Disclaimer: How can I own OHSHC? Hatori Bisco would have to go crazy, be given a shot of tequila and be high and even then she wouldn't give it to me! So no I can never own OHSHC.

Chapter 11: A mortal in the Other realm?

- Kyoya! Tamaki is here to see you- Fuyumi knocked on the door and smiled- I have to go for now, take care of Kyoya. He has been a little…odd this week.

- Odd?- Tamaki looked at her puzzled but Fuyimi was already leaving and he opened the door slowly and opened his eyes widely as he entered- Huh? What is going on?

The room was a complete chaos. Clothes all over and things on the floor. He looked at the messy bed but Kyoya wasn't even in it. He looked all over the room that was completely dark because the curtains were still closed. Then he opened then and heard a moan. He turned around and saw Kyoya in a corner.

- Kyoya, what do you think you're doing?- Tamaki asked curious at Kyoya.

Kyoya was rummaging through his drawer and making a total mess in the process. "It has to be in one of these drawers" he thought. He looked up for a second and looked at Tamaki with almost crazy eyes. His hair as completely out of place, he wasn't wearing his glasses and he was still in his pajamas.

- What do you want Tamaki! Can't you see I'm busy?- he said in his eerie and scary voice just like when he just got up.

- You're a complete disaster! Look at yourself! When did you wake up?- Tamaki asked concerned.

- I didn't sleep- Kyoya shrugged and kept looking into the drawer.

- Kyoya! You go straight to bed and sleep! I can't believe you spent a whole night….what were you doing anyways?

- I was looking for something- Kyoya he yawned and Tamaki grabbed him by the shoulders.

- But now you are going to sleep- He pulled him to the bed and Kyoya was looking at him with a death glare- see, if you don't sleep that death glare won't go away. What were you looking for anyways?

-…a pill…- Kyoya mumbled as he was closing his eyes and he soon fell asleep.

- You poor, poor thing- Tamaki patted his head and smiled- She must have left you like this. But I'm sure you two are going to get together soon.

Sabrina kept looking out the window, looking at the clouded sky filled with sadness. "What could he be doing?" she thought "does he miss me just as much as I miss him? Oh God, how I yearn to be with him!"

- Hey Sabrina! Breakfast is ready- Salem walked inside the room.

- I'm not hungry- She didn't even look away from the window.

- Come on Sabrina! You didn't eat last night and you aren't eating now? – Salem got on her lap and purred- Maybe petting me will cheer you up.

- Thanks Salem, but I'm not in the mood- she sighed.

- I know I'm no one to talk here, but maybe if you told me your problems you would feel better.

- I miss…

- Ootori, right?- Salem deducted and Sabrina nodded.

- I know it's wrong, but I love him. He has this mystery and magnetism to him. I fell for him the first instant he looked at me. I knew he hated me and even so I fell in love. Before we came here, I decided to break the relation because I was afraid he would get in danger because of me. He took it the wrong way and thought it was because I didn't want to try to fight against my grandfather. In a certain way he has a point, but he also doesn't want to face his family as well- She sighed once more and scratched Salem's ears as she looked down on him- What do you think?

- Ahhh, right there! That's the good stuff!

- Salem? Are you listening to me?

- I'm sorry but you started to scratch my ears and you know I love that- he stretched his legs and stood up in her lap as he looked at her- well if you want my opinion, you should do something about this. You can't live in a relationship hiding from your family. Normally I would tell you to leave that creep but it seems that creep loves you and so do you. If you truly love Kyoya, you should bring him here where it's safer for him. He could be in danger since he has been seen with you.

- Wow Salem, who would have thought that you were such a good advisor?

- Well you never did ask- he sprung to the floor and got to the food tray- now are you going to eat or not. Cause if you don't I'm gonna eat your food.

- Alright- Sabrina chuckled and went to eat some of her poached eggs and green tea along with Salem who was eating tuna- You know if Haruhi was here she would want some of your fancy tuna.

- Haruhi? That girl who you said dressed up like a guy?

- Yeah. I miss them all. I miss the twins goofing around, Haruhi being so skeptic, Hunny being so cute while Mori so silent. Tamaki being a goof and…Kyoya, being a total idiot- she rolled her eyes and kept eating.

- You still have that crystal ball don't you? You can check on them if you'd like- Salem rolled with his paws the crystal ball and placed it close to Sabrina.

Sabrina smiled and grabbed the crystal ball from the floor and looked at it for a second.

- Show me Haruhi Fujioka- She said and soon the ball turned gray as it was forming the image of Haruhi.

- Dad, I'm off to school!- Haruhi's voice was heard in the ball.

-Ok, dear! Be careful!-That must have been Haruhi's dad.

An image of Haruhi walking down the street and grabbing a bus to get to school was seen. Then she was at the third music room with all the hosts one of them was missing.

- So what's the situation?- Haruhi asked the rest of the host club members.

- It seems we have a problem with Kyoya- Tamaki said serious- He has been staying up all night and hasn't even come to the host club in a while.

- That's weird of Kyo-chan to not come. He is always here making the profits of the host club- Hunny hugged his Usa-chan while looking down.

