A/N: Hey everyone! Plot was adopted from WeasleyForMe. Emily, hope I did it justice! Enjoy!

"I can't do it."

George halted midsentence, astonished that such words were actually coming out of his brother's mouth. "Of course you can," he told him. "This is kid stuff compared to some of the things we've done. All you have to do is-"

"I know what I have to do!" Fred retorted, slightly irritated with his twin, yet trying to keep his voice down so that no one in the Great Hall would overhear them. He knew that no one would look upon him inclining his head towards his brother's as strange. They did it all the time…when they were plotting and planning.

George looked confused. "Then why did you say you couldn't do it?"

"I can mentally do it," Fred told him, "I just-I just can't physically do it."

George stared at him for a moment. "Who are you and what have you done with Fred?" he asked.

Fred just rolled his eyes and ignored his brother. Instead, he let his gaze slowly drift over to a pleasanter sight. Hermione Granger. She was seated a few spots down the table from him, talking excitedly to Harry and Ron. As he watched, the sunlight glinted off her hair and revealed the sparkle in her eyes even as her hands flew about her face to illustrate her point, whatever it might have been, to her friends. Harry and Ron, however, didn't look nearly as thrilled.

A smirk quirked Fred's mouth into a wide grin. She was probably telling them about Hogwarts: A History. When she noticed that her friends were no longer giving her their undivided attention, Hermione frowned and turned, looking…right at him. Their eyes met, and Hermione seemed surprised that Fred was looking at her because her eyes widened slightly and she blushed, looking down at her plate with a wide smile. Fred, meanwhile, felt a warm, tingling feeling spread throughout his stomach and his heart, flushing his own cheeks just slightly.

A loud snap right next to his ear yanked Fred abruptly out of his tingly state. "What?" he asked, irritated, turning to find George smirking at him.

"It's because of Granger, isn't it?" George asked knowingly.

"No," Fred told him indignantly. "It's because of Hermione."

"Oh," George said with a laugh. "Pardon me. Since when did know-it-all Granger become Hermione?" When Fred flushed again, this time from embarrassment and a keen sense of disappointment that George didn't support his decision, George laughed again and clapped him on the shoulder. "You must really like her if you're not pulling a prank just to impress her. Go ahead. I'll do this one on my own, but don't start making this a habit, or start quoting rules and regulations to me, got it?"

Fred nodded, feeling better now that he knew his brother was only teasing. "Thanks, Forge," he said.

George grinned. "Anything for you, Gred."

George muttered something under his breath and a moment later, there was a crash through the window behind Professor Snape. Snape ducked, but that didn't stop the charmed bucket and scrub brush from attacking his head, methodically scrubbing his hair and face until he was screaming out countercurses to get the brush to stop. However, since the brush routinely passed over his mouth, all that came out was a spew of garbled words and several mouthfuls of soap as the bucket dumped a never-ending deluge of water down the front of his robes.

The Gryffindors were laughing uproariously, and even the Slytherins seemed to be trying to contain their chuckles as Snape spun round and round, trying in vain to get the brush away from him. George was leaning over the desk laughing, and Fred had tears in his eyes.


The room became eerily quiet. Everyone but Fred and George cowered away from the force of Snape's scream. Yes, it came out in an actual scream. Soapy water dripped pitifully down his hair and into his eyes as he angrily vanished the bucket of water and the scrub brush with the wand he was finally able to grab. When his task was completed, he turned furious eyes on the twins.

As their Potions professor began walking towards them menacingly, his cloak billowing out like a black shadow, George glanced up at him cheerfully. "Could you say it a bit louder, Professor?" he requested. "There are a few people in America that still didn't hear you."

Snape was actually shaking with rage. "Mr. Weasley," he said in the calm manner of a person that is truly beyond furious, "and Mr. Weasley. Detention for three months, with me, and fifty points from Gyrffindor!"

Fred's mouth dropped open, and he groaned. "But professor," he said, praying that it didn't sound as whiny to everyone else as it did to him, "I wasn't even part of this prank." He knew to anyone else that it would sound like he was ganging up against his brother, but George had told him that Hermione would not be happy to hear that he had been a part of the prank and so he needed to let everyone know that he had not instigated any part of said prank. Well, aside from the idea, perhaps!

George nodded. "It's true!" he insisted. "Fred wasn't part of this. It was all my idea. Honestly professor, I think he's trying to turn over a new leaf." George looked up at Snape and slid closer to Fred just in time to miss the rapid dripping of water as Snape turned his gaze to him. "It's not what I had hoped he would do with his life, mind you," George told Snape sadly, "but he's my brother, and I'll stick by him no matter what he decides."

The class tittered with laughter, except for the Slytherins. Snape glared menacingly at them, but the Gryffindors ignored him, choosing to focus instead on George, who was grinning madly, and Fred, who was sinking into his seat with a feeling of dread. Oh, Hermione was going to hear about this one, alright. "Thanks," he muttered dryly, trying to keep up appearances for his brother, as well as to prove his innocence.

Snape stared down his long nose at them. "I don't believe you," he told them, his voice calm, and icy cold once again. George was surprised that the water wasn't turning into ice on his robes.

"But it's the truth!" the twins said simultaneously.

"Ten extra points from Gryffindor for backtalk," Snape snarled, turning on his heel and effectively flicking water droplets at the twins before he strode down the aisle once again.

The twins groaned and glanced over at the other Gryffindors, who were already starting to look displeased by the loss of house points. Angelina made a motion like she was swinging a bat, and the twins understood her message loud and clear. They would be expected to make up the point difference by playing extra hard during the upcoming quidditch game. "Great," they muttered together again.

As soon as they stepped out into the halls, George and Fred were met with curious, admiring glances. George shook his head after telling the tenth person that Fred had nothing to do with it, and turned to his brother. "I sure hope she's worth it," he told Fred.

Fred saw Hermione down the hall, and his heart beat a little faster as she looked up at him and smiled brightly. "She is," he assured his brother. In a way, seeing her smile at him was better than pulling a prank. It was his own kind of adrenaline rush.

A/N: Hope you guys liked Fred's chapter! Next up is Hermione's, if you liked this enough, that is! *looks slightly bashful* I hope you did. Please review!!