Disclaimer: they still aren't mine.

Author's Note: Ok here's the deal. I didn't like how I ended it. But some people said that they liked it so, I'm leaving up the first version as well as putting this one up. I changed it around a bit nothing too drastic. I'm happier with this one though still not all woohoo, but I suspect that I'll never be woohoo over a story of mine. Can't be helped. Tell me which version you prefer. Please? ::gives sad puppy dog eyes::

Has Anyone Eve Written Anything for You?

Chapter 14: What can I say?


Has anyone ever written anything for you
In all your darkest hours
did you ever hear me sing
Listen to me now
You know I'd rather be alone
Than be without you
Oh, don't you know that

That I want you to remember me

Has anyone ever given anything to you
In your darkest hours
Did you ever give it back
I have
I have given that to you
If it's all that I ever do

Well, I want you to remember

That this is your song

                ~ Stevie Nicks, "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You?"


Max opened Logan's door with the intention of running into his arms and losing herself there but something was off. She stopped in her tracks, trying to figure out what had changed, and then she realized that Asha's jacked had been stashed away. She stared at the chair it had been on and her lips pursed in thought.

She knew that Logan was waiting for her in the kitchen, she could hear the gentle clank of his fork tapping on his plate, and she could hear him mumbling under his breath. She also knew that he wasn't aware of her. So she stood there with her thumb in her pockets and tried to decide what to do next. She had yelled at Alec and Logan was in there waiting for her to come and tell him that she loved him.

Taking a deep breath she squared her shoulders and took the last few steps into the kitchen. Logan's head snapped up when she cleared her throat, his blue eyes were dark and brooding, "So is Alec any better?"

"No," she bit her lip as she watched him for a long time her unwavering gaze made Logan nervous but he knew she was trying to make a decision. "I love you, Logan," she said finally but when he opened his mouth she rushed on, "just not how I'm supposed to."

The look on his face had made her want to cry, because it was crushed and angry but more so because it was not as angry or as crushed as it was supposed to be. "What do you mean?"

"All this time I thought I was supposed to love you. I was never any good with emotions, I didn't even know what love was except for my brothers and sisters, but I thought I was supposed to love you. You were the normal guy that was supposed to make me normal by default." Her eyes had been sad but she went on, "it doesn't work that way."

"Max, I know you feel…"

"I'm not normal! I never will be and…" she looked at him letting the words trail off for a long time before she could continue, "and when I kiss you I'm not supposed to be wishing you were someone else. I don't know that much about love, but I know that much. So I love you just not the right way and plus…you have Asha." The last was a whisper as she looked down at her hands trying to keep her tears in check.

He looked like he was about to fall over; "Asha and I were friends, Max."

"Were. You aren't friends anymore."

"How do you know that? How can you jump to that conclusion?"

"Heightened sense of smell? Two eyes? Two ears? All genetically engineered to go along with an over-sized brain." She had smiled then looking at him as he had crumpled in defeat. She closed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm so sorry," he looked down at his own hands that were picking at his pants in distraction.

"So am I. I'm sorry." She folded her arms over her chest and leaned against the kitchen table and met his eyes, "we were…both ready to move on. We both did, we just…didn't want to admit it."

"Just for the record nothing happened between me and Asha, not really." It seemed to lift a weight off of him, telling her that.

"Just for the record, something happened between me and Alec." She didn't want to look at him for a long time and then she forced herself to turn her gaze on him. He was unhappy but when he opened his mouth the reason wasn't quite what she had expected.

"Alec?" He seemed ready to pout, "it had to be Alec?"

She let a smile split her face as watched him, "I think it did. Who else would be able to handle me?" Then she swallowed against the lump that had formed in her throat. "Do you think we can still be friends?"

"The worst line in the world." Was his sad reply before he looked at her again his eyes serious. "Yeah. Eventually."

"That's all I need to know."

"The guy had the balls to come to my house and win you over." He muttered under his breath making a face.

"Apparently…he was desperate." Logan looked at her with one eyebrow raised. "He came asking me not to let him be alone, and I screamed at him. He thinks I'm in here to be with you."

"Max, you can't…."

"I can't leave him like that, I know. I was just so mad at him." She grimaced at her feet, "when I woke up this morning and he wasn't there I wanted so badly to just make him hurt." She looked up with wild eyes as she realized exactly what she had done. "Oh no. I gotta find him."

"Good luck," Logan wouldn't meet her eyes and she had the worst suspicion that he was trying not to cry. She leaned over and touched his hand marveling at her ability to do that finally. Grabbing her jacket she shot one last look at Logan, full of regret for what had been and couldn't be, and then she was heading for the door not looking back again.

Then she was out the door ready to scour the entire city to find Alec but that's not what happened. When she saw him getting up from where he had been curled up she felt her lips tighten. He looked at her with lost eyes and she wanted to slap some sense into him. So she did.

She slapped him, open palmed and only hard enough to make a soft smack but it whipped his head around, he hadn't been expecting it. "That's for leaving this morning," she answered his shocked look. Putting a hand on her hip she pursed her lips unhappily.

"I said I was sorry…" he looked ready to cry.

"Damn straight you are. You better be happy that I'm willing to let you make it up to me."

"I know that…" He stopped and looked at her with wide eyes. The sting from the slap completely forgotten. "I get to make it up to you?"

"You'd better. If you make me regret this I'm kicking your ass. Be forewarned." She made another fist in warning.

A smile lit his face, "how would you like me to make it up to you?"

"You're so gonna be my slave for a very long time."

"Promise?" he was smirking now, his confidence restored as he watched her slink towards him. She bit her lip and raised an eyebrow and then he couldn't help himself. He grabbed her and pulled her to him as close as he could and without removing any articles of clothing. Her arms slipped around his neck and tangled in his hair as he lifted her. For a moment he was afraid that he was hallucinating, that this was some horrible joke and she would disappear behind Logan's door not to return this time. She was solid in his arms though, solid and warm and complete with the intoxicating scent of lilac.

She pulled away suddenly and looked down at him, "if I wake up tomorrow and you aren't in my bed, we're gonna have some problems."

He smiled mischievously, "what if I'm gone because I went to get you breakfast?"

"I might…might be able to forgive you if it's a really good breakfast."

He kissed her again, gently, a brushing of lips and then she smiled and the kisses became passionate and tender and electric. Frying her brain like she was struck by lightening and all she could think was that she wanted more. She felt his tongue on her lips and opened her mouth letting him taste her. Her fingers tangled in his hair while he lifted her up and then they were falling. Falling for ages until they had landed tangled together on his bed. She didn't know how they had gotten there she was just thankful that they had.

He pulled away from her one hand resting on her hip and the other cupping her cheek. The look in his eyes was unbelieving and awe struck like he had never once thought, not even when he had burst through Logan's door, that she would be there in his bed. He swallowed hard when she smiled wickedly up at him and let her hands slip underneath his shirt, letting flesh meet flesh.

She trailed a finger down his cheek, along his strong jaw, and traced the outline of his lips, feather-light. She leaned in closely to him placing her lips on his cheek in a tender kiss before whispering so softly she almost could hear it, "yours."

When she pulled away his eyes were opening and he looked down at her, smiling gently, "and never forget it." She started to make a snide remark when his mouth captured hers and for several hours she didn't have enough air, or enough higher brain functions, to talk.