Disclaimer: I do not own OHSHC or Sabrina the teenage witch characters. I do own some additional characters (since I don't know names of Sabrina's family, I just went crazy and invented some of my own jijiji!! n.n)

Another normal day at Ouran High (as if they were ever normal). Haruhi Fujioka was walking down the hallway looking for a place to study. The library was full of people and the hosts were all in there making promotions of themselves. Even though Haruhi had to do it too, she felt like it was too much attention. Between classes and hosting there was barely enough time for studying.

As she was walking she noticed a person was standing in front of the art room. That person was not dressed in the Ouran uniform, so it couldn't be a student. The person was wearing a red and white t-shirt that went all the way to the butt, long pants, sneakers, and a cap that covered the hair. That person looked like he was trying to hide something or better yet he or she was hiding.

The person sensed the presence of Haruhi and turned around to look at her. The person had big blue eyes, rosy cheeks and pink juicy lips. Even with all those clothes covering her, it was obvious the person was a she.

- Can I help you? - said Haruhi in a serious tone. Actually she always talks like that to a stranger.

- I don't think you can Haruhi. - answered the girl.

- How do you know my…- before she could finish her sentence, a tall man dressed in black walked in, as if looking for something.

- Excuse me young man, - the man said to Haruhi- have you seen a young lady about this high, blue eyes blonde hair, wearing a white and yellow shirt, and white skirt?

- No I haven't, you should try the library. I saw a lot of people there.

- Thank you young man.

The man walked away and as soon as he was out of sight, Haruhi turned to the girl in front of her. She was smiling and looking at the art room.

- I wonder if its open- said the girl, clearly not paying attention to Haruhi. She opened the door and walked in. You could see from her expression that she felt happy in that place.

"This girl is kind of strange" thought Haruhi, "Who would be happy in an art room"

- Who are you? - said Haruhi without thinking.

- Oops, sorry for my manners. My name is Sabrina Spellman, and that man looking for me was Joshua. I know he is kind of serious but he tends to be sweet in times. As for your question of how can I be happy here, it's simple. I'm an artist. I love paintings and music. Those are my two favorite subjects.

- How did you...

- Know what you were thinking- Sabrina finished Haruhi´s question- you are so obvious Haruhi. You don't need to be a psychic to know what you are thinking.

Sabrina was looking fascinated at the art pictures, when a blonde gentleman came in. He was as handsome as a prince, but Sabrina thought he was not as he appeared.

- Haruhi, where were you? I was beginning to get worried, my daughter.

- You didn't even noticed when I left did you Tamaki-sempai. TT

- Of course I noticed- said Tamaki, then he turned around at Sabrina and looked confused- Hey Haruhi, who is the young man that's looking at the art gallery?

"God he doesn't see that he is a she" thought Haruhi. You could hear Sabrina giggling at the couple. It was funny that he didn't notice her gender, which means she has a good disguise.

- My name is…- Sabrina though for an instant- My name is Edward Spellman. Nice to meet you.

- But you said…- Haruhi said before she was shut up by Sabrina.

- I'm new here at Ouran. I got transferred from America.

- It's a pleasure to meet you Edward- said Tamaki with his well known courtesy.

- So what grade are you in Edward? – asked Haruhi.

- I'm in first year. I got a music scholarship because of my knowledge in music.

- Is that so- said two boys standing in the door, apparently they were twins. Both with reddish hair and separate hair separating. Behind them were another three boys, everyone as handsome as the next. But she could remember one of them.

- Yes.

- So what instrument do you play Edward? - asked the twins in unison.

- All of them. Every single instrument known to man.

Everybody in the room got a big shock. Could it be possible that a single person could know how to use all the instruments in the world?

- So tell me Edward, how is it you can play every single instrument in the world? - asked another gentleman in the door. He had black hair and was wearing glasses. He was calmer than the rest of the boys. Sabrina thought she had seen him before, but maybe her mind was playing with her.

- Years of practice. My grandpapa always wanted me to do something useful with my spare time; he let me choose between music, dance, or art.

- So you took music- concluded Haruhi.

- Actually, I took all three of them. - Sabrina was telling this so calmly as if were most normal thing in the world.

It was true, she had taken those three classes. She was used to working hard to get on her grandfathers good side, tough it was in vain. Her grandfather, Victor Spellman, was a strict man that always thought that business was first, then family matters.

