A/N: this plot bunny viciously mauled me as I was thinking about the way people talk. Feel free to comment

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. If I did, I'd've sent it to my 8th grade English/grammer before publishing to get any mistakes scrawled upon. Then It'd go through my dad to edit out any plot holes. Then it'd go to my mom for a final checkover. THEN I'd send it to the publisher.


"Ah, Tom, before we duel, I'd like to warn you of something," said one Albus Dumbledore.

"What, that I have no chance against you? Think again, old fool!" shouted one Tom Marvolo Riddle, more commonly known as Voldemort.

"Not really, I recognize that I'm well past my prime and you have a magically enhanced body. No, when young Harry here gets mad, he's very proficient at curses," Albus said with a slightly terrified look on his face.

"...What? That's it? Are you KIDDING?" Tom -or Voldemort- shouted incredulously.

"Er, no, his kind of curse is... ah... different... than those most wizards preform."

"Yes, then let's see."

Voldemort -or is it Tom?- vanished, only to appear as a specter in Harry's mind. He muddled around a bit, trying to find all of Harry's anger triggers, and my, weren't there a lot of them! On the outside, Albus was hiding behind a nearby corner, looking at Harry nervously.

Voldie Tom-mort (which is now what he shall be called [by me]) eventually found all of what he was looking for and actively invaded Harry's mind, triggering all of them at once.

Instantly, Harry changed from a mild teen to a vicious, bloodthirsty... teen?

"What the (bleep) is this (bleep)ing (bleep)er doing in my (bleep)ing mind, (bleep)-ledore?! I thought you said those (bleep)ing Occulemency lessons would keep this (bleep)er out of my (bleep)ing head! You were all 'Of course your way won't work' but y'know what? I'm Harry (bleep)ing Potter and it's my (bleep)ing mind! Wouldn't ya think I'd know it better, (bleep)er?! And YOU!! Tom Marvolo (bleep)ing Riddle! Ever since that (bleep)ing greasy-haired git told you about that (bleep)ing prophecy from that (bleep)ing old hag, you've been after my life!! Five (bleep)ing years of these (bleep)ing attacks!! and y'know what? I HATED EVERY (bleep)ING MINUTE OF THEM!!!!!!"

Voldemort instantly fled from Harry's mind, and he hid alongside Albus in the corner. Albus turned to him.

He whispered, "I told you so."

Voldie Tom-mort whispered back, "I never should have doubted you, sir."

And, leaving the raging teen to his friends, mentor and student walked out of the building, shoulder to shoulder, both agreeing to never speak of tis again.

And the moral of this story?


Actually I never really thought of one, sorry.

(ehehe *sweatdrop*)