
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy

As the son of the richest man on earth, Rufus ShinRa had a lot of responsibilities. Therefore, this to him meant that there was absolutely no time for feelings. And no, he wasn't emotionally stunted; he could definitely enjoy a good laugh with Reno or feel smugness after bringing down an opponent.

He could. But that didn't mean that he did. Not often anyway.

So why was it that he was feeling the worst feeling of all today? That gaping hole in his chest, feeling so…empty. What was this? His head was hot and his throat was closing. Pausing in the middle of signing his name, Rufus wondered if he was getting sick. Then he instantly banished the idea, there was no way he could get sick now: he had to attend a conference in less than five minutes.

But maybe he should have heal materia ready just in case. Just as the thought was taking shape, a shrill sound echoed through the room startling him. Oh, great. Scarlet.


Dear God was it even possible to stretch his name out that long? And how exactly did she reach those decibels?

"Yes Scarlet. How may I assist you now?" The words were laced with dripping sarcasm that the blond woman chose to ignore. Wonderful.

"Rufuuus," Scarlet whined incessantly "We have a meeting in three minutes! What are you doing still up here?"

Trying to avoid the meeting. Duh.

"I was just gathering a few excess materials that might be needed. Do feel free to go on ahead of me Scarlet, I assure you that I will be as prompt as possible"

Scarlett gave an over exaggerated pout while Rufus tried not to shudder.

"Ok fine! Just hurry up, I've got some very excellent ideas for our new weapons…If you want we could discuss them right here…Alone…"

It was all he could do to not shove the disgusting creature on his arms down the stairs.

"Yes, well as much as the idea…" disgusts, makes me want to heave, wants me to order your execution, "…appeals to me. I'm afraid that if you have any ideas it is necessary to bring them up to the entire group so that other opinions may be gathered"

The thing pouted again before turning around and flouncing out of the room with a little backwards wave.

Ugh, women. Rufus officially hated women.

But it wasn't even Scarlet that he hated the most. He knew that he was taking his own inner frustration out on her.

The woman he hated the most didn't even have a name. At least not one that he knew.

Gaia damn Reno and his promiscuous tendencies.

When he became president Rufus was going to ban these meetings from ever happening again. Even his own father had backed out of it, leaving Rufus to take his place.

What meeting?

Well the one that required all higher ups in the building to get together and sit in a room for an hour once a month of course. To discuss exactly how happy they were in their current positions in life and if they required any advice from other departments.

That didn't sound too bad?

Well, with Lazard and himself having a glaring contest that was rather childish, his Turks and Lazard's SOLDIERS glaring over their heads, Tseng trying to maintain peace that was not going to happen, Sephiroth trying his hardest not to slit Hojo's throat, Angeal trying to keep Genesis from flirting with any good looking official while keeping one arm around his rather excitable student…things got a little hectic.

"The bloody hell do you mean you have to cut SOLDIER funds back 10 percent?" Lazard hissed across the table at Rufus.

"Unless your hard of hearing Lazard, which I strongly suggest you get checked, we have been talking about interrelations with Wutai haven't we? If we want to remain as one of their allied conquerors we have to give them some support"

When he saw Lazard open his mouth, no doubt to give another sharp retort, Rufus quickly said,

"After all, wasn't it your SOLDIERS that had the biggest hand in the destruction of the nation?"

Rufus settled back, confident that his low blow would keep Lazard occupied for at least five minutes. If he was that lucky. Unfortunately, Rufus forgot to factor in that Sephiroth (aka the Demon of Wutai) was in the room.

"Do you have a problem with how I won that war Rufus?"

Well shit. Behind Sephiroth, Rufus caught the sight of Lazard smirking at him triumphantly. Resisting the urge to glare, in case Sephiroth thought it would be directed at him, Rufus thought fast. He had to solve this like now.

"Of course not…" Rufus began in his silkiest tone. "I was not meaning to cause any offense, simply attempting to get a point across to people that…are slow on the uptake if you gather my drift."

Score! Insult Lazard and mollify the man that was looking like he needed to kill something and fast. Oh yeah, Rufus would totally pat himself on the back right now…If it wouldn't totally ruin his image.

Lazard furiously opened his mouth but this time he was cut off by Hojo. Oh great, now the man was going to undo the careful mollification he had to think up on a whim. Gaia he hated that scientist.

"Oh don't take any offense Sephiroth hmm, you were created hmm I mean raised to cause destruction after all hmm. Everyone understands it's in your nature hmm"

Mad scientist takes parenting class! Please don't let me throw up, this is a new suit Rufus begged his stomach.

"Shut up you crazy lunatic! Don't you have anything better to do than be here?"

"Hmm Now Sephiroth…"

Oh wonderful. And thus begins another fight fest between the crazy killer and insane doctor. Rufus was about ready to bang his head on the table.




Someone was shaking him and pulling him up. Ah, Tseng. Lovely man. Quiet.

"Ah Sir, if I may intercede. I highly doubt that attempting to knock yourself out will bring the conclusion of this meeting any sooner. So pleas refrain from doing so."

Rufus stared at Tseng. Only two words made it through his subconscious and nestled deeply into his conscious.

Conclusion. Meeting.

Of course.

Rufus grabbed his expensive trench jacket and his expensive leather bag and his priceless bodyguard.

"This meeting is now adjourned" he declared with all the pomp of someone that knew he owned half the world.

And dragging Tseng out the door by his tie, Rufus ShinRa made his exit.

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