.

"Well, Chessie and Joey are twins and they are four, and Ian and Judith are twins and they are three."

"Oh wow, you guys sure have your hands full don't you?"

"Yeah, but we love them more than anything, right Owen?" Izzy said.

"Of course. Oh hey look DJ's here with,...Heather?" We looked to where Owen was looking and sure enough DJ was stepping out of his limo and holding Heather's hand as she stepped out. My mouth dropped. DJ saw us and waved.

"Hey guys!" They both walked over still holding hands. Heather's hair had grown back almost to its full length but her attitude seemed to have changed. She didn't seem bitchy now.

"When did you two get together?" Duncan asked.

"Well I moved back here not too long ago and me and DJ met each other again at starbucks. We talked over coffee and then one thing led to another and he asked me out and we started dating. I mean how could I say no to such a sweet guy?" Heather said. DJ wrapped his arm around Heather and she blushed.

"Yeah guys, plus believe it or not she's mellowed out a little over the years." I shrugged.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance Heather." I said and Duncan forced a nod. Heather's eyes landed on Lilith.

"Aww who's this? I always knew you two would end up together." She seemed a little smug at the fact but I let it slide.

"Lilith our first daughter." Duncan answered.

"She's adorable!" Yep Heather definetly changed. At that moment two more limos pulled up. Holy shit. Trent and Courtney. I wanted to run. Trent kept his hair the same and looked emo or depressed, I couldn't tell, and Courtney was the same as she was at the hospital when I'd first saw her. Duncan looked like he wanted to run too but we remained frozen in place.

"Gwen, Duncan, hey what's up guys!" Trent called. Over all he seemed fairly happy to see us. Courtney on the other hand was staring daggers and they both came up to us.

**Duncan's POV**

Trent and Courtney walked right up to us as more people began to arrive. Courtney said hi and left with her arms crossed, the woman seriously has issues. Trent came up and started to talk.

"Hey guys, aww you have a kid now? I guess you two were meant to be. It's good to see you Gwen."

"Thanks Trent it's nice to see you too. Hey looks like Geoff and Bridge are here and Lindsay and Tyler. Amazing they're still together. I looked and sure enough all four of them stood there waving at us. More surprising was that Lindsay remembered our names.

"Oh my gosh! Hi Gwen, Duncan, oh and you too little cutie! Aww I love babies" She said now looking at Lilith.

That's how the night pretty much continued; people showed up, said hi, and then gushed over Lilith and Owen and Izzy's kids. ( we were the only people from the show who had kids.) Then at one point Geoff called our attention.

"Dudes! If you would listen up I have something to say." Everyone got quiet. He turned to Bridgette and got down on one knee. Oh my god. He pulled out a small box.

"Bridgette Mason, will you marry me?" Everyone gasped and Bridgette started tearing up.

"Yes! Yes I'll marry you!" Geoff put the ring on her finger and everyone, even Chris and Chef cheered. Then they almost ruined the moment by starting one of their famous make-out sessions. The party continued through the night. After a while Lindsay came up to us and said;

"Hey is it true that Courtney really delivered your baby?"

"WHAT? Why would you say that?" I demanded to know.

"Well that's what Courtney's been telling everybody I just wanted to know for sure."

"Of course she didn't!" Gwen nearly yelled. "She wasn't even anywhere near me or Lilith when she was born!"

At that moment I saw Courtney by the punch bowl and marched over there.

"What is your problem? Why would you lie about delivering Lilith? You think it'll make people like you again?" Everyone stared, Courtney looked embarrased. She pulled me to the side and said;

"So I lied about one thing big deal." I was getting mad.

"It's a big deal to me when you're lying about something as important as my child! God you really are a bitch even after all these years!" Courtney glared and pulled something out of her purse. God no, it was a gun.

"You know what? This is payback for all the hell and embarrasement you've put me through!" and she pulled the trigger. I fell to the ground in pain.

"DUNCAN!" I heard Gwen yell as Courtney tried to run. Then I blacked out.

**Gwen's POV**

I was talking more to Lindsay when I heard a gunshot. I turned to see a gun in Courtney's hands with Duncan falling to the floor.

"DUNCAN!" I screamed. I handed Lilith to Bridgette and ran to him. Courtney tried to run away but Chef and Chris grabbed her.

"I'm calling 911!" I heard Trent call out.

"YOU BITCH! YOU SHOT HIM!" I screamed as Chef pulled her away. I knelt beside Duncan's body, he was knocked out but he was still breathing. I was breaking into tears. I rested Duncan's head in my lap.

"Don't die Duncan! Please be okay! Y-you can't leave me..." I started crying softly holding his body to mine. Lilith started crying.

"Daaaaaaa!" She screamed. Bridgette tried calming her down. While Chris came over. He felt for a pulse. He looked up slightly releaved.

"He still has a pulse. The paramedics are on their way. So is the cops, I promise you Gwen, we will get Courtney put away for a loooooong time, and get you guys a restaining order."

"Thanks Chris." Everyone, with the exception of Chef who was still holding onto Courtney gathered around me and Duncan. Till the paramedics arrived. They wheeled Duncan into an abulence and I got in with him leaving Lilith with Bridgette and we drove off.


Duncan stayed in the hospital for about a week while Lilith stayed with Geoff and Bridgette (her godparents.) Gwen didn't leave his side. Duncan survived while Courtney faced 30 years to life in prison for her shooting. Bridgette and Geoff got married within the next year and soon had their own little girl Claire. About a year after the shooting Gwen became pregnant with another child. They named him Jason after their favorite movie. DJ and Heather actually stayed together and had a boy, Micheal. Lindsay and Tyler did the same and had a boy named Jared. Everyone else lived happily ever after. Especially Duncan and Gwen with Lilith and Jason.

The End.

Cheesy way to end it? Deal with it! What did you think review, satisfy the button blah blah blah.


~ Infected Bliss