" The tight top does nothing to hide a blooming chest and the distinct mark of a hickey. "

He was used to Mamori's sex appeal. They'd been friends for as long as he could remember, so he figured that perhaps he'd developed an immunity towards her; Monta and the basketball duo certainly seemed affected by her looks, and her killer smile. Sena just didn't see it. And he was glad, too, because he noticed Mamori's softness in what it came to Hiruma, and a love triangle was the last thing he needed.

Sure, he amused himself by thinking in what could've been, until Suzuna had happened. He knew he was lucky to have met her – in America, no less – because if it weren't for her, Taki would've never gotten in Deimon, and they wouldn't have won. At least this far, he'd gotten. But Sena felt lucky to have met her not because of her brother, but because he was irrevocably in love with her. And, he figured, humbly but courageously all the while, that the cheerleader's captain always ends up with the team's ace.

This was his reasoning—this was what got him through the games, where he knew that there were hundreds of guys, just ogling at her legs (because, honestly, she had a great pair of legs), and at her pretty face (her eyes could kill him, sometimes). So, it didn't come across weird when suddenly she grew. Sena had been used to her prettiness, and if she was fine the way she was before, so even if she was… rounder in places (he gulped), that didn't mean anything. He still loved her, madly.

But now even Agon stared at her when she jumped and screamed. And if Agon of all people, skirt-chasing, babe-magnet Agon—if he was staring at his Suzuna… Sena could feel himself deflate at the thought that Suzuna would start dating Agon. He just couldn't let that happen. So he devised a plan.

…It had sounded better in his head.

To be fair, it was her fault. She was the one that had kissed him after a game, and she was perfectly aware that after a game, his testosterone was jumping all over the place; Sena liked to think that she used that against him. So, she kissed him and it wasn't soft or anything—in fact, Sena was almost startled at the ferocity she demonstrated.

But it was to be expected. They were sixteen, in love, and hormonal—so, when she pulled apart to breathe, looking pink and sparkling and oh-god, so beautiful, Sena didn't even stop to think. He was nervous, but then Suzuna half-sighed, half-moaned ("Sena—") and he wasn't going to stop after she did a noise like that.

It took him a week to stare at her in the eyes again, and he noticed with distress (and boiling pride) that there was a red mark on her neck. He'd made it! She was now, technically, his, and now he could breathe without having to check whether some guy was hitting on her or not.

But then, Monta wailed at him and started throwing him stuff during classes. And Hiruma stared at him with a strange smile, and Mamori couldn't help but to blush and giggle when faced with him. And Taki—he was the scariest of the bunch; Sena would've never expected to be on the receiving end of one of his serious-glares.

He decided never to do a hickey again.

…At least, not where other people could see them.