This is the last chapter of my fic!!!I want to thank all my readers and give ya all a big hearty hug for all the reviews!!Sorry I couldn't type all your names up,but there're just too many!!And I wanted to stop right by Chapter 60,unfortunately,I had to have one more chapter making it 61 and it doesn't sound a nice number at all...grrr....

@Dark Raion,you gotta continue your Of Angels and Demons fic!Love it!!

@Mayonaka,glad I could get to know you! write the nicest of the nice reviews of all!

@#HUGE dedication!!This fic is dedicated to both the people above!Dark Raion and Mayonaka,ya rule!!!YEAH BABY!!And of course,I want to dedicate this last chapter computer,of course.Without it,I definitely won't be here right now...WOOO HOOOO!!!#

@@The song in this chapter is Where You Are sung by Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey.A beautiful song indeed,and it really fits my fic!Read'll understand...oh,and if you come across a scene that is a little too 'high' for ya,don't stop!!Cuz it'll go low later me....

Chapter Fifty Eight (Rinoa's POV)


I closed my eyes as the gentle breeze blew,tugging at my hair.Soft footsteps came behind me.

"Rinoa..." Seryn's voice sounded,worried and in concern.

"I want to be alone for a while..." I replied.

"But Rinoa,we're going back to Balamb Garden..." Selphie pointed out.I sighed and said,"What I meant can leave me here...alone...."

There was a silence.I turned and looked at the others,trying to look calm.However,their expressions were just the opposite of mine.

"I'll be fine..." I assured them.

"Rinoa,don't forget you're not a Sorceress anymore," Quistis said quietly."If anything happens to you....Squall...he'd never forgive us..."

I inhaled a long breath at his name,but maintained my expression."You don't have to worry 'bout me....really...." I turned back and began walking to the wide field of flowers behind Edea's House...the place my comrades used to stay in hen they were young...

"Listen,Rinoa,you can't--" Quistis started.

"I'll be fine,dammit!!Why can't you all understand?!?" I shouted in irritation.By that time,I couldn't help the tears growing in my eyes as I glared at them.My tone was gentlier in my next sentence,"Just...just leave me alone...please..."

My comrades stared at me in silence.Saying no more,I rested my gaze back on the flower field and made my way to it.

"Umm...Rinoa,we'll come back tomorrow morning,okay?" Selphie said in an uncertain voice.I didn't answer,just clutched Squall's letter tightly in my hand,trying to blink away my tears.As I reached a tree and lowered myself down on the soft grass,I heard the sound of powerful engines getting started.The Ragnarok slowly hovered into the air and flew off,disappearing into the darkness of the sky.

Sighing again,I leaned back onto the cool bark of the tree and slowly lifted the letter in front of me.I had only read a line from it in the Ragnarok when I had a strange feeling,or more like,instinct,that I was supposed to read the whole letter in that field.I wanted privacy too,I guess...

For some reason or other,I simply stared at the unopened letter in my hand.The night was silent.Only the sound of crickets and the rustling of the flowers and leaves were heard.Taking a deep breath,I folded open the letter and began reading in my heart and mind:

' My dearest angel,Rinoa,

Hell,I'm not good in writing letters like this.I guess I'll just make it short but meaningful,at least...

Love...that was one thing you showed me.I knew from the second I saved you in space that moment,that every gulp of air I inhaled...every step I took...every minute that passed.....all those were just for you and only you,Rinoa.Nobody else had ever made me feel this way...and..I guess that's what they call eternal love,huh?

I'm sorry for leaving you...but believe me,Rinoa,I've never wanted anything more than to make sure you're safe and out of harm...I'm sorry if it hurts you...if it breaks your heart...I've never ever wanted anything like that to happen at all....never...

Lastly,I want to thank you...thank you for walking over to that silent guy in the party that night...thank you for forcing him to dance with you...thank you for changing who he was in the past to who he is now as he writes this letter....

Thank you for being who you are...allowing me to savour the pleasure of falling in love...

I love you,my angel....forever...

Squall '

~Oh God....~ Tears rolled down my cheeks as I read the last few lines.Pressing my hands against my eyes and nose,I began crying softly,drawing my knees to me.It was all like a dream....a nightmare that wasn't supposed to be real....

" didn't have to...." I whimpered between my sobs,resting my forehead on my knees,hugging them tightly.

The letter was still in my grasp...

Chapter Fifty Nine (Squall's POV)




Without a reason.....

~Where am I...?~ I looked around helplessly.Was I...already dead?Is this how death felt like?I remembered the time I hated being talked about in past tense....but now...were people talking about me in that way too?