Edward Spellman is actually Sabrina's father. The only man that Victor had. The rest of his children were women. Every Spellman possessed uniqueness to them. Victor was a book editor, Edward was a writer, Amelia (Victor's wife) had the ability of sculpting and the rest was the same. They all had a great power within any field. But there was something that made them different to every single family in the world, they were magical. Yes they were all witches and warlocks. Same for Sabrina, though she only was a half witch. Her father had married a mortal and thus making Victor mad. It was a disgrace to marry a mortal, but having a child out of that marriage was a total dishonor. Everyone didn't care she was a half witch, only Victor was ashamed. Amelia loved Sabrina so much that she would never bane her from the family.

When Sabrina was born, Victor took the cards in his hands and told the head of the Spellman's, the abominable Aunt Irma, of the disgrace. Aunt Irma was not happy with this, so she went to the Spellman's mansion, but she felt that Sabrina was too cute and innocent to be harmed. Instead, Aunt Irma decided to give Sabrina a "gift". She gave her the gift of perfection. Since being half mortal was considered being useless, she was given the power to actually do anything that she wanted. If she studied math, she was a genius. If she wanted to do art, she would be considered a prodigy and so on. But for Sabrina this was actually a curse.

- Wow that's amazing- said a small boy with a cute face, holding a plush bunny. Behind the boy was a gentleman, tall but silent.

- Well, enough about me. Tell me who you all are.

- We are the Ouran High School Host Club- said Tamaki with a great smile on his face. - My name is Tamaki Suoh, but may refer to me as Prince Tamaki. This young man is Hunny-sempai, and the tall one is Mori-sempai. The twins are Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin. The man with the glasses is Kyoya Ootori. And last but not least, this is Haruhi Fujioka.

- Host Club? I never heard of such a thing. But who am I to question Japanese culture.

- Well this isn't exactly what the Japanese do. - said Haruhi. "Nor anyone else for that matter"

- Oh. How interesting.

- Hey Eddi-chan, have you got to know the building? – asked Hunny- sempai.

- Well I was doing that until I bumped into Haruhi- Sabrina was a little nervous. She had never dressed like a boy; she was only doing this to hide from Joshua, her bodyguard.

- Why don't we show you around- said Hikaru Hitachiin.

Sabrina looked at her watch and realized it was getting late.

- I'm sorry but I have to go. Maybe some other time- Sabrina got out of the room in a hurry that she bumped into Kyoya on her way out. Sabrina now knew where she had seen him before.

- He is some strange boy- said the twins.

- But well, we have got to get ready for our customers- said Tamaki.

- I'm hungry. Takashi, can we eat cake now? - said Hunny-sempai in his usual sweet tone. Mori-sempai just nodded. Mori-sempai put Honey-sempai on his shoulders and went on their way.

- Well lets go- said the twins grabbing Haruhi on both ends. Tamaki ran after them franticly crying something about perverting his daughter.

Kyoya was the only one left in the room. He was thinking to himself and wondering. Why in the hell was a Spellman in Ouran?

- I'm here- said Sabrina panting after she had ran from the art room all the way to principals office. She had magically changed in the way. She was wearing her usual white ensemble, white blouse with a white skirt and white flat shoes.

- Where were you Miss Spellman? I had looked all over for you- said Joshua.

- The important thing is that I'm here. Was Granpapa looking for me?

- Yes, and he is not happy with the little field trip.

- Well, I better get ready for the worst.- said Sabrina walking into the office. The office was so big, fully furnished with beautiful art and furniture. Victor Spellman was sitting in one of the seats in front of the Chairman's desk. They were both drinking tea, but unlike the chairman, Victor was more irritated.

- You are late,- said Victor- you know that time is of the essence. If you want to be a great Spellman, you have to learn punctuality.

- My apologies Grandpapa. I was looking at the school. If I was to apply here, I have to know where I'm going. And of course, I was looking at the Music room. It's quite beautiful Mr. Chairman. You should be proud.

- Here in Ouran we are quite honored to be able to have all the luxuries and the advantages of any rich person. - said the Chairman. He was a handsome man, in his forties. He kind of resembles the young man he saw earlier.

- How lovely. I'm going to enjoy playing in this school- said Sabrina in a happy tone.

- You are not here to have fun. You are here to study. Remember that- said Victor Spellman with a harsh tone.

- Yes, Granpapa- answered Sabrina in a lower tone.

- Well, now that we got to know each other and that the paper work is all done. How about I invite you all to a dinner party? That way, Sabrina could get acquainted with some of Ouran's most important families.

- That would be splendorous. What time and where?- said Victor almost interested.

- Here at Ouran, at seven. It will be the initiation party for Sabrina.

- Well, I'm sorry but I can't come. I'm awfully busy tonight with the company meetings. But I will send Sabrina here. That way she can enjoy herself for once.

"OH MY GOOD!!! I feel a celebratory whoohoo coming on… WHOOHOO!!" Sabrina kept silent for she knew that her grandfather would scold her for being imprudent.