- I know- Hikaru said sighing- It's not the same without the shadow king around.

- Could be because of her- Kaoru shrugged

- Her?- Mori asked.

- You know, Sabrina left a couple of weeks ago and ever since then Kyoya has been like that- Hikaru said with a worried complexion- I wonder why she left.

- My father told me it was because there were family matters to be arranged in her land. I'm guessing he means America- Tamaki said- Poor Sabrina. It must be hard for her to leave Kyoya since they seemed to be very much in love.

- My god! I can't believe Kyoya would suffer because of me- Sabrina cried- I thought he would be forgetting me by now.

- Check on Ootori. See how he is doing- Salem said.

- Show me Kyoya Ootori- Sabrina called and the ball turned gray once more and showed an image of a sleeping Kyoya. Comfortable in his bed while his entire room was a chaotic mess.

- So that's how much he is suffering- Salem said sarcastic.

- Well Tamaki did say that he didn't sleep at night. I'm guessing he is sleeping because of that.

- DON'T HURT HER!- Kyoya screamed and jumped from his bed as he was sweating cold sweat and breathing heavily.

Sabrina turned to see the ball once more and looked surprised. What was going on?

- Kyoya! What's wrong?- Fuyumi's voice was heard on the door- I am sick of waiting on the door. I'm coming in!

A small scream was heard and Fuyumi was standing next to Kyoya.

- I thought I told you to not come inside my room!- Kyoya said angry.

- I am your sister and I'm worried about you! You have been in this room for over a week now and you don't sleep nor eat right. Something is going on here and I want to know what it is.

- Fuyumi, stop brownnosing in my life. I'm fine. I don't need your help or Tamaki's for that matter. Just leave me alone!

- I am not going to leave you! Now tell me what's wrong!

- I…I don't know! I have been troubling myself all this week and I don't know why. I know I should forget about many things but my head is troubling me.

- It's because of that girl- Fuyumi said- Tamaki told me.

- Remind me to kill him- Kyoya rolled his eyes.

- He is worried, just like me. I know that you were getting in a dangerous plane here since she is one of the family's mortal enemy, but from what Tamaki told me I truly believe you two have a chance. Oh this is soo romantic!

- Women and their romantic ideals- he rolled his eyes once more- I don't know how to I am going to get her back I….

A knock was heard on the door and Sabrina hid the crystal ball under her bed.

- Hey Sabrina! I'm here to….- A woman came inside wearing a 18th century dress and her long light burnet hair waving as she walked- Am I interrupting something?

- Not at all Caitlyn! I was just eating! Right Salem?- Sabrina smiled nervous and Salem nodded as well- SO what's up?

- The gang and I thought you would be bored of sitting here all day and thought you would like to come with us.

- But aren't you all busy with the war and all?

- His majesty has enough guards! J. Michael had to go back to the mortal realms since he had left his job unattended.

- Job? J Mike has a job in the mortal realm?

- While you were living with Victor he had to protect you in the shadows and he couldn't live in the Mortal Realm without money so he took a job. Vic helped him. I couldn't understand what it was, something about a butler.

- I would love to see that- Sabrina giggled.

- So are you in?- Caitlyn smiled.

- Alright- Sabrina said rolling her eyes and smiling- I guess I do need some time outside.

- You know, we all missed you a lot while you where away- Caitlyn said cheerfully as she walked down the hallway with Sabrina under her arm.

Salem inspected so that no one was around and once clear he closed the door and rolled the ball out.

- Show me Kyoya Ootori- he said. And the ball showed him Kyoya and Fuyumi once more.

- So what are you planning? You can't just sit here and do nothing- Fuyumi said as she tried to get everything back in the drawers with no luck.

- I don't really know- Kyoya shrugged as he drank a bit of juice- I thought I had one but it failed and I have to make another one fast.

- I hope you know what you're dealing with- Fuyumi said sternly- I hear the Spellman's are powerful people.

"You have no idea" Kyoya thought.

- If I have to defy Victor Spellman, then I will! I don't care what it takes!

- I really hope you keep that attitude up kid- Salem said as he rolled the ball back under the bed- cause if you face Victor, he is bound to kill you. Especially when he thinks you're the one responsible for the war.

Kyoya made Fuyumi leave since he knew her husband must have been looking for her and he was sitting in the middle of his room with that same glass of juice and sitting it as he thought of a way to get Sabrina back. But why was it so important to him to get her back? A part of him questioned this and even restrained him. "You're in love dumbass! Live with it!" a voice in his head sounded.

- Oh god, I'm in love with my mortal enemy- he sighed and laid in the floor. As he was there something caught his eye. Something was sparkling under the bed and he took it out.

It was the pill he was looking for. "That's a transportation pill, great for quick escapes" Sabrina had said "The transportation pill can be used by both mortals and magical beings."

The transportation pill.

This was the key to get to Sabrina.

- Take me to where Sabrina Spellman is!- He yelled and threw the pill to the floor.

Smoke filled the room and he suddenly saw green. A field. Where was he?