"Griever?" I turned and saw the lion,hovering as usual."Wait...I can talk?Am I dead or what?"

"Nobody said you can't talk when you're dead..."

I sighed."I suppose so...where am I?"

"In a place which never disappears...."

"Huh?What do you mean?"

"A place where I belong to..."

I stared at him in confusion."I...I don't understand..."

He chuckled softly,giving me a surprise since it as practically the first time I heard him do that."We are in your pendant,Leonhart.That is where I belong,remember?"

I blinked in shock." what?My pendant?"

"The one you hang around you forgot?"

" the hell can we be in a pendant?!"

"Why can't we?After all,the Guardian Force Diablos was from the Magic is not a surprise in the Guardian Force world..."

"Guardian Force world?Then why am I here?I'm not a GF...."

"Yes,you are..."

"Oh,for who,then?" I sneered.

"For Rinoa Heartilly..."

I froze at her name and approached Griever in sudden panic."What's wrong with her?Is she hurt?"

"Calm down,Leonhart...I never said she is.."

"Then what do you mean by my being a GF?I don't have any special powers or anything!"

"No,you do not,but you will be the person watching over her,wouldn't you?That's what Guardian Forces do....we watch over people..."

I kept quiet for a few minutes."Alright...quit talking 'bout her..." I said,knowing that if our conversation carried on,I was sure to break down and cry or scream out in frustration sooner or later.

A pause.

"You really love her,don't you?" Griever said,breaking the silence.I bit my lip and didn't reply,not wanting to loose control of myself.

"It is sad....there never was a SeeD who fell in love with a Sorceress..."

~What the heck is he doing?!I thought he told me not to think about her when we were back in Zoan's castle...just....hold on,Squall.....~

"But love is blind,like people say.... you don't care about what others think..."

~A little longer...~

"Ah,yes, is blind..."

That was too much for me.I raised my head at Griever and started yelling with all my might,"God dammit,Griever,shut the hell up!!You're not helping!!You're only making my wounds worse,you know that?!?!"

He simply stared at me without a word.I blinked back the unexpected tears in my eyes and averted my gaze from him.

"I....I never even got the chance to say goodbye to her..." I buried my head in my gloved hands.However,his next question made me perk up.

"Do you want to see her?"

I turned to him again,this time in shock."W-w-what?What did you say?"

"Do you want to see her?" repeated Griever,his eyes gleaming.I gaped at him for a while.

"C-can I?"

"I am impressed,Leonhart...impressed and touched by your everlasting love for this girl.You would even willingly sacrifice your life just for her to be safe..."

I was speechless.

"And because of that,I am granting you life once more......but..." he paused,raising a finger warningly."But.....only for a night and morning before dawn..."

" can do that?" I asked,eyes wide.

"Yes...go to her,Leonhart...she needs you..."

"But,Grieve--" I couldn't finish my sentence.


I didn't know what happened.The next thing I knew was...I was in Matron's House,the orphanage.I looked up at the sky.It was already night.

~Why did Griever bring me here?Am I suppose to go all the way back to Balamb Garden from here?~

Suddenly,my ears caught the sound of someone sobbing.I looked around carefully,my eyes scanning every corner.My gaze stopped at a small figure under a tree,in the flower field.

~God...Rinoa...~ As if someone was controlling me,I began walking towards the field,my eyes never leaving her.She was hugging her knees,crying softly.A piece of paper as in her hand.

~The letter...~ I took a deep breath and silently approached her.My feet making no noise,something heavy lift off from my heart as I stopped behind her.

~Rinoa....I'm here...~


## Where You Are by Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey ##

There are times

I swear I know you're here

I forget about my fears

Feeling you my dear

Watching over me

My hope sees

What the future will bring

When you wrap me in your wings

And take me where you are

Where you and I will be together

Once again, we'll be dancing in the moonlight

Just like we used to do

And you'll be smiling back at me

Only then will I be free

When I can be, where you are

And I can see your face

Your kiss I still can taste

Not a memory erased

Oh, how I see your star

Shining down on me

And I'd do anything

If I could just, be right there

Where you are

Where you and I will be together

Once again we'll be dancing in the moonlight

Just like we used to do

And you'll be smiling back at me (you'll be smiling back at me)

Only then will I be free

Then I will be free, so take me where you are

Now baby there are times when selfishly

I wish that you were here with me

So I can wipe the tears from your eyes and make you see

That every night when you are dreaming

I'm here to guard you from afar

And anytime I feel in love

I'll close my eyes and dream of where you are

Where you are

Where you and I will be together

Once again we'll be dancing in the moonlight

Just like we used to do

And you'll be smiling back at me (you'll be smiling back at me)

Only then will I be free

Then I will be free,

Baby I still believe

Oh I gotta believe

I still believe

I will touch you that sweet day

That you take me there

Where you are (where you are)

I still believe

Whoooooa, I gotta believe

I still believe

I will touch you that sweet day

That you take me there

Where you are, oh where you are!

