*Exhile87* All the happenings in this fic is a few months after the Second Sorceress War,AKA Ultimecia War.Well,a few months as in 2-3 months.The fic is set in different characters Point Of View(POV)Anyway,~disclaimer~ everything in FF8 belongs to Square,though I would reaaaaaallllyyyyy love to on 'em.Anyway,other characters are my own creations,and maybe won't play important roles...I just wanted to have them.....:).Oh yeah,words in ~* *~ are premonitions or dreams or visions or stuffs like that.Words in ~ ~ are thoughts,big lettered words are accented ones.Words in * * are sudden voices in the head.Whatever,you'll understand if you read.Hope you enjoy it!

P/S---Please review!!!

Chapter One (Squall's POV)

~*Seifer's Hyperion glinted as he pushed the blade against Rinoa's neck.I saw the terrified look in her eyes and ran to her in panic,but Seifer backed,grinning evilly.

"Another step and her head goes," he said with wicked gleam in his eyes.

"Leave her alone!" As if an invisible force pushed me,I took a step in front.

And that was a huge mistake.

Cold iron met flesh and blood with a sickening sound.Rinoa paled and fell limp against Seifer.


"No!!" *~


"No!!!" I bolted up from my bed,smashing into someone's head with mine.There was a squeal.


I breathed fast,hardly feeling the throbbing pain.Rinoa was holding her forhead,wincing.


I grabbed her shoulders and looked at her neck.There was no wound or cut.Relieved,I hugged her tightly,glad that she was still alive.

"Oh thank God...." I said,inhaling the scent of her hair.

"Umm..Squall?" Rinoa sounded uncomfortable.I released her from my embrace.Her puzzled dark brown eyes stared at me."Nightmare,huh?"

I ran a hand in my messy hair slowly."Seifer...he killed you....right in front of me...and..I couldn't do anything...." I lowered my head into my hands with a sigh.

"It was just a dream," soothed Rinoa.

"But it felt so...real." I looked up at her.She studied me for a while before reaching out to fondle my cheek lovingly.I closed my eyes,savouring the gentleness.When I reopened them,I noticed the redness of her forehead and asked hastily,"Did I....hit you hard?"

She smiled,frowning."Well,kind of.You gave me a shock,suddenly sitting up like that."

"Sorry." I moved in for a kiss,then stopped."Wait.Why're you here?" "Everyone's waiting for you at the Cafeteria."


"Look at the time,Mr. Commander."

I glanced at the clock beside my bed and got a shock

~9.53 AM?!~

"Oh shit!" I cursed,swinging off the bed.I took out my chocobo pajamas(which Rinoa bought for me) and slipped into a white T-Shirt.My hands moved down to my pants before I remembered that Rinoa was still there.I turned to her.She was gazing at me with a small interested smile.

"Go on," she prompted,gesturing towards my pants.

"No way.Get out."

"Oh,come on...." Her eyes gleamed mischeviously.

"Fine." I pretended to begin pulling of my pants,but she burst into laughter and tore her eyes away.

"Okay,I was just kidding!" She got up and turned towards the door."The Cafeteria,got that?"
"Yeah,sure." I watched as her graceful figure disappeared behind the door.She gave me a wink before closing it.

I stared at the closed door for a while,then continued changing.

"Yo,Squall," Zell greeted me as I advanced to the table my comrades were sitting at.

"Hey,Squall,'morning!" chirped Sephie cheerily.

"So like,up late,huh?" Irvine sai,fiddling with his hat.

"Sort of..." I sat down beside Rinoa.She pushed me a plate of hot bacon,Balamb Sausages(my favourite),

and eggs with salad.

"I got your breakfast for you.Eat up." She smiled.

I noticed the others looking interested,wondering how I was going to thank her.They always seemed to love seeing me show my affection in public.However,I leaned to Rinoa and whispered into her ear,"I'll thank you later."

Another lazy smile touched her lips."I understand...." Her eyes lingered to the disappointed faces opposite her.

