Basically, this is a mixture of 100 one-shots in Fred and George's lives for the 100 Drabble/Oneshot challenge. It will skip to many times through out their lives, from the day they were born to after Fred dies, to their first zits of teenage-hood to their Quidditch try outs. We shall be traveling throughout their lives! Amazing!
Since there's a hundred chapters, I promised to myself I would post one each week, but don't expect too much from me! I'm a natural procrastinator! They won't be too long, however, so if I have time I'll post two or more. Really, it simply depends on my mood… and my teachers' and parents'.
In other words, I hope you like the following stories in…
Fred and George ~ In Our Hearts Forever
Disclaimer ~ I do not own Harry Potter in the slightest...
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1. Frog
(Their very first prank)
It all started with a frog- their lives, their love, and their destinies.
But, then again, this is Fred and George we're talking about.
Fred and George were playing in the muck outside on a rainy July afternoon. Being the little five-year-old brats that they were, they had to find some way to muck up the others' day. And the way to do that, of course, came right under their noses.
Or more like Fred's nose. He was the one that was pushed by his brother into the muck, face down, and his face landed on something, well… not muck.
It was a frog.
Fred was a curious boy. So, he scooped the frog up and presented it to his twin. They grinned in a way that soon became their trademark. You know, the one that sent others running in the opposite direction, because everyone knows something bad was about to happen? Even then the look they gave was a frightening one.
That poor frog never stood a chance.
"Mum! Where's my Potions book?" Bill yelled as he descended the stairs in the Burrow which Fred and George has just entered.
"You lost your book already?" Molly Weasley answered back, also in a yell. "You've been here less than a month!"
"Mum!" Bill complained. "I need that book! Does it matter?"
"Yes, dear, because you really shouldn't–"
George gestured to Fred in a "follow me" motion, ignoring the yells of their family. Bill had run past them, giving George a brilliant idea of what to do. What to do with their frog.
If only PEDA knew, the resulting cruelty could have been stopped.
Fred and George hid beneath Bill's desk in his room. Luckily, Bill had left his door open, allowing the two desperados to enter without attention being drawn. Now they watched as Bill entered once more with his newly rediscovered Potions book. He simply through it onto the desk, obviously with no desire to crack it open and study, and threw himself onto the bed.
Bill ricocheted off the bed in disgust. He lifted the bedcovers to see nothing other then slime staining the sheets and a poor frog looking like he was in, well… deep pain. Torture more like. Bill picked up the suffering creature tenderly and then shouted, "MUM!"
"What is it now, Bill?" Molly stormed up the stairs, getting annoyed by her son.
"Look at this!"
Molly entered the room and stopped dead when she saw the frog. "Oh my…" She looked around and spotted the two young boys under the desk. "FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? WHAT IN HEAVENS' NAME WOULD POSESS YOU TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS? I CANNOT BELIEVE–"
If only she knew this would be the first of many pranks. She might have saved her breath.
No frogs have been harmed in the making- only fictional ones.
DONE! I hope you all liked it! Review review review review review review review review review review review review review! Please?
Thanks for reading at least!