I still believe

I gotta believe

I still believe

I'll always be waiting here

That sweet day (that sweet day, yeah!)

I still believe......I still believe....


Chapter Sixty (Rinoa's POV)

I didn't know how long I sat there and cried those frustrated and sad tears out.It seemed like a few decades just flew by.

Then,like a miracle,I suddenly felt his presence.My heart took a leap,but I remained crying.I didn't want to be disappointed be hurt once more,thinking that someone dead would come alive again.I wasn't sure how well I would take it...

*I'll be here...* His voice floated to my ears,as soft and gentle as the tugging breeze.

~Oh God...Squall...~

*I'll be waiting here...if you come here you'll find me....* I paused for a while.~Huh?That sounded.....~

* I promise....* That last sentence made me raise my head.His voice sounded near...near and...


Two gentle arms slid around my waist and I was pulled into a warm embrace.I felt someone kissing my neck before whispering into my ear,"I'm here,Rinoa..."

Shock jolted through me like electricity.My whole body went numb and I simply sat there without moving for a while.

Then I turned behind me...and...

There he was...looking at me with his loving eyes...his touch making me feel secured once more..

"Squall...." I said softly as tears came out in gushes. ~He's alive!!He is....but...I thought.....~ I collapsed into him,hugging him tightly...never wanting to let go....never wanting him to leave ever again....

"Oh God,Rinoa....I missed you so much..." He murmured,his arms wrapped aroung me,his head on mine.I hugged him back for a moment before letting go and running my hands on his face,neck,anywhere I could touch him.

"You're thought--" I started but a clash of thunder in the sky interrupted me.I looked up and,as if just as amazed and relieved with his return as I was,rain pelted down heavily followed by louder crashes of thunder and lightning.

The cold drops of water touched my skin.In no time,we were both soaking wet,but we still continued to hold each other tenderly.I sat clinging onto him as if he was going to be sucked away or something like that and buried my head into his chest.

"Rinoa...I think we better get some shed..." he said into my ear.I looked up at him only to be greeted with drops of rain,but I nodded.He pulled me up and we ran to the half-destroyed stoned building there.Although we were out from the rain,I still shivered in cold.I watched Squall as he smoothed back his wet brown hair and said,"If we can find some twigs or sticks,we can make a fire and--"

"I've lost my powers,Squall..." I stated,chipping in.He stopped and blinked at me before placing his hands on his hips,frowning.

"Oh yeah...okay,I'll think of another way..." he said and turned,bending down to find some dry sticks or anything that could catch fire.

"Squall..." He paused when I called him.I took a deep breath before continuing where I stopped just no,"I thought...I thought you were....dead...why're you here then?I"

He spun around and stared at me,a sudden sadness in his eyes,causing my heart to turn cold even when I already was.I looked back at him,waiting for his answer...

"I...yeah,I'm supposed to be dead...but Griever...he said he'd grant me life again...but..I can only be here until tomorrow morning...just after dawn..." he explained quietly.My eyes widened as everything registered in my head.The truth hit me again and again in my mind.

~He's not going to live forever....only for tonight...and...morning...oh Squall....~ I lowered my head and felt familiar tears moisting my eyes.I didn't want to cry just then...I had already cried too much...but...I just couldn't control myself...

"God,Rinoa,I'm sorry..." He approached me and placed his arms around me.He brushed away my damp hair and planted a kiss my forehead.I snuggled into him,both of us not saying a word.Thunder still crashed outside,and the rain was heavier than ever.

"I just wanted you to be safe...." he whispered.Then,without warning,I raised my head,pushed him down to me and kissed him lovingly.It was ages since we had kissed and I had almost forgotten how good it felt.He pulled me closer to him,his hands caressing my neck and face.Our kisses became more passionate as he edged me nearer to the wall and pressed me against the cold surface.However,his touches warmed me up completely and I moaned something I myself didn't understand.

~Oh God,Squall...I want you....~ That moment,I made a decision on something I had hesitated the last time I had thought about it.I took one of his hands,pressed it on my chest,on the buttons of my outfit,and broke our kiss.