- We shall be expecting your presence in our dinner Miss Spellman said the Chairman.

- Yes sir.

- We must get going. I have business to attend to. It was nice meeting you Mr. Suoh- the chairman and Victor shook hands and Victor walked away with Sabrina.

Sabrina knew that her grandfather was going to scold her, he always did.

- Why were you late? –asked Victor very seriously.

- You must forgive me Grandpapa, I was exploring the school. I must ask, am I really going to the dinner party that the Chairman invited me?

- I have no other choice. He had told me he wanted you to go. I of course said no, but he persuaded me and I had no other choice but to say yes. But I will have you know, if you mess up this presentation I will take you out of that school and lock you up in the mansion. Am I understood?

- Yes, Grandpapa. - said Sabrina as calm and serious as she could. Inside she was jumping with joy. Finally her first party!!

As soon as they arrived to the Spellman's mansion, Sabrina ran to her room and once she locked the door, she started to jump up and down screaming with excitement.

- What's all the commotion? – asked Sabrina's cat, Salem. He was a warlock, but since he had tried to take over the world, he was sentenced to 100 years as a cat.

- Nothing, I'm just happy because I'm going to my first ball!

- Ok, ok, you are going. Now can you keep quiet? If I don't get my beauty sleep I'm going to get cranky later.

- Well you should do something more productive. Get up and do exercise. All you do is watch TV and sleep all day, you Garfield wannabe.

- Excuse me if I'm not interested.

Sabrina was going crazy over her wardrobe. Since she is a witch there is no need to change, she just zapped her clothes on. She was changing into five hundred dresses in one minute.

- Choose something already- said Salem- You are making me dizzy with all that zapping.

- This is very important Salem. This is the first, and maybe last, time Granpapa will let me go out. I have to cause a great impression.

- Speaking of impressions, how did it go today? I see you met a lot of people.

- Yeah well first I had to get away from Joshua and then I changed my clothes and that's when I… wait a second. How did you know I met someone?

- If you are implying that I used your crystal ball without your permission, filled it with peanut butter and hid it so you wouldn't notice, then I don't know what you mean.

Sabrina took the bed sheets out of her bed and there was her crystal ball filled with peanut butter steins.

- Salem, how could you? I need that for charm class.

- Well I'm glad I did. Do you know who you just met?

- No, and that's none of your beeswax.

- You met Kyoya Ootori. You have to be careful with that boy. He could be dangerous.

- Ok, let's say I believe you. How in the world is that guy dangerous?

- His father or better yet his grandfather is mad, and I mean really mad at you grandfather.

- How come?

- Long story short, your grandfather discovered that Ootori wanted to rob him so he cut every single connection with that family. Ootori swears that Victor wanted to rob him. But I think there is something else in this big enchilada of a mystery.

- Please, that was a long time ago. I mean just because of some old fight doesn't mean that Kyoya would want to kill me.

- Or would he. –said Salem in a doubting tone.

- Salem you are making it worse. Now all I have to worry about is the party and there is nothing that will go wrong.

- Or will there- said Salem.

Sabrina zapped Salem and turned him into a clown.

- Oh very funny- said Salem sarcastically.

What will happen in the party? Will the host club discover Sabrina's secret? What will Kyoya do? Will….

- Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute- says Sabrina- do you always have to do all those silly questions?

- Uh yeah- says Usangie- it's my job.

- Could you do your job without all the questions? You are just making these readers have a headache with so many questions.

- Ok, ok. I just want to do something really quick.

- What? - asks Sabrina.

- Come on in you guys.

The entire Host club comes in and says hello to everyone.

- What can we do for you? - asks the twins

- Do what you always do in the end of the anime. Please!! n.n

- Do we have to? – asks Haruhi annoyed.

- Well if you want to be in this story you must- says Usangie.

- All right, - says Kyoya- but we are going to have to charge you double for that.

- You can't charge me I'm the writer- says Usangie

- Do you want this or not?

- Ok (¬¬) - says Usangie- just do it!! ^^

- The Ouran Host Club will be waiting for you!!- says Tamaki

- We'll see you ten!!

A.N: I know this was kind of silly but I just had to do it. OH GOD!! I'm so nervous. Hope this turns out like I planed. Please don't give it a bad rating I'm only a beginner.

A couple of things to clear out, Sabrina only lives with his grandfather, not with aunts!! Another thing, her parents died in an accident, so that is the reason of why she lives with him. (If it were me I would prefer to live in the streets than with him) ¬¬

Many other things will be explained later, I'm only starting. I will update as soon as I can. Be happy!!

XOXO, Usangie n.n