Imagine a teenage David Tennant (The Doctor) and a teenage John Simm (The Master)

"So, 'John', how do you feel about your first day of high school?"

The Doctor looked up from the list of supplies he had in his hands to see Rose smirking at him.

"Well, since I haven't been there yet, I'm not sure. It should be pretty nifty, since I know more then anybody in the school."

"Are you going to be a showoff?"

"No, of course not, Rose." But the way the Doctor was smiling told Rose that he was 100% lying. She sighed. Ever since the Doctor had regenerated into a teenager, everything had changed. Rose felt like a babysitter (well, she had before he had regenerated, but it was worse now.) She held the messenger bag out to him.

"C'mon, I only have twenty minutes before I have to go to work, and I have to drop you off. We're going to be late."

"Alright, alright." He took the bag from her hand and slung it around his neck. "You sound like my mother." He grinned at her when she scowled and headed out the door. She rolled her eyes and followed behind him.

"So, class, today is the first day of a brand new school year. Who's excited?" The teacher looked around, seeing no hands. She coughed and decided to move on. "Anyway, my name is Ms. Noble, and I will be your 10th grade science teacher." Oh joy thought the young blonde in the third row. He had been bored the second he had set foot in the class, finding all the "fellow classmates" around him too stupid to be of much interest. He was thinking of how to pull of the perfect trick when he heard his name being called.

"Harold Saxon?"

"Here, unfortunately." The last part he muttered under his breath, so the teacher didn't hear.

"John Smith?" The Master went back to plotting when he heard a familiar, yet slightly higher pitched voice behind him.

"I'm not late, I'm here, I swear!"

"Thank you for joining us Mr. Smith."

The Master slowly turned to see the Doctor walking towards him. Apparently the Doctor hadn't seen him because his goofy grin was still on his face.

"If you would, please have a seat next to Mr. Saxon."

"Who, ma'am?"

"Him." Ms. Noble pointed to the blonde haired boy, who was trying desperately to cover his face, so as not to be seen. But it was too late. The Doctor had seen him, and was standing in shock. There was a moment of silence before…


The Doctor instinctively grabbed for the sonic screwdriver that was usually in his back pocket but realized Rose had taken it earlier that morning.

"If security finds this on you, they will consider it a weapon."

"But it's a screwdriver! A sonic screwdriver! It's blue!"

"It doesn't matter, Doctor. I'm keeping it and that is final."

"Is there a problem Mr. Smith?"

The Doctor looked up to see an angry Donna glaring down at him, hands on her hips. He gulped and slowly let his arm fall to the desktop.

"No ma'am."

"Alright then. Let's start class." She turned away from the both of them. The Doctor leaned across the aisle, daggers darting from his eyes towards the Master.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the damn same thing."

"Rose made me come here."

"Oh, are you her bitch now?" The Master sniggered at The Doctor's reaction. It was so fun to make the other boy angry.

"Well, Harold Saxon, why are you here?"

"Well… I kinda ran into Torchwood, and they said I could either be in a cell for the rest of my regenerations, or I could do some community service. And since I had, for some reason, regenerated into a bloody teenage, hormone ridden boy, they decided high school was for me. What?!?" The Master looked at the Doctor, who was laughing quietly into his sleeve.

"Who's the bitch now, Master?"

"Oh, shut it Smith."


They both looked up to see a now very angry Donna looking down on them.

"I hope you like chatting because you're going to be doing it a lot, in detention."

Yay, first Doctor Who fanfic! Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Please review, even if you hated it. I need all the comment I can get to see if people actually like this idea or not. Please and thank you :D