"Love me,Squall...for one last time..." I murmured,tears in my eyes.He looked at where I placed his hand,then into my eyes questioningly.

"Rinoa...are you sure?" His voice was uncertain,but I pushed on,closing my eyes.

"Yes..." I answered under my breath.There was a pause before I once more felt his lips on mine.A strange emotion grew in my heart when I reflected on what he had said a few minutes ago....about how long he would stay alive... me,Squall...~

As our mouths claimed each others',our hands explored throughly,and layer after layer of clothes were peeled off,I was certain that that night would be my night of sweet memories......

The only one I'll ever have in my life.....


+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 16 years later.... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Ryon jogged to his mother's office immediately after his classes,remembering her telling him to be in her office when he had finished his lessons.He knocked on the door and smiled when he heard the gentle voice of his mother say,"Come in."

"Hey,Mum!" he greeted,opening the door and walking in.Rinoa looked up from her desk and her lips curved into a sweet smile as she looked at her 15-year-old son.Like the night 17 years ago,a strange emotion stabbed her heart.She always noted how much Ryon looked like Squall everytime she saw her son.He had brown hair and inherited his father's good looks.His eyes,however,were the mixture of blue and brown,looking quite strange,actually.

"Ryon.How was class?" she nodded to the chair in front of her and he scampered to it.

"I got Instructor Trepe mad for not doing an assigment...but you can tell her it wasn't my fault,right?Pretty please?" Ryon said,rubbing his hands together.Rinoa laughed softly.

"I didn't call you here for that,Ryon..."

"Well,what then?" Her son raised his eyebrows cheerfully.She sighed and opened a drawer of her desk.Taking out a velvety box,she opened it and faced it to him.

"Wooow..." Ryon widened his eyes in surprise,looking at what was presented before him.It was a pendant in the shape of a lion's head,hanging on a chain."Cool..."

"It belonged to your father...he wanted me to give this to you when you turn 15..." explained Rinoa in her clear,soft voice.

Ryon reached out for the pendant and took it out.He fingered it in admiration."Is this suppose to me mine?"

"Yes...the lion on it is called Griever..." Rinoa's eyes softened at the name."Griever...he's just a legend now...a legendary Guardian Force..."

"Whoa...a GF?"

"Yes,in that pendant.He protects the Leonharts...your father too..." She paused,then added quietly,"Before he died..."

Ryon gazed at the pendant,awed.He stretched the chain and wore the necklace around his neck."Wow,won't the others envy me for this!" he said,proud.

Rinoa smiled."I want you to take good care of it.If it's wouldn't want to know what will happen to you,I'm sure..." she said.Although it was a threatening tone,Ryon noticed a twinkle in his mother's eyes.He thumped his chest with a hand and assured her confidently,"Don't worry!I'll take really good care of it!You can count on me!"

"That's good.Well,hurry off now to do your homework.I don't want Quistis telling me you didn't finish another assigment for her again..."

"Alright!See ya,mum..." Ryon got up and walked to the door,looking and touching the pendant all the time.As he disappeared,Rinoa stared after the closed door,laying back on her chair.Then she stood up,walked to the balcony outside,and stared out at the wide blue ocean.Her hand reached up to her neck,resting her fingers on the ring that Squall gave her years ago.He had told her the night they first made love that he would always be guarding her...watching her from somewhere she couldn't go...

A gentle breeze blew at her raven hair.She inhaled deeply.

*Did you tell him?* A voice echoed in the wind.

"Yeah...he was excited about it..." she replied softly.

A pause.

*What did he say?*

Rinoa sighed."He'll understand,Squall..." she said.She felt the breeze touching her face as if it was his own hand doing so and closed her eyes,savouring the gentleness..

And missing it too.....


YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!My first fic on finished!!!!!!!!!!OH YEAAAAAAAAH,BABY!!!!!!!*Pops open millions of champagne and squirts them at readers* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR REVIEWS!!!!Love ya heaps!!!And to Mayonaka and Dark Raion,the old good fans of Squall(and of this story too!),hope you liked this chapter!!!I know it wasn't much...hey,but at least I allowed Rinoa and Squall to consummate their relationship!!!

[{FOR THE LAST TIME,REVIEW!!!!!!Mayonaka and Dark Raion,You guys better rite a helluva long review for this final chapter......grrrr......}]

PS---Oh yeah,and don't forget to look out for my maybe-next-fics,Two Worlds on FF8 and Eternal on FFX....
