Ben Daniels face filled Alex's vision as the ex sas soldier entered the Barracks. As traumatising and frightening the past few days of Alex's life had been, just seeing the forced smile of an old friend lighted a small spark of happiness.

The small fire that had apeared deep inside his consciousness immediently vanished when the gruff voice of Wolf broke through Alex's concentration.

"Fox. Was wondering when we'd be seeing your big MI6 ass around here again"

Alex drew his attention back to his half packed suitcase ignoring the friendly banter between team mates and began pulling out some of the few nessasities he had bought with him.

At the bottom of his bag lay the two photos. One of himself, Ian and Jack and the second of his parents.

"Who's that" Eagles too happy not to mention nosey voice apeared behind him.

Alex looked down, hoping his now team mates had missed the pelt of sadness on his face.

"It's noone. Noone to concern you anyway" his sharp reply caused Eagle to submit and to go back and continue his conversation with Snake, Wolf and Ben.

Alex sat on the hard bed. Putting his face in his hands and took a deep breathe. Blunt was determined to prevent him from ending his own life. Why couldn't Blunt just mind his own boring buisness.

Alex jumped as a hand was placed on his shoulder and as he looked up Ben concerned but friendly face filled his vision.

"Alex, i know how difficult these past few days have been for you. You're probably feeling alone and freaked out, but as angry and you must be im here to help".

Alex nodded once. Looked down and continued ignoring his team mates.

Sorry guys i know it always looks so much longer when im writing it. Well its better than nothing right?