"By the way,where's Quistis?" I asked as I attacked my sausages hungrily.

"Class.She's not as free as you are,you know," Irvine remarked.

"This early?" I countered.


"Well,she wanted her Instructor License back....she should know how busy she would be."

"At least sher doesn't need to comfort crying girls..." Rinoa muttered grumpily.

"Hey?I thought you like being the Gardern Counsellor!" Selphie sounded surprised.

"Well,yeah,I'm just supposed to be Miss Listening Machine and blurt out any advice,but I don't like cooling down crying people!"

"Like who?" Selphie's eyes widened.

"Sorry,Seph,that's private..."

"Aww,just tell me who..."


"Hey,Sefie,she's not supposed to give people away," Zell said sensibly.

"It's no big deal.Just the usual case of the boyfriend cheating on his beau or dumping her," Rinoa explained.

"Heard,that,Irvy?You don't wanna make me cry,right?" Selphie turned to her cowboy boyfriend.He grinned at her.

"Absolutely not!"

"Uh,speaking of crying,I need to get to work," Rinoa said,looking at the Cafeteria clock.She turned back."See ya."

"Buh-bye,Rinny!" Selphie waved her hand.

As Rinoa got up,she bent down to me and whispered,"Just once,Squall."

"Once what?" I looked back at her.

"This." She bent lower and our lips met in a long,passionate kiss.I had almost forgotten that we were in front of everyone,but the series of 'Oooh','Go,Squall!',and 'Aww!' among my comrades brought me back to the present.

"Sorry." Rinoa apologised softly,then walked off.I gazed after her and cast my comrades a look that could poison them.

Chapter Two (Rinoa's POV)

"Good morning,Rinoa," Dr. Kadowaki greeted,looking up when I entered my office,which was in the Infirmary.

" 'Morning,Doctor." I gave her a sweet smile,closed my office door,and lowered myself onto the swivel chair.I was just about to start writing a sickening report for the Headmaster when my ears caught a sudden whine and Angelo crossed my mind.

~Oh no!I completely forgot about her!~

"Rinoa,Angelo's outside your office.Did you leave her behind?" Dr.Kadowaki called.I got up and opened the door Sure enough,Angelo stood outside with confused eyes.

"Oh,sorry,Angelo!" I bent down to cuddle her.When I looked up to the doctor,I saw another student there.She had long blonde hair,a tone lighter than Quistis',tied up neatly so that it all fell down on her head.Her green eyes were vaguely familiar,but it was her face that made me remember.

"Seryn?" I blinked at her.She stared back at me in surprise.

"Oh,do you know each other?" Dr.Kadowaki asked.

"She's not....Seryn?" A panf of embarassment hit me.

"I am," the girl answered.Then her eyes lit up brightly."Wait,your name's Rinoa?Is it Rinoa....Heartilly?"

"Yeah!Seryn Cauley,it's been....years!"

"Are you two acquainted?" The doctor looked amazed.

"She was my classmate back in Galbadia High School.Let me see,that's when we were....15,right?" I raised my eyebrows at Seryn.She nodded with a smile and gave me a hug.

"Can you imagine?2 years!" she said.

"You're a student here?" I eyes her uniform and she nodded again.

"Righto!Second day on campus.I came here to get my necessary things from Dr.Kadowaki.

"And here they are." The doctor handed Seryn two towels and other stuffs she needed.She said her thanks,then turned to me.

"You're the Counsellor,huh?Wow,I thought you'd be a student like me....you know,being 17 and all...."

"Umm.....it's a long story," I replied truthfully.Just then,a student came into the Infirmary.It was a crying girl about my age.My heart sank into my boots.

~Oh noooooo....~

"Counsellor?I need...to....talk..to you," the girl sobbed.I kept my face cool and nodded toards my office.She walked in,still sobbing.

"Hard work,huh?" Seryn smiled.

"Oh,she has hundreds of student going to her like that," obliged Dr.Kadowaki.I forced a laugh.

"Well,umm,wanna meet up for lunch?" I asked.

