Khelder the Guide
Rose G
Disclaimer - All characters mentioned in this story are the property of David Eddings and probably his wife. I have made no money from using them.
A/N - I'm aiming to tell Silk's story up until he joins the companions, then do his viewpoint on some of their journeys. I may also do a few chapters taking on from the end of Silk's Wedding (shameless plug) which has not been abandoned.
Right, let's get one thing clear. I am writing this for two reasons and enjoyment isn't one of them. One, I can sell it and make some money that won't result in me having every merchant in Tolnedra after me with hired Nyssian assassins. Their poisons taste so bad and spying's a bit difficult if your guts feel like they've got a white-hot hook stuck in them.
Two, his almighty lordship Belgarath told me to. The last time I questioned him, I ended up in a cave while he pretended he'd got lost so I'm not in a hurry to repeat that. Anyone, he's almost like a God to me, and I'm not being sarcastic this time. Me and him and all the others have been linked since before the world was made, so isn't inevitable we should be close to each other?
I'm not sure why he asked me to tell m story, but it may be because Garion and that pretty little wife Ce'Nedra forced him and Polgara to tell theirs. Ce'Nedra always was the most devious women I've met. Sorry, Velvet, but its true. Also, I guess I made a mistake by living in dear old Drasnia, so close to mother. I still can't bear to be near her, and I seem to remember a few long nights in inns, so there were probably a lot more. Writing this should stop me doing that.
But in the name of the seven Gods, Belgarath and Barak, I've only been married six months. Don't I have better things to do with my time, or are you just jealous of me? I mean, Yarblek and me have enough money to buy that precious Vale of yours and sink every Cherek warship in the Sea of Winds - just for the hell of it.
. I might as well start at the beginning and set a few things straight. One, the term 'rat' is highly offensive to me. Two, I can only swindle people if they're thick enough to buy from me. And three, I am not afraid of snakes - I just dislike finding them in Velvet's dress. Anyway, I've started at the end again, haven't I? That's because ends are safer than beginnings, and it's normally when you get paid. All right, Belgarath, keep calm. I'll start in my own good time. You always were too impatient, old man. I've heard all people of your great age get like that though, so no need to worry.
I know this is rather short, so just tell me what you think and I'll update soon.