Hey I'm ALIVE! Yeah so sorry i haven't been on. It's been hectic! I had such bad writer's block i thought i could never update again. But here you go!
Ahsoka: Disgraceful!
Me: You're my fave character you're supposed to side with me.
Anakin: Well it seemed you had lost interest in Harry Potter and Star wars the clone wars.
Me: I didn't loose interest I still love Harry Potter and I follow each Clone wars episode. I don't own either. T.T
Chapter 4
At HQ:
"Artoo I can trust you and these battle droids to get them here unharmed." Anakin patted R2-D2 on the head proudly. R2 beeped happily in response. R2 rolled onto the ship and beeped to the droids that they were ready to go. The droids went into hyper-space until they were almost at their destination. They flew high above the clouds because they only needed to be seen when they were landing.
At the Burrow: