New Story!! The idea just popped into my head. It's basically in the description. The Three Goddesses have to raise Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf from a young age. I'm going to try and go through all the ages. It's going to be so much fun. Not too much Romance, but a little.
Oh yeah! These characters aren't from Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, or anything! It's a new age.
And I don't own anything.
Sorry! You want to read the story, right? Well...YOU CAN'T! BWA HA HA!! I shall make this authors note go on forever and ever! You shall never read!.........Just Kidding. Enjoy!
Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf sat on the edge of Lake Hylia, staring out over the crystal clear waters.
"Well…" Link took a deep breath.
"Not what you would call an epic battle." Zelda shook her head staring blankly ahead.
"I doubt that one is going down in the history books." Ganondorf agreed, chuckling lightly.
*20 years earlier*
It was a peaceful day in Hyrule. The three sister goddesses relaxed above the land, on the Sky World. It could not be reached in anyway by the Hylians. It seemed to reflect the land below in some aspects. It was roughly the same size, but it was all grassland and temples. A few rivers and springs.
Nayru, goddess of wisdom, sat on a chair in her classic blue attire while reading a novel. Her light blue hair cascaded over her shoulders. Farore was watching a young couple sitting by Lake Hylia, sharing a picnic, her eyes dancing as she twirled her green hair around her finger. Din was randomly zapping people with lightning.
She looked over at Farore, who had a dreamy expression in her eyes.
"What are you doing, sis?" Din strode over, her red dress billowing like flames behind her.
"Shh, Din! They are about to kiss!" Farore snapped. She turned back, googly eyed, to the couple. Din's eyes narrowed into slits as she glared venom at the couple. She pointed her finger at them, a small zap of lighting falling to the earth, turning the couple to a crisp. Farore let out a yelp of shock, pain, and anger.
"DIN!" She shrieked.
"What?" Din said innocently. Farore's mouth dropped. She gestured wildly to the black, burnt hole in the earth.
"How could you!" She was practically in tears.
"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Nayru threw down her book and stormed into the room.
"Look at what Din did!" Farore screamed. Nayru glanced down angrily. Her eyes widened in horror and fury.
"DIN!!!!!" She bellowed.
"What?" Din said innocently.
"You blew a hole in the earth!!" Nayru pointed accusingly at the ground below.
"I gave it texture."
"Please stop fighting!" Farore pleaded. She hated seeing her sisters argue, even though Din had hit her last nerve.
"I'm sorry if Ms. Wisdom has a stick up her butt." Din said maliciously. Nayru's mouth twisted into a dangerous line. Below, Lake Hylia started to bubble. Farore screamed in terror as Nayru's eyes flashed.
"Care to repeat that?" Nayru's voice was poisonous.
"Yeah. You have a stick up you're a-" Nayru flew at Din, slapping her across the cheek. Din's eyes flashed madly. Death Mountain's volcano started to rumble.
"You can't destroy the earth!"
"Oh can't I?!"
"No you can't!"
"SILENCE!" The voice bellowed above them, making all of them wince. A bright light enveloped the three sisters, swirling around them. They found themselves in a gray surface, dusted with mist.
The four light spirits emerged in front of them, staring briefly before molding together. For they were not four separate spirits, but the ultimate god, divided to watch over all the land. He stood before the three goddess, a giant compared to them.
"Why are you disturbing the peace once again?" he said calmly. His voice still rumbled around them.
"Din disrupted the peace of Hyrule." Nayru snapped, folding her arms and glaring at Din.
"She has destroyed the land we made." Farore insisted.
"Uh, hello? I formed the earth." Din reminded them.
"You forged it, but we brought order and life to it." Farore said limply.
"And you, Din, are destroying the peace we strived for."
"It may be peaceful, but it's boring. Hyrule needs some excitement. After all, Link isn't going to go save Zelda for another sixteen or eighteen years." Din put her hands on her hips. Nayru looked ready to kill her.
"ENOUGH." The god bellowed. "I can not bear your arguing any longer. You will be punished." He decided. All of the goddesses' eyes widened.
"How?" Nayru squeaked.
"You shall raise who you created for the next sixteen years of their lives." The god declared.
"We never-"
"The bearers of the triforce. They need caretakers. Perhaps you will learn how to cooperate while raising your chosen ones." He chuckled. There was something unsettling about his laugh. It seemed to say 'this will be fun to witness.' A bright flash of light, and the goddess were back in their own land. They stared at each other. The same question blared through each of their minds. How in Hyrule do we raise kids?
Gah! So short! Darn it. I'm trying to make it longer. Oh well. What did you think? I promise it gets funnier.
Comment! Peace! c(: