A Childhood Fairytale: Hugs, Kisses, and Hippies

(AU; Matt and Mello are four and they're not orphans)


I waddle behind Mello, my best friend. He suddenly stops and make me crash into his soft hair.

Mello's hair is soft and yellow and fluffy. It always is. I try to touch it sometimes, but Mello just bites my finger. You should see my hand! It's covered in his teeth marks. But that's okay, because I know he doesn't mean to hurt me!

"Shit!" Ooh, what does that word mean?

I looked past Mello's shoulder, going on my tippytoes just to see. His dad is in the doorway, having trouble slipping on his jacket and holding his coffee at the same time.

"What are you doing, daddy?" Mello asks.

His daddy looks up. "Nothing, Mello." Doesn't look like it, buster. "Just off to work. Bye." He drops a kiss on Mello's forehead and Mello hugs him.

No fair! I can't kiss Melly's forehead without getting punched! Hmph.

His daddy leaves, closing the door behind him.

"I'm hungry, Melly," I say, then giggle at the rhyme.

Mello turns to face me. "Me too," he agrees. "Let's go see what mommy's making."

So we race each other to the kitchen and I let Mello win.

"Fuck!" I hear Mello's mommy say. I wonder why everyone is saying words I don't know today.

Anyways, Mrs. Keehl was stuffing a turkey. "What'cha doin'?" Mello asks, walking up to her. I follow.

"Just stuffing the turkey, no worries." With her free hand, she gives Mellow Yellow a chocolate bar.

"Thank you~!" Mello chirps, happily eating the candy.

I pout. Mello doesn't tell me 'thank you' when I give him chocolate!

The doorbell rings. Mrs. Keehl tells us to get it, so we do. We race each other again to the front door. This time Mello wins fair and square. Mello opens the door and I gasp.

A hippie! I've always wanted to see a hippie! I've only seen some of them on TV, and sometimes on the streets(but Mello calls them hobos, dunno why), but never in person!

"Hello," Hippie says. "I am Shitka, the King of all Shitkalings." He smiles down at us.

"Hello, Hippie Shitka," I say politely. I wonder if he'll give me chocolate!

Hippie Shitka asks, "Is your daddy home?"

"No, sorry," Mello answers.

"How about your mommy?" Hippie Shitka says.

"Yes, she is," I reply for MarshMello. I grin; maybe Mello will give me a hug now!

"Well, I was going around the neighborhood to see if anyone would like to be my Shitkaling. Would you little darlings be my little Shitkalings?" Hippie Shitka offers.

I don't want to be a Shitkaling. I want to be a Melloling.

"No thanks you," Mello says.

"Can I talk to your parents?" Now Hippie Shitka looks annoyed.

"They're busy," Mello tells him.

"What are they doing?" Hippie Shitka leans down.

"Well," Mello said slowly. "My daddy's shitting to work, and my mommy's fucking the turkey." He glares at Hippie Shitka. "Hey, are you even a real hippie at all? You digust me, you sicko! Out! Out!" He slaps Hippie Shitka.

"Nyeah!" I add angrily. I wonder if Mello's going to hug me now.

The End

...Don't ask how I got this idea. xD

Anyway, I don't own Matt, Mello, Shitka, or the joke this was based off of.