Yes, it's true: I decided to write a tournament fic. I'll be taking OC submissions for this one, the form is below.
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon; Nintendo and Satoshi Tajiri do.
On a small, uncharted island off Fuchsia City's coast, a huge construction effort was underway. The prestigious Silph Co. had decided to hold a tournament to attract the best trainers from all across the world. The tournament would require many facilities to function: a battle stadium, lodgings for the competitors, and various attractions for spectators. But one of their facilities was deemed unstable, even dangerous. This facility could shape the experience of every attendee...if they decided to visit it.
After he returned from working at his family's auto body shop, James Curtis looked over a sheet of paper and smiled weakly. He had hoped for this letter for months now: the application form for the first Silph World Tournament. The tournament was supposedly going to be even greater than the Silver Conference, and he had decided to test his skills against the top trainers in the world. The form had Silph Co.'s distinctive double-S logo at the top, and was laid out as such:
Dear Trainer,
Congratulations! Your skills as a competitor in the various Leagues of the Pokemon world have earned you this invitation to the first annual Silph World Tournament! The tournament will be held one week from this coming Monday, and will take place on a beautiful island just off the coast of Fuchsia City. We would appreciate it if you would fill out this application with the following information:
Name: first and last, middle if you have one
Age: due to liability concerns, the minimum age for participation is 14
Gender: male or female
Hometown: where you are from
Appearance: include hair color and style, eye color, skin tone and any other information you deem necessary
Clothing: self-explanatory, include accessories such as jewelry and Pokemon Apps such as the PokeNav
Personality: please be as descriptive as possible, including battle style. Mary-Sues are strictly prohibited.
Pokemon: maximum of 6 Pokemon with the following restrictions: limit of one shiny, no legendaries. Entries should follow the italicized form:
Species Name (gender, nickname if they have one):
Brief description of personality:
Moves (minimum of two, maximum of six):
History: simply a brief description of your past for our promotional material.
Family: please provide us with the names of your family members for our promotional paraphernalia.
Other: any other information you wish to include.
We do sincerely hope you will choose to attend. If you do wish to compete, please return this form and make your way to one of the major port cities of the four regions for express transport to Fuchsia City. After you reach Fuchsia, our newest line of Seagallop ferries will transport you to the island.
Best regards,
Richard Silph, President
Matthew Jasper, Director of Public Relations
James looked around the room to see if his brothers had gotten home yet. They hadn't, so he figured he could fill out the form in peace. His completed form looked like this:
Name: James Stephen Curtis
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hometown: Violet City, Johto Region
Appearance: about six feet tall, built like a long-distance runner. Dark brown hair that falls into eyes and badly need cutting. Eyes are blue-gray and piercing. Caucasian, lightly tanned.
Clothing: gray t-shirt, black cargo pants, black running shoes, black jacket. Wears a Zephyr Badge as a necklace. Has a black PokeGear and dark teal Pokedex.
Personality: Serious and reserved. Not much of a talker, but more taciturn and observant. Favors a purely offensive battle style, using type/move advantages and timely substitutions to overwhelm opponents. Tends to become reckless in battle, acting before he thinks. Appears to be cold and distant, which often gives people the wrong idea.
Typhlosion (male, nicknamed Blaze)
Reckless and aggressive in battle, but friendly otherwise.
Moveset: Flamethrower, Swift, Dig, Flame Wheel, Overheat, Blast Burn
Ability: Blaze
Rampardos (male, nicknamed Dino)
A risk-taker, prefers to attack headfirst. Doesn't get on well with other Pokemon.
Moveset: Headbutt, Flamethrower, Head Smash, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Giga Impact
Ability: Mold Breaker
Gallade (male, nicknamed Sabre)
Quiet and focused. Keeps its distance from others.
Moveset: Leaf Blade, Swords Dance, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, X-Scissor, Close Combat
Ability: Steadfast
Garchomp (male, nicknamed Jet)
Relaxed, doesn't always take things seriously enough.
Moveset: Brick Break, Draco Meteor, Dragon Rush, Earth Power, Dragon Claw, Giga Impact
Ability: Sand Veil
Luxray (male, nicknamed Razor)
Shy, often shocks anyone who gets too close.
Moveset: Thunder Fang, Charge Beam, Light Screen, Crunch, Discharge, Thunder
Ability: Intimidate
Gliscor (male, nicknamed Claw)
Mischievous, frightens passers-by by swooping down on them.
Moveset: X-Scissor, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Quick Attack, Guillotine
Ability: Hyper Cutter
History: Born and raised in Violet City. Saw the five legendary bird Pokemon at age six. Parents were killed by a mugger when he was fourteen; his two brothers lost their jobs as police officers when he was sixteen. Has traveled through all four regions, earning all the badges and competing in the League Conferences.
Matt Curtis (father, 45, deceased): six-time Silver Conference champion
Andrea Curtis (mother, 42, deceased): two-time Johto Grand Festival winner
Darrell Curtis (brother, 24): former police officer, currently a mechanic
Shane Curtis (brother, 21): former police officer, currently a mechanic
Other: has a bond with Flying-type Pokemon, easily befriending and training them.
James finished filling out the form and tossed it to his Staraptor, who flew off towards the post office. Yawning, he began gathering his things; Monday wasn't too far off.
Alright, so there you have it. For OC submissions, I'd prefer they be PM'd to me (the reason being that I can look at each character in better detail), but sending them by review is alright as well. Once I get a few I can start the first chapter.
See ya!