"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The military padre had seen it all. This was his second wedding this week, and it was only Tuesday.

It was a bright sunny day on Esprito. The war was over, and the military was slowly, but surely returning home. Back to their normal, everyday lives filled with normal, everyday occurrences.

Bobby and Abby couldn't wait that long.

She threw her arms around his neck, and after a long kiss that had everyone in attendance whistling and applauding, she threw her makeshift bouquet of wildflowers into the small crowd.

Casey caught it and waved it over his head victoriously as the crowd laughed.

Their friends, at least the ones that hadn't been sent home, crowded in around them.

Since she showed up on Vella La Cava, they spent all the time they could together. It was difficult, being that she was on Esprito, but she never regretted taking the position. Now that she added that to her already impressive resume, she was ready to find a high-level nursing position at any of the premier hospitals back in the States.

When Bobby proposed to her, dropping on one knee on the beach during one hurried visit to Vella La Cava, she didn't even hesitate. He had become a part of her, and she knew she could never willingly give that up.

They talked often of the future, and Bobby thought he might want to try his hand at professional photography. There was lots of money to be made in a booming business, especially now that soldiers were returning from war, wanting to settle down and expand their families.

Plus, he could do it anywhere. Where ever she found a position was fine to him.

He thought he'd miss being a pilot, but secretly, Abby was glad he didn't want to continue that line of work.

At first, they were going to wait until they got back to the states to get married, but one day, after everyone on La Cava was sent to Esprito, they woke up, looked at each other and decided they couldn't wait another moment to start their lives together.

Johnny had even made it to the small impromptu ceremony to give her away. He liked Bobby, although he was a Marine. But, hey, at least he was a fellow pilot!

Her father had not approved, but Bobby said he was willing to take that chance.

Christmas would never be boring, that's for sure.

Well, folks . . . that - as they say - is that. Thanks to all who read and reviewed! And thanks to all who just read, too (I KNOW you're out there. Bwahaha!). Don't know which poor souls I'm going to torture next, but I'll pop up in some fanfiction world soon. Ciao, baby!