"Oh sure!I've been feeling kinda lonely wihout any friends..."

"Great.How 'bout one at the Cafeteria?"

"I'll see you there.Thank you again,doctor." Seryn turned to Dr.Kadoaki,who nodded with a smile.Then she went out.

Angelo following me,I stepped into my office,only to find the girl pulling load of tissues from the box on my table,crying loudly as there was no tomorrow and days after.

~Oh great....and I just had that box replaced yesterday.....~

"So where's this ne girl?" asked Irvine,trying to sound patient.It was already a quarter past one.

"Don't tell me she forgot," Selphie said.

"No,I'm sure she didn't," I answered.Then I brightened and pointed towards the Cafeteria entrance. "There she is!"

Everyone;Squall,Irvine,Selphie,and Zell turned.I aved at Seryn,who saw me and approached us with her tray.

"Hey,Rin.Sorry I'm late,but my instructor wouldn't let me out early!" She smiled,looking around."Err,

are these your friends?"

"Yeah.This is Zell Dincht,Selphie Tilmitt,Irvine Kinneas,and lastly,Squall Leonhart,my boyfriend," I introduced.I couldn't help stressing on the word 'boyfriend',which earned me a glance from Squall.

"Your WHAT?" Seryn's eyes widened."Noooo,Rinoa..."

I had to suppress a laugh as I looked at Squall's face.Selphie,friendly as usual,held out her hand.

"Hey!Nice to meet ya!"

"Hello." They shook hands.Irvine and Zell blurted out something polite,but Squall only grunted.I understood his desire not to talk,so I didn't do anything.I motioned Seryn to sit down beside me.

"So...how'd both of you actually....clicked?" asked Irvine.

"We were classmates at the Galbadia High School,but Seryn had to move to Dollet 'cause her father had some job there.That's when we lost contact," I explained.

"Uh-huh.Then Father suddenly decided to sent me here.Oh,by the way,Rin,I heard you're actually a friend of that guy who stopped time compression," Seryn said enviously."You've gotta introduce me to him!"

"Is that so....?" I sneaked a glance at Squall,who was looking away,but I knew he was blushing."Why,that guy would be Mr. SeeD Commander here!" I elbowed him and he grunted again.

~Mr. SeeD Commander and the whole gang here.....~I added in my mind,but didn't state it.

Seryn gasped."Squall?I mean,Mr. Leonhart?"

"I suggest you don't call him that.He hates it," stated Zell,munching a hotdog as fast as he could but still trying to be polite.

"Well,SIR then....the Commander needs to be addressed with honour."

"Whatever..." Squall muttered.This time,I once again tried to suppress a giggle,but ended up making a weird noise.Everyone stared at me.Squall looked at me in concern as if to ask,"Are you okay?" Clearing my throat,I put on a serious face,mumbling,"Sorry..."

"Hey,guys," Quistis' voice called out as she approached our table.Seryn's eyes widened again.

"Instructor Trepe?" she squeaked.Quistis stared at her for a moment.

"Seryn Cauley?"

"I...I didn't know you ere friends with...my instructor...." Seryn turned to me with nervous eyes.

"Well I didn't know you were Quistis' student," I replied hotly.Quistis waved off some Trepies,annoyed,

then gave me a questioning look,looking blur."Oh,umm,Seryn was my classmate years back," I added. ~God,how many times must I repeat that?~

"I see."

"Err...I don't feel really....comfortable...siting here ith my instructor and the SeeD Commander....not to mention the Counsellor too." Seryn was in a daze.

"You'll be fine.Right,guys?" My eyes demanded for some agreement from the others.Selphie immediately nodded her dark head.

"Oh yes!Yeah...uh,yeah...of course...I mean...you will..."

~Oh no...that was a 'lil lame...~

"VIPs are very good in making friends with new student...so like...you don't have to worry....err,we're the VIPs,of course...you know,the Commander,instructor,and Counsellor...." Irvine trailed off slowly.

~Nooo...that was lamer....~I sighed but nodded.

To be continued.....
