This is it!! Enjoy!

George was stripping off his leg pads and Fred was stripping off his arm pads when they heard Ginny scream, "Hermione! NO!!" Their heads snapped up and their eyes met for a moment before they tore out of the locker room, scrambling out onto the quidditch pitch, only to find Ginny running across the sand towards….

Fred stopped suddenly, frozen in place. In the middle of the pitch, Harry was kneeling over a body, and Fred knew instantly that it was Hermione. Her hair was fanned out among the sand, and her limbs were splayed out awkwardly, meaning that there was a good chance that something was broken. "Hermione!" Harry cried out, and his voice was what jolted Fred out of his frozen state.

Faster than he had ever moved before in his life, Fred leapt forward, his legs carrying him across the distance that separated him from Hermione in only a matter of seconds. He fell to his knees next to her and joined Harry and Ginny's cries. "Hermione! Hermione, please!" he begged, gathering her limp form into his arms. Adrenaline poured into his veins, his heart pumping faster and faster even as his blood froze in fear. He cradled her face, noticing the bruises that were already forming on her high cheekbones and the scratches where blood was still oozing. He shook her gently, and she didn't stir. "No, please, Hermione!" he cried, his voice cracking as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Fred," George said quietly, and then a little more forcefully, "Fred!"

Fred lifted his head. "What?" he asked.

George nodded towards the slight rise and fall of Hermione's chest. "We need to get her to Madam Pomfrey."

Since he seemed to be the most level-headed one at the moment, George levitated Hermione to the Hospital Wing while Harry, Fred, and Ginny ran ahead to warn the matronly nurse. As the three students rushed through the door, they noticed that Dumbledore was standing there in the middle of the room next to Madam Pomfrey.

"Ah, here they are, Poppy," Dumbledore said cheerily as the Gryffindors skidded to a stop. "Mr. Weasley should be along at any moment with Miss Granger."

Fred felt his fear for Hermione momentarily dissipate as he stared at the headmaster. "You knew?!" he cried angrily. "You knew that this was going to happen?"

Dumbledore nodded calmly. "Yes, Mr. Weasley," he responded. "I did, but there was nothing I could do except for clear the quidditch pitch in order to keep others from being hurt as well. You see, Miss Granger did something very reckless, and the potion she used needed to run its course. There was no way to stop it without perhaps damaging her as well."

"Oh," Fred said flatly, disappointed that he could find the logic in that explanation.

Dumbledore looked pointedly at Ginny. "What you know will greatly help Madam Pomfrey," he told her.

Ginny gave a start, having completely forgotten about the book she had found in Hermione's dorm. "It's Felix Felicis," she told the mediwitch. "Though, Hermione didn't brew it correctly, and I have a feeling that she drank too much of it." She shrugged. "That's why she's been a bit off today."

Madam Pomfrey nodded. "What happened to her out on the pitch?"

Harry was the one to speak this time. "She asked me to teach her how to fly, and I couldn't get her to leave it alone, so I tried to show her a few things. She ended up getting on my Firebolt, and then she lost control." He shook his head. "She fell from the top of the stands."

Madam Pomfrey grimaced. "Another quidditch accident," she muttered as she bustled away, waving her wand to accio the supplies she might need.

Fred rolled his eyes and bit back the retort that came to mind. It was something along the lines of broom handles being stuck…. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled and he smiled at Fred momentarily before he slipped out the doors and back to his study.

George appeared moments later, and any ease that Fred had started to feel dissipated as he once again saw Hermione's body. Her eyes were still closed, her clothes torn and bloodied, but her chest was still rising and falling. "Madam Pomfrey!" he called, alerting the mediwitch that her patient had arrived.

"Bring her over here," Madam Pomfrey instructed, motioning to the bed that was turned down and ready for Hermione.

George carefully placed Hermione down on the bed, breathing a small sigh of relief where the girl showed no signs of pain even from her unconscious state. He stepped back so that he could stand next to his brother, and asked, "Now what?"

It was Madam Pomfrey that answered. "Now, you three wait and I'll give her some potions that should fix everything, including the Felix Felicis."

She bustled around the room, sure that the four students would understand her hint and leave, but they remained where they were, making sure that they were well out of the way so that she couldn't scold them and then remove them. With a mental sigh, she began her work, running diagnostic spells in order to discover any and all patches of internal bleeding, scratches, and broken bones.