Sabrina was wearing her usual pink dress with frills that she always used on a regular basis and was walking along the town with her friends, Caitlyn, Greg, Todd, and Lucy. She smiled at all the citizens of the town and they were always very nice to her. They all went to a countryside hill where they would rest under a tree.

- Ah….this is nice!- Todd smiled as he closed his eyes.

- You're a big lazy ass- Greg punched him in the arm- we're here to protect the princess remember?

- Don't worry guys!- Sabrina smiled- You can relax as well. Just enjoy the outside world while you can before the war begins to make us stay inside.

- True as it may be we still need to be on guard for anything suspicious- Caitlyn said sternly.

- Chill down Caity!- Lucy smiled widely and tapped Caitlyn in the shoulder- I know you're the most responsible of us four but you seriously need to take a break every once in a while.

- Excuse me for trying to do my job and protect the princess- she rolled her eyes.

- It's Ok Caitlyn- Sabrina chuckled- I want you guys to enjoy this along with me. I did need some company.

- It must be difficult for her- Todd whispered to Greg- She looks like she really misses him.

- Yeah- Greg whispered back- who would have thought she would end up falling in love with him.

- Uhhh guys! We can hear all that you're saying- Lucy yelled to them- talk about little conspicuity.

Suddenly there was a smoke that appeared in the middle of the field. And a body appeared lying on the floor. At first they didn't know who it was but suddenly Sabrina knew perfectly who it was.

- Kyoya!- She ran to him but Caitlyn stopped her.

- No princess! It could be dangerous- she was grabbing her forearm.

- Caitlyn please let me see him! I need to….

- Sabrina? Are you here?- Kyoya's voice was heard and She turned around.

But before she could even respond, Greg and Todd had grabbed him. Lucy suddenly had a light come out of her hand. The light was one of her special abilities. If a person was touched by her light they would fall immediately.

- Name yourself, intruder!- Lucy said a little roughly and putting the light close to Kyoya.

- Kyoya Ootori- He said- I'm looking for Sabrina Spellman.

- Kyoya!- Sabrina got off the grip of Caitlyn and ran towards Kyoya- You two let him go this instant!

- But princess…- Greg began but was interrupted by her.

- I said let him go!- once they let him go Sabrina went to hug him- You big idiot! What were you thinking? Coming to the other realm is dangerous!

- I couldn't let you go- Kyoya hugged her as well- Sabrina, my life is hell without you. I can't think straight anymore because all I can think of is you. I fought against my better judgment and my name and I don't care what happens I want to be with you.

- I love you Kyoya- Sabrina cried.

- I love you too Sabrina- Kyoya grabbed her chin- it may have taken me too long, but I am here now.

Sabrina went to kiss him and he received the kiss with open arms. They kissed passionately and tenderly. A yearning long kiss that demonstrated how much they missed each other. Ah great aawww was heard from her friends and she giggled.

- HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!- a voice was heard behind them.

Standing behind them was Nekozawa, J Michael, Vic, and many other solders.

- What is the meaning of this?- Victor came from behind the rest looking at Sabrina and Kyoya.

No more running, no more hiding. Sabrina rose from where she was and looked at her grandfather with a determined look.

- What you see Grandpapa. I am in love with Kyoya Ootori. I won't let him go just because you don't want us to be together.

- You truly are the black sheep of the family. What else is expected from a stupid half mortal?

Sabrina looked at him with a hardened look in her eyes. This had gotten too far.

- I don't care what you think anymore. I am sick and tired of trying to get to your good side. I have done everything you have asked me ever since I was a child. I have done the extreme so you can think of me as more than a wretch but you never showed any interest. Tell me Grandpapa, do you even care for me? Don't you love me?

- How can I love the daughter of a mortal?

- But I am the daughter of your only son as well. I am the daughter of Edward and I am your grandchild!

- Edward stopped being my son when he married that mortal. He is nothing of me. You are nothing to me. You shall pay for deifying my word. Grab the boy and lock him in the dungeon. As for this little traitor, lock her up in her room. You are not to leave your room until I dictate your sentence.

- But your Majesty….- Caitlyn tried to defend but Victor made her stop.

- Do as I tell you- he ordered and looked at Sabrina- if you thought your life was miserable now, you have no idea what a living hell I am going to make it.

Will Kyoya be able to be free once more? What's going to happen to him? What Is Sabrina going to do about it? Who is the real person behind the war? These and many more questions will resolve in the next chapter of this story:

Chapter 12: Prisoners of the heart

A.N. Konichiwaaa people! Usangie here! Bringing you the most waited chapter of this fic. I noticed I always leave my chapters with cliff hangers and a friend asked me why. The truth is that I love cliffhangers because it keeps you guys wanting more. For as a silly as that might have sounded. I am right now on a vacation of two weeks so my updating is slow plus I am planning not only this fic but many more as well. That's the problem with making too many fics. But I just love to write them all and give you guys different story lines for different hosts.

What can I say about the reviews! They were wonderful! I seriously love reviews…just as much as cake! And I want you guys to keep em coming! Oh and if you have ideas, suggestions, comments you know where to put em! :* gotta book it! Love ya!

