Premise-Morgan and Garcia's relationship if they got together that first year. The title comes from the song "Kiss Me Thru the Phone."
Future Wifey
Chapter One
April 2004
You're lucky that what I dreamt about us doing together last night was just a dream or else you wouldn't be able to walk today, Hot Stuff.
Derek's eyes lit up as he read his computer screen. She always kept him grinning. Penelope sure made life more interesting around the BAU. Or, at the least, she made his life much more interesting and she had from the moment they met.
It had only been three months since the first time he ever called her baby girl and he had already fallen into a pattern that he doubted he could break even if he tried. Every morning he came in extra early- after his routine of jogging with his dog, then his shower and breakfast- so he could casually be hanging around when she got to work. That would kick off their flirting for the day.
They would share coffee and throw back and forth dirty comments until she headed off to her bunker and he went to the 10 a.m. briefing.
If the team didn't catch a case he would do paperwork till lunch time, watching the clock like a druggie needing a fix, and then make his way to her office where they would flirt even more raunchily because they were alone before they went off to join their friends for lunch.
The afternoon would bring text messages, e-mails and phone calls filled with all the dirty things they wanted to do to each other. By the time he went home at night his mind was filled with images of her naked and his body was begging for relief.
The only problem?
Derek Morgan had some rules for dating and if he got with Penelope Garcia he had a bad feeling it wouldn't be long before he was breaking a good majority of them.
Derek's rules:
1. Never say I love you.
2. Never date a woman who owns a gun
3. Never date a co-worker.
4. Never date anyone you can't give up without any problem or regrets.
5. Never date anyone who wants to settle down.
6. Never stay the night.
7. Never introduce her to the family or tell the family about her.
8. Never give her your heart.
9. Stay in control at all times.
As his eyes studied her words on the computer screen he could feel his blood racing through his veins. He wondered if he could keep resisting her. Never before had he been in a situation like this.
She was a friend and she was co-worker. That right there should make her off limits. She was one of the few people he felt like he could share a deep conversation with and one of the few people that he felt like he didn't have to put up walls around. Why would he want to possibly mess that all up and mess up their vibe at work, maybe even hurt the team and his career, by fucking her every which way he could imagine and then dealing with the inevitable end of their fling?
It was such a bad idea. He knew that it was a big risk that he really shouldn't take. He wasn't that guy. The one who used a friend for a fun fuck or the one who became the great boyfriend.
He was nothing she needed in her heart or her bed. And yet she was all he wanted now. Nobody made him half as hot as she could.
Derek knew he should keep resisting Penelope. He just didn't know if he could.
He wrote back to her: If we did what I was dreaming about last night you wouldn't be back at work for a month.
She responded: Touche. Trade you one tidbit from my dream for one of yours.
He wrote: You could never handle knowing what goes on in my head.
She wrote: Make my day and let me find out.
He wrote: You want information? You'll have to learn better interrogation techniques because I'm not in the mood to give it up. Now get back to work, baby girl, before you get spanked for misusing company time.
She wrote: Did anyone ever tell you that you are such a tease? Well I'm not. Here's your clue to my dream: ice cubes. You stew on that, you sexy thing.
Morgan rubbed the back of his neck as his body reacted to reading her words. He cleared his throat and looked around, sure everyone could tell how turned on he was, but no one was paying attention to him. By now they wouldn't be surprised anyway.
Every day it was like this. All day long, when he was in the office, he found ways to flirt with her, talk to her, and be near her.
Being all distracted by Penelope was nothing new at this point. And nothing he wanted to end any time soon...if ever.
Just three months in and now he couldn't imagine going back to before he met his baby girl.
Penelope licked her lips as she read back over her IM conversation with Derek.
Her feelings about her gorgeous co-worker ran the gamut each day. Sometimes she was sure that they were just a breath away from getting naked together- that all they needed was one place in this building without cameras and she would know what it felt like to have his hands lifting her thighs up to hold her against a door or wall- and other times she was sure that he was just messing with her.
That someone like him couldn't really want to screw someone like her.
Not that she wasn't pretty and smart. She knew she was. But he was the type of man who could have anyone. Then again ever since they met he was also the type of man who seemed to want to have her.
And that, she had to admit, made her pulse race.
She did go out of her way to see him, mainly by seeking him out when he worked late and bringing him take out food for dinner, but he also went out of his way to get his daily fix of her. He never skipped saying "Good morning, princess," which always jump started their verbal foreplay.
He never let one work day go by without talking to her. Even on their off days he would sometimes call her to 'check in' as he put it, which meant flirt like mad or else talk about whatever case was on his mind. It was when they weren't flirting that she got to know him best.
And got to like him more and more.
He wasn't who she first thought he was: just a hunk with a gun and a big ego. He was so much more complicated, sweeter, more sensitive, brooding and brainy. He did everything one hundred percent.
Except love.
Sadly she was the type who did want love. Because her parents had died when she was a teenager and she barely spoke to her step-brothers she longed for a connection to a person that could not be broken. Someone to call her own. Something strong and sturdy that would never be ripped away from her like her parents had been.
Maybe Derek, being a profiler, could see that just sex wouldn't be enough for her and that is what was holding him back. As the days went on Penelope wondered if he was ever going to make good on his dirty talk or if there was something he saw in her that made him hold back.
All she knew for sure was she liked her life much better now that she had SSA Derek Morgan as a part of it. The flirting was outrageous and made her day just fly by.
But she couldn't deny that she wanted to take it further. Maybe he wasn't the one to fall in love with, that would be fine, but until that guy came along Derek was here.....and looking so damn fine.....always undressing her with his eyes and teasing her with his why not have a little fun with him?
To her way of thinking it wouldn't hurt anything. There would be no risk of heartbreak if she went into with her eyes opened. There was no reason to think she would fall in love with him just because she wanted to fuck him.
Of course, when a woman is as turned on as Penelope was over Derek, it was easy to lie to oneself.