When the tests were completely, Madam Pomfrey pursed her lips. Hermione Granger had taken a severe beating. There were two broken ribs, but they were easy to fix. The scratches were nothing at all. The bruises would heal in time. It was, however, the internal bleeding that gave the mediwitch a pause. It was extensive, and she wasn't sure if a blood-replenishing potion would quite do the trick, but she would try.

Madam Pomfrey labored over Hermione for three hours before the girl began to show any signs of recovery. At first, it was the barest twitch of the skin upon contact. Next came the flutter of her eyelashes. And then finally, Hermione's eyes opened. "Well, it's about time!" said Madam Pomfrey, clucking irately in order to hide her relief.

Fred, Harry, Ginny, and George were all at Hermione's bedside in a flash. "Hermione!" they all said at the same time. Fred slipped around to the other side of the bed so that he could casually take Hermione's hand in his, something that did not go unnoticed by her, even though she continued to speak with the other three Gryffindors. A slight squeeze assured him that he had not been forgotten.

"You scared us, Hermione," Ginny said quietly.

Hermione closed her eyes. "I'm sorry, everyone," she said softly, tightly, as though she was in pain. "I wasn't thinking when I brewed that potion." She turned her head towards Fred and smiled shyly. "I only wanted to get up the courage to talk to you without sounding like a know-it-all bookworm."

Fred squeezed her hand. "And I have a confession too," he told her honestly. "I didn't pull that prank on Snape with George because I was trying to get your attention." He cursed himself as he felt the tips of his ears turn red.

Hermione sighed, and then laughed, but the action was choked off as her healed ribs gave a small groan of protest at being put to the test so soon after their healing. "Ouch," she muttered, but then smiled at him. "Perhaps we should have just talked to one another decently, instead of changing our personalities so entirely."

Fred was vaguely aware of the fact that Madam Pomfrey, his siblings and Harry had slipped out of the small, sectioned off part of the Hospital Wing that Hermione's bed occupied, leaving him and Hermione alone. He was mostly distracted by Hermione's hand on his jaw. "Mmhmm," he murmured, unconvincingly.

Hermione smiled and then took a deep breath. "I'm still a bookworm, and you're still a prankster, and that's the way I want it to be." She smirked. "You've seen what happens when we try to change ourselves."

Fred grinned. "I don't know," he said, pretending to be serious. "You're pretty hot when you're sassy to your teachers."

Hermione pressed both of her hands to her blushing face. "Don't remind me!" she moaned. "I'm going to have to go and beg Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape's forgiveness."

"As soon as Madam Pomfrey releases you," Fred told her with a nod, not even trying to talk her out of it.

Hermione nodded, placated momentarily, and then said softly, "I'd like to spend time with you, potion-free, of course."

"Consider it done," Fred assured her, smiling. "I'm looking forward to it. Perhaps we can even call it a date?"

Hermione nodded. "I'd like that. It'll give us a chance to get to know each other better."

Fred laughed. "Oh, we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other," he told her with a smirk. "We have detention together for two whole months!" He made a face, but then laughed again at Hermione's horror-stricken face.

"I can't believe the amount of people I have to apologize to," Hermione moaned. "I'll never brew another Felix Felicis potion again!"

Fred gazed at her softly, and then smiled. "Promise?" he whispered, his hands cupping her chin. "I don't think I can go through watching you injure yourself again."

The sincerity in Fred's voice struck Hermione, and she nodded, unconsciously leaning into his hand. "I promise," she told him honestly.

"Good. And I promise to never miss out on a prank with my twin again," Fred said cheerfully.

Hermione rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the giddy feeling that was bubbling up inside of her. "Great," she muttered.

"Isn't it?" Fred asked, and then he lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss was soft, but there was such love in the way Fred caressed her cheek, that Hermione couldn't help but sigh into the kiss. It was slightly awkward to be lying on a bed, especially since Fred was sitting in a chair next to her, but Hermione managed to prop herself up and grip his shoulders to keep herself steady as he deepened the kiss, letting all thoughts of detention breeze out of her mind as his lips and tongue completely captivated her attention.

When Fred finally pulled away, he smiled down at her and pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead. Hermione smiled back, and then she halfheartedly caught him by his quidditch uniform. "Promise me that you won't do anything life-threateningly stupid while you're pranking," she ordered.

Fred grinned. "I promise. Trust me, my lovely Hermione, you're more than enough of an adrenaline rush for me."

The End

A/N: I hope you all liked this story, and Emily, I hope you approved of your plot! ;) Please review, and thanks for reading!!