Chapter 1: The Invention
"No. No, no, no, no, no. Shell no. And I repeat: no. No way, Jose. No. No, no, no, n-,"
"Okay, Don, I get it, I get it," said the orange masked turtle twirling one of his nun chucks.
"Mikey, how could you even suggest that?" asked Don to his little brother.
"I thought it was a good idea," shrugged Mikey "We'd get to see our counterparts."
"You heard what Leo Prime said. No more dimension hopping!" Don said turning back to his computer.
"Shell Leo Prime!" protested Mikey.
"Ahem, I resent that," said the blue clad turtle who had overheard Mikey "Now what's going on?"
"Leo, Mikey wants me to build a dimension portal so that we can visit our counterparts," Don sighed.
"Ya really are fifty-one flavors of dumb aren't ya, Mike?" said the final red masked turtle coming over from doing his hourly pounding of the punching bag.
"Raph," moaned Mikey.
"Don, could you build it, though?" asked Leo to his purple clad brother.
"Well, shell yeah, I could build it," he nodded "I've got the equipment, but why would I want to?"
"A Turtleverse Alliance" answered Leo "In case Shredder ever tries to destroy it again we'll have all the turtles of the Turtleverse on our side."
"The Shredder did say there were scores of us," added Raph.
"But that could mean evil ones too," remarked Donnie.
"Master Splinter is visiting with the Ancient One for a couple of months to discuss what the Shredder almost did to the Turtleverse with the Ninja Tribunal. It's the perfect time," sighed Leo.
"I'm on it," nodded Donnie.
Days passed and the three other turtles did what they could to help. Leo would screw and hammer some things to help. Raph collected metal and other whatnots to help with the building. Mikey was to make Don's meals and bring them to him. They were very clear that Mikey was not to touch the invention.
"It's finished!" Don sang one morning. The three turtles hopped up from what they were doing to go to Don's lab. The portal look like a computer connected to a flat circle that had purple and black rings in it.
"How does it work," asked Mikey excitedly.
"Easy," explained Don "I simply type the coordinates into the computer and a mirror into another dimension pops up." He typed in the coordinates to where the pudgy turtles lived and up popped the mirror. Pudgy Leo was reading a book, while Pudgy Mikey was spinning pizza dough. Pudgy Raph was already eating pizza and watching TV. Pudgy Donnie was working on a contraption. April O'Neal the reporter was there messing with her notes as was a girl with a blue turtle neck and brow hair in a ponytail.
"Hey, guys! GUYS!" Mikey tried to call out to them, but they didn't seem to hear him.
"They can't hear you, Mikey," said Don "You have to give them an interdimensional communicator." Don held up a circular object that looked like a miniature version of the thing on the ground.
"So, that's ours?" asked Leo pointing to the large circle.
"No," responded Don "That's the transporter. Ours is on the wall on by the TV."
"So how do we use the 'transporter'?" asked Raph.
"I set a number of seconds to minutes for it to transport us. That way we can get on. Ours is the main one, that's why it's so big. Here's a minor one," Don explained then held up an all black circle.
"Alright then, let's go!" Mikey began to step on the transporter.
"No, Mikey!" warned Don "We already know they'll be on our side them and the Primes will be our last stops."
"Stops?" this was Leo "You already found some dimensions?"
"Yup and packed your bags," he threw them each a different colored bag.
"So where we goin'?" asked Raph.
"One of the first turtle dimensions," answered Donnie "It time right now is the early 90s." He typed in the coordinates and stepped on the transporter with his brothers. The turtles quickly texted April to feed Klunk because they'd be gone for awhile and as the little ginger cat walked into Don's lab he saw his four owners deteriorate before his eyes. The guys fell into an alley way in a totally new dimension.
End of Chapter…
Kai: Okay, so this is just something I'm testing out. The turtles are going to visit the movies' dimension right now. Readers, if you want me to do a crossover with one of your series/stories on their adventures then review me. I do not own TMNT, but I own my OCs (when they get there) and the plot.
Mikey: Hmmmm…I wonder how this one will turn out.